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View Full Version : Some croc feud graphic issues

02-16-2012, 03:17 AM
Got this campaign for the first time today and was looking around the map and noticed a few things i don't think are working correctly. If they are don't mind me just ignore :D

The lid on the "juice" maker isn't correctly on where it should be in scalefields still farm. kinda floating way to far up then what they are on other maps o_o

Edit: The ones on mccrocs homestead are also doing something funky. But they're to far into the pot.


Not really sure if this is even an issue but in scalefields still farm, when you destroy the meat sticks they don't explode or anything like other things do. they just sink into the ground like what a dead enemy does over time. If this is an issue then those jugs with the [xxx] laying around on the floor in the same zone do the same thing; when they get attacked no animation is made when dead, they just sink into the ground.


In mccrocs still farm, the skeleton is floating above a coffin. MAGIC! O_O...unless the coffin is in the ground to far...