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06-19-2020, 08:44 AM

Do you guys prefer the current Gold Loot meta? Do you guys like it? Is it healthy for the game?

Personally I feel it keeps widening the gap between new and poor players, and rich players.

If STS decides to shift the meta to farming items, how would you guys react?

For example: They slowly nerf gold drops and remove gold loot from lvl 81 items.

I, personally, believe that gold should be cycled between the players. Player A loots an item, Player B buys the item, Player A uses the gold to purchase his items from Player C, and so on... The gold keep moving around this way.

Gold loot keeps adding gold into the game making all the items extremely expensive, they might not be expensive to ppl who have high gold loot, but to a new player that's unattainable.

Another situation: Since gold keep being added into the game, it will lose its value. If the game states keep going on like this, normal arcane weapons will be 100m+. Now imagine how long will it take for a person to reach these items.

Before guilds would farm elite maps together to try to loot rare items, now ppl just farm gold and buy them from those who open locks.

It should take about a month of farming for a new player to get his hands on arcane items, not a year.

Assuming a player earns 1 million gold a day, that's 2 month for him to have enough for duggar dagger. That's if the player earns 1m a day. Only ppl with very high gold loot can do that. If someone earns 500k a day, that's 4 month...I hope you guys get what I am tryna say...

Peace [emoji3577]

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06-19-2020, 09:13 AM
As a player who just started 4 months ago, i completely agree with u. I was struggling so hard to earn golds as a newbie, was even using all legendary gears for a whole month because i can't afford anything else. Nearly made me quit this shet but thankfully easter event came by and i earned around 20m from it. So, i just want to point out it's nearly impossible for new players/begginners to earn gold other than farm elite golden chests, which is what i do. But even 4 hrs of farming everyday (with magnate and robbin), i only get one elite golden chests in like 10-20 runs. IMHO, think this is the reason why the gap between the rich and the poor is growing larger and larger. *I apologize for my bad english, i'm not a native speaker.

06-19-2020, 12:25 PM
As a player who just started 4 months ago, i completely agree with u. I was struggling so hard to earn golds as a newbie, was even using all legendary gears for a whole month because i can't afford anything else. Nearly made me quit this shet but thankfully easter event came by and i earned around 20m from it. So, i just want to point out it's nearly impossible for new players/begginners to earn gold other than farm elite golden chests, which is what i do. But even 4 hrs of farming everyday (with magnate and robbin), i only get one elite golden chests in like 10-20 runs. IMHO, think this is the reason why the gap between the rich and the poor is growing larger and larger. *I apologize for my bad english, i'm not a native speaker.I am am old player, I feel bad for newer players trying to find a way up the ladder when all these items are getting ridiculously expensive.

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06-19-2020, 12:49 PM
The current gold loot should be kept, but the item farming opportunities should be good enough that they are an actual alternative to gold loot.

06-19-2020, 12:51 PM
Yesterday a New rouge pt me for planar tomb while I was going for dm.. asked her to try dm and rogue replied : No GL. I will farm planar to get gears.

I Felt bad Cos I knew that’s not a solution.. maybe that rogue will never be able to get 100m for gears n will quit.

06-19-2020, 12:51 PM
The current gold loot should be kept, but the item farming opportunities should be good enough that they are an actual alternative to gold loot.Any reason for why gold loot should be kept other than the reason few rich ppl spent a lot of money on them?

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06-19-2020, 12:54 PM
Yesterday a New rouge pt me for planar tomb while I was going for dm.. asked her to try dm and rogue replied : No GL. I will farm planar to get gears.

I Felt bad Cos I knew that’s not a solution.. maybe that rogue will never be able to get 100m for gears n will quit.Exactly how I feel, the gears are wayy overpriced to be achievable by farming anything other than gold loot nowadays.

You gotta wait for some very specific events, and get "lucky" or try to invest your already very low amount of gold which you probably can't invest in anything good since good investments require high capital.

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06-19-2020, 12:56 PM
A month to get an Arcane item? Took me an entire expansion before I looted an arc weapon. But a new player should get one like right now?

06-19-2020, 01:02 PM
A month to get an Arcane item? Took me an entire expansion before I looted an arc weapon. But a new player should get one like right now?It was just an example.....

It was different back in the day when gold loot wasn't a thing. Arcane weapons were only 5-10m, which ain't that hard to get.

Exactly what you said, it shouldn't take people so long time to get atleast 1 arcane item. It also shouldn't have taken you, if you found it worthwhile than it's good but it's not appealing to everyone.

Again, if you earn 1m a day, it will take you 2 months to get dugg daggers, not many ppl have enough gold loot to earn 1m a day. Now imagine how long it takes for new player who start with 0 gold loot.... 1 or 2 year?

