View Full Version : A thank you to the Devs of STS...

02-11-2012, 01:13 PM
So I was in a recent game of Team Fortress 2 doing a 1 VS 1 with my friend, and the only admin of the server comes to that server and tells us we were kicking people out of the server.

Tell me one thing...

There is a difference between gently asking them to leave vs forcing them out of the server, correct? Specially since we don't have the powers to kick people in that server since we're not admins. THIS admin continues to talk about how we are harassing the players, and that he/she threatens to ban us from his/her server.

Isn't this abuse of power? Because AFTER we apologized he/she just told us "Thanks for giving your Gaming ID." and he banned us.

Here is the comparison between STS admins/devs and certain TF2 admins: STS gives a warning, when only a few TF2 admins decide to troll us and immediately ban without giving us a warning.

All in all, I owuld just like to say thank you to the STS devs for not being jerks like the situation I just mentioned...