View Full Version : Thinking of Staying...

02-13-2012, 12:18 PM
After very little soul-searching on the subject, probably none at all, I am now very seriously considering not leaving the STS games and/or the forums. My lifestyle, having not so significantly changed that my free-time is at all affected, is in no way impacting this decision on whether to make a decision to change nothing. To my friends who wish I would suddenly disappear, I apologize - but though this is a tough call, I'm about 53% sure it's the right one for me. For those who are ambivalent about my dilemma, or who don't know me at all, please do feel free to continue not giving a darn one way or the other. Those who have been advising me to not be hasty and instead to just "take a break" from not actively considering leaving, please, please... save your energy, I can not be talked into or out-of whatever eventual and ultimately non-permanent change I choose to make, or not make.

Welcome back! :smiley_simmons:

02-13-2012, 12:20 PM
Can I have your gold and stuff?

02-13-2012, 12:22 PM
Can I have your gold and stuff?
No... but thanks for asking. If I decide to stay, I still might need those. If I don't decide to stay, but also don't decide not to stay, I still might need them.

02-13-2012, 12:41 PM
I'm pretty sure he was joking haha, but it's awesome to hear you're staying dude.

02-13-2012, 12:46 PM
Mimers, I know that you can't be persuaded, but do know that Bubu and I love you and have missed you! Either decision you do decide to make is yours and yours alone! However, we do value your friendship very much, especially bu, and we are so glad that you have crossed our paths ;-)

02-13-2012, 12:50 PM


All in good fun :) stay a while!

02-13-2012, 12:51 PM
Ooooohhhhh noooo! please re-consider!!!! I want all your stuff, too!

02-13-2012, 03:10 PM
Don't you have to play before you can not leave? :)

02-13-2012, 03:30 PM
Don't you have to play before you can not leave? :)

OOOH!!! OH! Ouch! Score! A direct hit!! :highly_amused: On a serious note (e-flat I've found to be a very serious note), I have two SL characters at level 40, which proves I have played a LITTLE bit!! haha!! (and a lvl 55 in PL who is no longer speaking to me) This might not be true if you could buy XP with Plat without the trivial amount of "playing" you do need to do in order to convert one to the other - but you can't, so THERE! :D

02-13-2012, 03:32 PM
OOOH!!! OH! Ouch! Score! A direct hit!! :highly_amused: On a serious note (e-flat I've found to be a very serious note), I have two SL characters at level 40, which proves I have played a LITTLE bit!! haha!! (and a lvl 55 in PL who is no longer speaking to me) This might not be true if you could buy XP with Plat without the trivial amount of "playing" you do need to do in order to convert one to the other - but you can't, so THERE! :D

Time for a thread about how a gentle hacker got into your account and leveled your toons up, bought a bunch of pinks and amassed a substantial amount of gold!

02-13-2012, 03:39 PM
Mimers, I know that you can't be persuaded, but do know that Bubu and I love you and have missed you! Either decision you do decide to make is yours and yours alone! However, we do value your friendship very much, especially bu, and we are so glad that you have crossed our paths ;-)

Crio - now I feel bad for so well nailing this bit of satire!! Here I was trying to poke a little fun at the "I'm thinking of leaving..." threads, which sometimes *might* have the intention of getting people to post back with all sorts of "OH, No! Don't go, you are so great!", and look what happened?!? The joke is on ME!

With sick kids and busted furnaces to worry about, you go and take time to drop a reply. How nice are you?!? Though I wasn't fishing for this sort of response, thank you!!! You guys are fantastic! Ditto to you! Heck no, I'm not going anywhere!! (shhh... don't tell anybody. haha! :smiley_simmons:)

02-13-2012, 04:00 PM
You better stay! No one likes an awesome person to quit!

02-13-2012, 04:01 PM
This thread is making my sides hurt. Please don't leave us mime!

02-14-2012, 06:46 AM
cool wb

02-16-2012, 04:23 PM
Crio - now I feel bad for so well nailing this bit of satire!! Here I was trying to poke a little fun at the "I'm thinking of leaving..." threads, which sometimes *might* have the intention of getting people to post back with all sorts of "OH, No! Don't go, you are so great!", and look what happened?!? The joke is on ME!

With sick kids and busted furnaces to worry about, you go and take time to drop a reply. How nice are you?!? Though I wasn't fishing for this sort of response, thank you!!! You guys are fantastic! Ditto to you! Heck no, I'm not going anywhere!! (shhh... don't tell anybody. haha! :smiley_simmons:)

Well, I guess I should have seen your humor in it, but it's the honest to God truth! ;-) Even if you weren't fishing for those types of comments or anything, it's sometimes good to hear how much some people do really care for you! :D I have tried to not let many people get close and let myself get attached to me heart, but some just know how to penetrate, and Mimers you do! Haha! Ok, we love you and know you haven't been around much because SL is pretty boring haha, but we miss your knowledge and I haven't had to use my dictionary in AGES! :D

02-17-2012, 02:16 PM
Don't Want mime to leave?
Press the thanks button! (No thumbs up like youtube lol but the thanks is practicly what i mean by the thumbs up thingy)

I made that quote! lol

02-17-2012, 02:21 PM
Don't Want mime to leave?
Press the thanks button! (No thumbs up like youtube lol but the thanks is practicly what i mean by the thumbs up thingy)

I made that quote! lol

LOL!!! Darn it Rawr! I'm not going anywhere... but if you can get some Thanks out of the deal, more power to ya!

~ The Boy Who Joked About a Wolf

02-17-2012, 02:29 PM

Fun with quotes!