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06-19-2020, 01:34 PM
A month to get an Arcane item? Took me an entire expansion before I looted an arc weapon. But a new player should get one like right now?

I don't think the op meant that new players should get an arcane right away.

I believe that "old school farming" should be kind of revived so that new and f2p players have at least a better chance of catching up. Some op players also leave maps when they find someone with average gears in the map which makes it worse for the new and f2p players.

I don't think gold loot is bad it's just that we need more ways to earn gold without having to rely on gold loot.

06-19-2020, 01:54 PM
A month to get an Arcane item? Took me an entire expansion before I looted an arc weapon. But a new player should get one like right now?

Back in the day,

Students had to read and search through books to find answers to their homework, now their answers are found at google
Students had to do mathematics by hand, now we have calculators

Back in the day,

You had to farm very very hard to get arc weaps or good gears at all, I personally think its okay if new players are given the opportunity to get better way quicker than it was in previous expansions.
(STS has already tried to help them with the advancement chests; but imo up to lvl 40 isnt sufficient enough)

If all the new players were to stop playing the game because its "too difficult" to get good gears at the same rate older players quit because the game is "uninteresting" or they become busy irl, the game would surely die out.

Also in terms of awakes,
It wouldn't hurt if STS put 10 Bound Awakening Gems in those Bundles they sell in the store for plat.
(Atleast then the newbies would have a chance to awaken the gears they get)

06-19-2020, 01:59 PM
It would be great for new players if the game continues to provide advancements chests up to current level cap in 5lv increments. That way they get decent bounded gears and don’t need help from others for maps like glintstone, underhaul, and up.
Maybe add some gold loot awakes for those bounded gears too and make them unstashable.

06-19-2020, 03:56 PM
Lots of valid, good, sensible points in this thread......

I have to +1 the concerned posters.........

06-19-2020, 05:57 PM
How long ago was 76 bow released? Seems months, only just now can I afford it. I have gl gears but don’t farm EVG cuz dying makes me sad :p. I do play regularly, sell stuff I don’t need and find I can keep up with the average player. It’s not that hard to do. Keep expectations realistic and enjoy the journey.

**Lexi lore**
06-19-2020, 08:43 PM
Yha this is true when I'm start the game and reach 76 it's boring to farm gold because I don't have high gl set and it's hard to find team in dm cuz when they see someone don't have arc they leave hahaha it's kinda sad so I stop I just wait for the event thankful eggaza event came I I earn a million and after that I invested my gold in Jewel farm gears and thankful this help me to earn more gold but it's nerf hahaha

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06-20-2020, 02:43 AM
Yha this is true when I'm start the game and reach 76 it's boring to farm gold because I don't have high gl set and it's hard to find team in dm cuz when they see someone don't have arc they leave hahaha it's kinda sad so I stop I just wait for the event thankful eggaza event came I I earn a million and after that I invested my gold in Jewel farm gears and thankful this help me to earn more gold but it's nerf hahaha

Sent from my RMX1911 using TapatalkRip jewel farm, STS destroyed it :)

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06-20-2020, 03:16 AM
I really agree with this, I sincerely feel bad for the newer players, there's this 1 time some random guy in fester pmed me sayin : " hey sir can u help me out in dm? I worked so hard to get my 80gl but everyone keeps leaving maybe because I'm too weak. I just wanna farm and get better gears.. " so me n my friends decided to run w him for an hour. But and again idk hm gold per boss u can get with 80gl, and I can't even start to imagine how long he gon take to achieve better gears and gl, maybe he gon get em in l86 expansion lol.. Im not saying Sts should remove gl, but atleast they should make something for the newer players to farm, cus i know how this feels.. I started playing endgame at 2018, so I basically run elite nordr, kraken, shuyal like a madman for months and I play legit everyday, and I can't even get a good gear after all those months, I gave up after that and I just stop farming n just buy plats cus i feel like its just straight up impossible to farm. And this is the reason why al will never be as active as it used to be, new players gon just download play a bit n quit. + most rich n experienced players in al are arrogant n ignorant, ofcourse theres humble n friendly ones too who love to help n guide newbies, but most of them gon just ignore the newbies as if they are a fly passing by ( i know this cus sometimes i log on my nub alt and just do these kinda stuff cus im bored, smth like social experiment haha ) I really hope al gon be more friendly to the newer generations :)

+1 to this..

