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View Full Version : Apple users! What POSSIBLY to expect.

02-10-2012, 12:57 PM
I posted this in another thread but I thought it may be useful as a stand alone thread.

I wouldn't expect anything for apple products until after the android beta (if there is an android beta). What we know about STS betas stems from the previous SL beta. The original star legends beta lasted two weeks before STS released a full beta for everyone to access on the android market. How long that lasted I do not remember exactly but it was an additional couple of weeks. Since we have been given no information on whether or not players will get to partake in the beta assuming that DL will head down the same road is strictly speculation.

I say this only because they currently have a closed beta going on. So if you're a hopeful iProducts user you could say maybe the game will be released after the closed beta has ended which I assume has been going on for atleast a couple of weeks now I know there is an internal beta currently active because...

Quote File from an internal Dark Legends tester: "The blood, loot, and attack fx are definitely giving me this feeling like I’ve hit the jackpot on a gore-spewing slot machine."

Sam has quoted one of the internal testers.

The backlash from Iproduct users during the last beta was tremendous and there were many many angry STS users who were disappointed. The same went from when STS released PL onto the apple devices three months before they ever relleased for android. So we will see if they have learned from their mistakes and keep the testing internal until it is prepared for full release BUT! they may or may not want to do a another semi-closed beta on the android market to see how the game responds to users in mass. I hope this has been helpful to you.

On a side note I've been playing STS games since the beggining. I'm going on almost two years now and I am looking forward once again to their next big title release. Thank you STS for two years of wonderful friends,fun, memories, and an overall SUPERB gaming experience!

p.s. please do not use ticket style purchases for the valentines day event on either SL or PL you makin' the people mad! If anything just make plat purchasable items. Maybe sets based through the levels so you can just buy whatever set you want for your toon at whatever level toon you want it for. Turnstyle ticket gaming is not fun! give the people what they pay for. (probably to late to implement this effect but not for Easter!)

02-10-2012, 06:25 PM
Android's is a very flexible...ment for 'Kind of' open use....apple is strict and always has been since i could remember....even before imacs, its always been there policy to have full applications to run on there systems. Android in a since is like a PC....and Apples will be Apples lol

Xperia Play FTW!

Now what ever STS decides to do, is up to them. They have a Marketing/Finance/Development/programers team....We just play the game my friend lol....STS knows what there doing. just like any company, customers are always on the minds of companies :p But for a company to survive they need fuel from paying customers, to keep the game free for others that cant pay.

02-10-2012, 06:32 PM
Hey! You should expect a similar structure for DLs release. Apple's approval system is just too restrictive for us to do anything close to a beta on it (they don't even accept beta apps). We need the flexibility that the Android market grants us to ensure a smooth release.

02-10-2012, 06:44 PM
Hey! You should expect a similar structure for DLs release. Apple's approval system is just too restrictive for us to do anything close to a beta on it (they don't even accept beta apps). We need the flexibility that the Android market grants us to ensure a smooth release.

Thanks justg im gonna steal this and add it to my thread muhahahaha lol.

02-10-2012, 06:51 PM
Hey! You should expect a similar structure for DLs release. Apple's approval system is just too restrictive for us to do anything close to a beta on it (they don't even accept beta apps). We need the flexibility that the Android market grants us to ensure a smooth release.

And the G man has Spoken. :02.47-tranquillity:

02-10-2012, 06:52 PM
As an Apple user, and one who struggled with the whole business around the release of SL, I could talk for hours on this topic. My wife has heard it all, believe me.

I do not feel that a global open beta for any and all Android users is right, or fair. I was insulted by the very idea that thousands of Android users were simply downloading and playing the beta and giving no feedback whatsoever. Meanwhile, one or two beta testers who hate everything Apple would come to the chatbox and taunt us.

But there were good testers! I think testing should be exclusive to people who actually help.

It has to be Android, of course. Apple will not allow it.

Beta testers should be chosen based on their proven commitment to providing feedback. They should have to fill out applications. They should be experienced players. Their applications should be compared with the quality of feedback they have already provided. People who throw tantrums, for instance, are not beta testers. If chosen, they should be given a list of questions to answer.

Then, after release, they should get beta vanities.

I understand that we Apple users sacrifice some things to have our walled garden. We made this choice. My iPhone, my iPad, my iMac, my iBooks have never, ever been attacked, and I have been a Mac user since 1984. I do page layout for a living. I choose Mac for many, many reasons. I do not want an Android phone. I want simple things. My life is already too complex.

But Apple did let us down big time for the SL release. I sent them two letters. See, because I work in localization/translation I am in the Apple Developer's Group. So I sent emails to the address they provide to developers asking what was the holdup. I pointed out that STS has been an iPhone developer longer than most other companies (i.e. Shotgun Granny). I got a reply from a person with a ticket number. Well the next day they contacted STS and said it was because of the shared plat. Awesome. Not sure it was my email, but at least there was movement. Two, maybe three weeks later, still no release!!! So I sent a reply to my ticket, using the ticket number, and told them that the Android people were lording it over us and rubbing our noses in it. I even said I was so disappointed I actually started arguing with The Macalope in my head! (Argue with The Horny One! Inconceivable!) I invited them to come read the messages on our message board, and see how Android users were behaving. Next day it came out. Was it me? Did I somehow say the right thing? I'll never know.

The lesson is, we do pay a high price for our higher security. One of those prices is the app approval process. I have so many other reasons to stick with Mac. A video game's availability is not going to be the deciding factor for me.

Anyway, Apple people like me, we should not expect a quick process. We should expect it to take for-bleepin'-ever.

