View Full Version : 26 PvP chars: graceful talkin

02-11-2012, 12:29 AM
hello! im now gonna teach 26 builds and such. first bears, alot of people think mages overpower bears at 26, but bears can use debuffing just like 35+ bears, and here is the major tips, more bekon equals less damage, bears dont need iron blood, but work well with debuffing, candles and toymen are good alternatives to demon claws/or any talons, and trapping or pinning is still good. Now mages, always seem to be the best of 26 pvp to most people. And they are very good, people always wonder what gear to use, and the best gear is [crystal onyx or EQ sets int], [dex helm 25 pink dex leather toymen/candles/SSC wings or legend wing] not to specific but still a good outline. builds, either kite or tank, im not gonna do tank build, look for solvocks post for that, but kite is simple, 5-6 fire 1-3 drain 2+ lighting and 1 heal full buffs 1 sheild. and the last forgotten class of 26, BIRDIES, yus birds, tasty lil fellos, get em some 15 dodge armor[armsman] onyx sword and dex SSC or vyxnaar helmet try 1 root, 3 break armor 1 repulse 6 each buff and 1 blind, and 10 dmg 2 dodge ring, also steel block and wand or SSC sheilds work well, demon claws i never liked, birds fun:] all this info may not be perfect but will get you through pretty well. LONG LIVE THE INT BIRDIES[sryyoulose] :D 4 u

02-12-2012, 03:53 AM



