View Full Version : Stats on a lvl 10 pvp bird?

02-14-2012, 02:43 AM
Which is more important... hit, crit, or dodge? Then which is more imporant... DPS or armor? Im looking for a good pvp ring.


02-14-2012, 03:21 PM
Personally, I've never played a bird for very long bellow 25. But judging from what I see in over-all levels, and what I see with the other classes, I'd say this:

Dodge is the most important stat for a bird, especially with low levels. If you have high enough dodge, you can most likely focus on DPS, though BASE damage is always more important. While you might want to try dex, strength will give you more armor and dodge, more base damage, and better skill damage. I would use a set-up based on level 30 war birds, except at this level you can use strength weapons and dex armor with the same stats.

Pure Dex

Level 10 Pink Cutter
Level 5 Artisan
Level 10 Pink Sniper (or Jewel Theif) Cap from plat pack

I can't help with the build specifically, as I've no idea what skills you have at this point. I would probably say max dodge, 1 root and rest into blast shot. The root is important, because you can hit people with the sword if you can't get to them. :p

02-14-2012, 03:34 PM
I have pure dex stats and my skills mapped. For gear I have lvl5 expert leather, lvl 10 plat pack helm, lvl 10 plat pack talon/wing. Lvl 10 pink snowball, lvl 10 WF pinks (str,int).


02-14-2012, 03:41 PM
I have pure dex stats and my skills mapped. For gear I have lvl5 expert leather, lvl 10 plat pack helm, lvl 10 plat pack talon/wing. Lvl 10 pink snowball, lvl 10 WF pinks (str,int).


As a bird, I know for a fact you will not have any, or limited, success with a talon unless you're fighting another bird or elf. And even then, you'll have to get lucky. :/

02-14-2012, 03:42 PM
Thats why I have WF pinks too. So I can experiment.


02-14-2012, 05:12 PM
young when you make this war bird add applehelper :) i want to see how this turns out! :D

02-14-2012, 05:39 PM
Alright :)


02-14-2012, 05:50 PM
I hate to say it, but its pretty impossible to have any real success as a bird in low lvl pvp. Bears' rage is too big of an advantage. Mages at least get heal, which gives then somewhat of a chance.

02-14-2012, 06:02 PM
Thats why im doing it. Its gonna be an elite lvl 10 bird


02-14-2012, 06:06 PM
lvl 10 bird really suk at pvp but birds should really focus at dodge since there would be bears that deal like 100 dmg per auto or skill which could kill u in seconds. Crit is always good to kill ur opponent fast as possible. Dps? depends, if u use a 2h sword then ur skills would increase dmg and be more effective but in 10 pvp people would try to kite u and u wouldnt able to attack much. but heres what i think u should use:

Armsman crafted mail lvl 5
assassin crossbow or bling flinger lvl10
Sniper archery cap
7 armor ring

U should really kite ur opponents, when facing a twink bear then thats where the 7 armor ring come in handy. Bears wont land their skills on u since ur kiting but their talon will land on u so try to root him then kite a 12m range, the talon they use would be a 10m range. First learn u range to kite good.