02-10-2012, 07:52 PM
As an Apple user, and one who struggled with the whole business around the release of SL, I could talk for hours on this topic. My wife has heard it all, believe me.

I do not feel that a global open beta for any and all Android users is right, or fair. I was insulted by the very idea that thousands of Android users were simply downloading and playing the beta and giving no feedback whatsoever. Meanwhile, one or two beta testers who hate everything Apple would come to the chatbox and taunt us.

But there were good testers! I think testing should be exclusive to people who actually help.

It has to be Android, of course. Apple will not allow it.

Beta testers should be chosen based on their proven commitment to providing feedback. They should have to fill out applications. They should be experienced players. Their applications should be compared with the quality of feedback they have already provided. People who throw tantrums, for instance, are not beta testers. If chosen, they should be given a list of questions to answer.

Then, after release, they should get beta vanities.

I understand that we Apple users sacrifice some things to have our walled garden. We made this choice. My iPhone, my iPad, my iMac, my iBooks have never, ever been attacked, and I have been a Mac user since 1984. I do page layout for a living. I choose Mac for many, many reasons. I do not want an Android phone. I want simple things. My life is already too complex.

But Apple did let us down big time for the SL release. I sent them two letters. See, because I work in localization/translation I am in the Apple Developer's Group. So I sent emails to the address they provide to developers asking what was the holdup. I pointed out that STS has been an iPhone developer longer than most other companies (i.e. Shotgun Granny). I got a reply from a person with a ticket number. Well the next day they contacted STS and said it was because of the shared plat. Awesome. Not sure it was my email, but at least there was movement. Two, maybe three weeks later, still no release!!! So I sent a reply to my ticket, using the ticket number, and told them that the Android people were lording it over us and rubbing our noses in it. I even said I was so disappointed I actually started arguing with The Macalope in my head! (Argue with The Horny One! Inconceivable!) I invited them to come read the messages on our message board, and see how Android users were behaving. Next day it came out. Was it me? Did I somehow say the right thing? I'll never know.

The lesson is, we do pay a high price for our higher security. One of those prices is the app approval process. I have so many other reasons to stick with Mac. A video game's availability is not going to be the deciding factor for me.

Anyway, Apple people like me, we should not expect a quick process. We should expect it to take for-bleepin'-ever.

this is a good point. because i actually played beta star legends. well not really i just saw it in the android market and never thought to play it. so it was pretty much a blur during that time. now that i now what it is and what platforms support it because i used to have contract with apple. so once i got an android galaxy s i realized i was lucky to be able to beta test. and so yes, i think that we android users (beta testers) should fill out a questionnaire or application to show how much we can handle beta testing also giving feed back to apple users.

02-10-2012, 08:25 PM
Thanks justg im gonna steal this and add it to my thread muhahahaha lol.

Be sure to include information on the subject matter Flip is referring to.

02-10-2012, 09:28 PM
Hey! You should expect a similar structure for DLs release. Apple's approval system is just too restrictive for us to do anything close to a beta on it (they don't even accept beta apps). We need the flexibility that the Android market grants us to ensure a smooth release.

Justg your such a straight shooter and I freaking love it. Thx for the info devmasta :D

02-11-2012, 10:38 AM
Snakes, we think you are a wonderful person and we totally appreciate any nudge you may have given SL last year.

I hear ya bout using a small group, but part of what we need in a beta is user load... it is simply impossible to predict what will happen in a game until a few thousand people are running through it.

I know this is not ideal, and I loves me some apple just like you (my personal phone and tablet are their products). We're still working out specifics, but it will most likely be a staged release similar to SL last time.

And Protank, thanks for your support as well. I need to be more careful with exactly how straight I shoot (holiday content, oof) but I'll always try to be as open as I can with you guys.

Bottom line is we love you and want all of you enjoying our games, so we're going to get them to you as quickly as we possibly can while ensuring as high a quality product as possible.

Have a great weekend!

- g

02-13-2012, 08:34 AM
Yes, I am a little disappointed that DL will take longer for the Apple products....but life is about reality and the reality of the situation is that Apple has its approval processes and it will continue to be that way for the foreseeable future. I am in IT for a school district, thus, I live in both worlds out of necessity. If given a choice, all my computers would be Apple products. I have never and will never yell at or flame STS for Apple's slow approval, etc. I have found, since beginning with PL in June 2010, that STS strives to have the best product BEFORE global release so that the initial experience is the best it can be....for this, I am willing to wait a little longer. As always, thanks STS for all you do and thanks to devoted, mature players like Snakespeare who can make legitimate complaints without flaming or ranting..(well, maybe a little ranting..lol). Have fun out there!!!

02-13-2012, 03:01 PM
Snakes, we think you are a wonderful person and we totally appreciate any nudge you may have given SL last year.

I hear ya bout using a small group, but part of what we need in a beta is user load... it is simply impossible to predict what will happen in a game until a few thousand people are running through it.

I know this is not ideal, and I loves me some apple just like you (my personal phone and tablet are their products). We're still working out specifics, but it will most likely be a staged release similar to SL last time.

And Protank, thanks for your support as well. I need to be more careful with exactly how straight I shoot (holiday content, oof) but I'll always try to be as open as I can with you guys.

Bottom line is we love you and want all of you enjoying our games, so we're going to get them to you as quickly as we possibly can while ensuring as high a quality product as possible.

Have a great weekend!

- g

I am not disappointed in anyway "G-Man" i have been disappointed also, but just like any other feeling "People will get over it, and move on so-to-speak".... But i cant speak for everyone, but i can say this. "Thank you for listening to the suggestions you have heard from us, and we await the next update.
