View Full Version : Beating 110 honor birds as a bear

06-22-2020, 01:59 PM
Recently, I capped my bear to 110 and am not as comfortable with fighting birds as I expected to be (50/50 fights where I lose some and win some). From what I heard, bears have an edge over birds so I was wondering what the best/most effective way to beat them is.
Haven't played bear in so long so would be grateful for a few tips.

06-22-2020, 02:00 PM
Recently, I capped my bear to 110 and am not as comfortable with fighting birds as I expected to be (50/50 fights where I lose some and win some). From what I heard, bears have an edge over birds so I was wondering what the best/most effective way to beat them is.
Haven't played bear in so long so would be grateful for a few tips.

Master HS at max range. Double HS them and u should take the dub almost all the time

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06-22-2020, 02:03 PM
Wao such a prompt reply!
Do I want to hs them first at 12m, wait 5 second for blind to wear off then hit that hs again?

06-22-2020, 02:06 PM
Wao such a prompt reply!
Do I want to hs them first at 12m, wait 5 second for blind to wear off then hit that hs again?

What I typically try to do is HS them before they can blind me. If blind lands on me I run away, till blind wears off and I can HS again, and I repeats this process(sometimes I tank through it and just wait for blind to wear off so I can hs when I’m right up against their face)

Definitely don’t want to use HS while you are blinded

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06-22-2020, 02:28 PM
Basically how it works as bird you blind and stay far away until iron blood wears off. If bear dodges blind the only way to survive is either lucky dodges or avian repulse combo. As a bear what you want to do is either hit hs and wait for blind to wear off and instantly try to hs and land as many skills as you can until they get blind back.