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06-20-2020, 05:38 AM
Last year in goblin event when I was leveling up an alt, i met a new player while doing dailies and he was surprised how fast i leveled up even tho i was lower level then he was when we met. well i told him how xp tricks works and became friends... then told him how to farm at his level, but it was too much for him lol. so he pretty much quit. then in eggzavier event i pm him to come to game again so he can play eggzavier as its an event for everyone. he came back but found out that its very depressing if you dont have speed set.... well still stuck to farming as mucenjoyed h as he could and looted 2 arcane eggs...he was as happy as all of us when we got our first arcane pet in game. after event boring day came as he coudnt take farming elite nordor and elite kraken anymore and quit again.
He came back again this year at eggzavier, and i bought him a speed set so he could enjoy this event. he did enjoyed this eggzavier and then quit again at the beginning of ursoth...
I am probably gonna met him again next year eggzavier haha

06-20-2020, 06:15 AM

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06-20-2020, 06:33 AM
I have been grinding the game for a year, I’m able to afford most of the items I need to make my stats look decent, all the gold is made through events, if low level players have started the game when there’s no event around, than obviously they’ll think it’s impossible to get those gears, even when I started there were items worth over 100m+. But farming is the key, new players should focus on their level first, best time is when there’s no event since you can ask players for help in harder maps, but if the lower level players think they would come into the game and just expect there’s a way to earn gold like late game players, than no player would make themselves fully geared and spend millions of gold since all of them would be able to get gold, rn people are making gold through the new expansion (gates), well what the new players don’t realise is that players spent over 100m worth of gold to get the right gears and last longer in those maps, it’s not as easy as low level players think it was for high level players,

06-20-2020, 06:36 AM
I have been grinding the game for a year, I’m able to afford most of the items I need to make my stats look decent, all the gold is made through events, if low level players have started the game when there’s no event around, than obviously they’ll think it’s impossible to get those gears, even when I started there were items worth over 100m+. But farming is the key, new players should focus on their level first, best time is when there’s no event since you can ask players for help in harder maps, but if the lower level players think they would come into the game and just expect there’s a way to earn gold like late game players, than no player would make themselves fully geared and spend millions of gold since all of them would be able to get gold, rn people are making gold through the new expansion (gates), well what the new players don’t realise is that players spent over 100m worth of gold to get the right gears and last longer in those maps, it’s not as easy as low level players think it was for high level players,You aren't getting the point.... Read my post again....

My main point was that gold should be cycled to keep the economy healthy

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06-20-2020, 08:29 AM
A simple solution can be introduced , gold sinks to make gold in overall less in the economy of the game to avoid gears getting too expensive , for example these bound awakening gems are GREAT gold sinks ^^) , sts tried to make other gold sinks like in marvelous event opening mini exotic chests but it was for 1m , price needs to be reasonable for the players to spend their gold on these gold sinks , which means the gold that will be added from gold loot , will be sinked in purchasing things from npc's etc

Hope i explained my opinion in an understandable way ^^)

06-20-2020, 12:08 PM

Do you guys prefer the current Gold Loot meta? Do you guys like it? Is it healthy for the game?

Personally I feel it keeps widening the gap between new and poor players, and rich players.

If STS decides to shift the meta to farming items, how would you guys react?

For example: They slowly nerf gold drops and remove gold loot from lvl 81 items.

I, personally, believe that gold should be cycled between the players. Player A loots an item, Player B buys the item, Player A uses the gold to purchase his items from Player C, and so on... The gold keep moving around this way.

Gold loot keeps adding gold into the game making all the items extremely expensive, they might not be expensive to ppl who have high gold loot, but to a new player that's unattainable.

Another situation: Since gold keep being added into the game, it will lose its value. If the game states keep going on like this, normal arcane weapons will be 100m+. Now imagine how long will it take for a person to reach these items.

Before guilds would farm elite maps together to try to loot rare items, now ppl just farm gold and buy them from those who open locks.

It should take about a month of farming for a new player to get his hands on arcane items, not a year.

Assuming a player earns 1 million gold a day, that's 2 month for him to have enough for duggar dagger. That's if the player earns 1m a day. Only ppl with very high gold loot can do that. If someone earns 500k a day, that's 4 month...I hope you guys get what I am tryna say...

Peace [emoji3577]

Sent from my GM1913 using Tapatalk

For me gold loot is good but the game should really have more ways to farm that needs gold to buy them so gold will circulate to players. But the game doesnt do that just gold loot farming and will really tear the gap between poor and rich. Jewel farm was a thing before and now it's gone which will make items to go higher since there are no other stuff that needs gold to spend on. Idk why sts is letting the doors close for new players to come in and just happy with players who are pay to play and players who have gold loot.

06-20-2020, 12:11 PM
A simple solution can be introduced , gold sinks to make gold in overall less in the economy of the game to avoid gears getting too expensive , for example these bound awakening gems are GREAT gold sinks ^^) , sts tried to make other gold sinks like in marvelous event opening mini exotic chests but it was for 1m , price needs to be reasonable for the players to spend their gold on these gold sinks , which means the gold that will be added from gold loot , will be sinked in purchasing things from npc's etc

Hope i explained my opinion in an understandable way ^^)Why do they need gold sink to begin with.....

Gold should be cycled between the players.....

