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08-02-2010, 06:01 PM

I bought all the campains but i must say. Leveling is kinda boring and is taking alot of time. Do i do something wrong?

08-02-2010, 06:16 PM
Eh, most people are against this, but you could always get someone to power level you in AO3: 3.

08-02-2010, 06:24 PM
That's what I do xp pots blazing dude :)

08-02-2010, 06:24 PM
It's all about finding a good group and sticking together, you'll tear through dungeons in no time.
Try to go for dungeons with levels slightly higher than you, so that the little circles to the left of enemies health bars are yellow/red.

08-02-2010, 07:01 PM
you should get lvl 45 friends and keep XP farming in Mega Maze Mash Up (since you got all campaigns). And then when you reach lvl 28, just XP farm at AO2:3

08-02-2010, 09:52 PM
bottom line, meet good friends and play together.... you will lvl up fairly quickly.. the lvl you are at is not the fun part of the game,.... should be the process of getting there.. just like having all the best gear should not be the highlight but the process and the fun of finding the drop should be most exciting.. at least for me but to each his own.

08-02-2010, 09:56 PM
1: find a 45 friend that can do ao2 lvl 3 in 3 minutes 2: buy exp pot 3. You will be like lvl 7 in one run adn keep going have fun!

08-03-2010, 05:14 AM
Its not that easy to find a lvl45 friend tho. I playing wow for like 5+ years now with own pvp guild and stuff. If i enter towne i only see people spam trade stuff. If i ask for something no1 answers :P I had some luck lastnight and found a 45 wich played with me some. Ow well. Thanks for the tips all and ill keep looking :)

08-03-2010, 05:37 AM
Chriske add me if you see me on I'll happily run you

08-03-2010, 08:42 AM
I'm lvl 21 and can get a level probably for every 30-60 mins of play time. I don't know if that's slow or fast but it seems reasonable to me.

08-03-2010, 11:29 AM
Well, see, here's a case in point. Chriske has been playing WoW for 5 years, so he's not interested in low level stuff. WHY NOT? This is a different game.

There is interesting stuff at the middle levels. IT IS NOT BORING. Boredom is a state of mind. Your state of mind is a choice. If you chose, you could find interesting things at low and middle levels. You really could.

It's not only about getting to the top of the mountain. It's about what you see along the way!

08-03-2010, 01:33 PM
It's not only about getting to the top of the mountain. It's about what you see along the way!

Now sure, dif strokes/folks and all, but I fully agree it's about the journey. There's really nothing THERE at the top of the mountain, sure some PVP and props for a tricked out toon. If you're bored in Lost Expedition, you'll be bored in AO at 44.

I was kinda sad when my first toon capped, and I then took him solo through all the low level campaigns to see how far he could go (swamps was the "dead" end). Plus I used him to start stashing stuff and building up loot for my next toon.

Now on my second toon, taking my sweet time level by level. At 35 now, I'm already going back to see what he can solo! I spend time plinking away at the first few mobs and see how long it takes to get a group going (never very long, really). And I love the groups I'm getting and the challenge of running the dungeons. I'm stepping back and helping power-level lower toons too. Really having a blast with my second toon now too, haven't pulled the 45 out for awhile now.

So there's a lot of great advice here, xp pots, Mega Mashup and AO2:3 -- but the best is, "just play the game." I'm levelling fastest when I'm not thinking about levelling fast, just enjoying the game!

I had a 28 shoutout last night for help, he and I got LE going, then another sub-30 joined, and another and another. In about 8-10 minutes he had a full group of sub-30s mowing through the levels and I could step aside. I got no XP, I gave all the pinks and purps to the group free ... and I had a blast, was great seeing that group coalesce and see that they could tackle the full campaign.

And then I quit the AO2:3 group I was in, at 35 I have no problem solo'n the initial farming spot and can kite the djians pretty well -- but we had this lvl 7 "leading" us, pulling mobs faster and faster until finally he pulled too many -- he went down before we had finished up his last pull. With that he logged, got put on my ignore and I'll never group with him again.