A little gold loot farming should be fine since there needs to be gold in game so it can be cycled but it shouldn't be the main way of farming.

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06-20-2020, 09:48 PM
Yikes, now that jewel farming is gone. There aren't many options left besides gold loot :(

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06-22-2020, 08:52 AM
Moving this to Suggestions and Feedback. :) Keep it coming! Great insights here.

06-22-2020, 11:44 AM
For me nerf gold loot will be the answer for those items that keeps getting higher in price. Demolish eggzavier and bring back the old school egg farm that is farming in elite maps, lock farming is really dead because of high luck items and awakes. Better if they introduce new ways of farming that the farmed items are needed to every players.

06-22-2020, 11:57 AM
while gl is the main thing in the game you can make gold during events, craft things that rich players need, if people could get rich in just 1 or 2 months i want it on that cheat :v, obviously it is boring to wait for events so, maybe farm elite golden war/pirate/puzzle chests or just lvl a second character :v

maybe create a gl awakened pack for new players, 20%gl in very item weapon,ring,amulet,belt and make it untradeable evens they will get gold eventually, i personally started farming with like 140%gl in esg

06-22-2020, 01:56 PM
while gl is the main thing in the game you can make gold during events, craft things that rich players need, if people could get rich in just 1 or 2 months i want it on that cheat :v, obviously it is boring to wait for events so, maybe farm elite golden war/pirate/puzzle chests or just lvl a second character :v

maybe create a gl awakened pack for new players, 20%gl in very item weapon,ring,amulet,belt and make it untradeable evens they will get gold eventually, i personally started farming with like 140%gl in esg

But that was on the time of esg when runners just like every farmers to get speed set and go. Now? most runners want u to have end game gears (arcane engine wep). What im telling u is even u farm elite gold chests it is not enough to farm it to buy an end game wep which costs 50m+. Will they farm that forever about 5months while gold loot farmers' pockets are increasing everyday? ofcourse not they will think it is not worth it to play the game. More gold input to the game (thanks to gl farmers) the more item prices go up and thanks to the current update the gold cap is increased. For me the gold cap increase just shows the gold pool of rich players (thinking mostly are gl farmers and pay 2 play players) which will result that everyone(rich players) thinks all players have huge amount of gold then they will increase their items to be sold more. Just my speculation but we will see in the future :)

06-23-2020, 08:31 AM
Moving this to Suggestions and Feedback. :) Keep it coming! Great insights here.Could u give me insights on the idea behind introducing gold loot to the game?

High gold loot players are farming 1million gold per hour while low end players can barely make 50k.

New players struggle to make even 10k in an hour. This keeps widening the gap between poor and rich.

Items are getting really expensive day by day for newer players. How are they suppose to earn enough money to buy gold loot? Sure there are events like Easter and Eggzavier, even rich people benefit from them which makes the price of gears even more expensive, and luck plays quite a big role in events.

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06-23-2020, 08:48 AM
Could u give me insights on the idea behind introducing gold loot to the game?

High gold loot players are farming 1million gold per hour while low end players can barely make 50k.

New players struggle to make even 10k in an hour. This keeps widening the gap between poor and rich.

Items are getting really expensive day by day for newer players. How are they suppose to earn enough money to buy gold loot? Sure there are events like Easter and Eggzavier, even rich people benefit from them which makes the price of gears even more expensive, and luck plays quite a big role in events.

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I also have the same question, but I don't think they'll ever answer that, so I'll share my thoughts instead. :P

I guess it's because it's easier to just slap a big gold drop to each boss instead of adding different items to every boss, and still keep it a good spot for farming. It's probably way easier for STS when designing maps and bosses, and also good for the players who don't mind grinding endlessly without getting bored. When the new expansion comes, chances are DM gets a gold drop nerf (like ESG did), then in the other one same happens to Valley bosses, and so on. That way the newest expansion will always be relevant even if it doesn't drop anything cool, just like Valley is now. XD

06-24-2020, 04:36 AM
I also have the same question, but I don't think they'll ever answer that, so I'll share my thoughts instead. :P

I guess it's because it's easier to just slap a big gold drop to each boss instead of adding different items to every boss, and still keep it a good spot for farming. It's probably way easier for STS when designing maps and bosses, and also good for the players who don't mind grinding endlessly without getting bored. When the new expansion comes, chances are DM gets a gold drop nerf (like ESG did), then in the other one same happens to Valley bosses, and so on. That way the newest expansion will always be relevant even if it doesn't drop anything cool, just like Valley is now. XD

That's the problem, they introduced gold loot. For me, gold loot killed most all farms it should've been better if they terminated it. They couldve put booty as mini events and doesnt need gold loot that should give more life to the economy of the game because sts can hold the input of gold to the game. Now that jewel farm is dead there are no more items that every player needs which will result for inflation of items in the future