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View Full Version : Deleting Level 1 Characters on Accounts That Haven't Played in 90 Days – Tue. Feb 21

02-17-2012, 11:01 AM
Have you ever been a little frustrated trying to get the name you want for a new character? We feel ya! It’s cool that there are so many people playing Spacetime's Legends Mobile MMO Franchise – enough to break over 100 Million Play Sessions! (read more about that amazing milestone here: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/content.php?362-Spacetime-s-Legends-Mobile-MMO-Franchise-Surpasses-100-Million-Play-Sessions). However, there are a lot of characters out there that are not being used, gobbling up a lot of name possibilities.

To help address this situation, we're going to be deleting level 1 characters that haven't played in over 3 months and making their name available again. If you have logged in and played your account in the last 3 months, no worries – none of your characters will be touched. If you have a 2nd account that you haven't played in a while with level 1 characters sitting on names you want, it might be prudent to log into that account.

We will be clearing up these names on Tuesday, February 21st.

If all of the above was a bit too long to read, here's the one sentence recap:

Level 1 Characters on accounts that have not logged in for 3 months (90 days) will be deleted on February 21st.

02-17-2012, 11:04 AM
Great idea!

02-17-2012, 11:07 AM
Fantastic...maybe i can finally be Ghost in PL lol :D...but with my luck, someone will take it lol

02-17-2012, 11:14 AM
+1 good idea. It may also be good to make an in game announcement (like where those tips show up at). A lot of players don't check forums and may have a second account they don't play.

Just for clarification, if I have a several toons I play a lot but have a level 1 that I never play will it be deleted since I have played that account but not that character?

02-17-2012, 11:17 AM
Just for clarification, if I have a several toons I play a lot but have a level 1 that I never play will it be deleted since I have played that account but not that character?

As far as I understood, it's only for lvl1 chars from an 'account' that has been inactive. Not the char itself.

02-17-2012, 11:21 AM
This is an amazing idea sam! So, the character must be deleted if untouched because without a name, you cant have a character.

02-17-2012, 11:23 AM
As far as I understood, it's only for lvl1 chars from an 'account' that has been inactive. Not the char itself.

Cool! That's what I suspected but wasn't sure! :)

02-17-2012, 11:31 AM
As far as I understood, it's only for lvl1 chars from an 'account' that has been inactive. Not the char itself.
That's correct, logging into your account is all you have to do to preserve your lvl1's.

02-17-2012, 11:42 AM
That's correct, logging into your account is all you have to do to preserve your lvl1's.

Awww great....*Hopeing to self* hope that guy dont log in lol

02-17-2012, 11:44 AM
Does this only affect inactive level 1 characters?

02-17-2012, 11:47 AM
Does this only affect inactive level 1 characters?

Lol, read comments above ;)

02-17-2012, 11:51 AM
Does this only affect inactive level 1 characters?
Not exactly. It only affects lvl 1 characters contained on inactive accounts.

02-17-2012, 12:10 PM
I'm not sure how many names this will free up, but on Feb 21st I shall be trying a bunch of names :p

There are prob lots of more names on inactive accounts, but yeah, it's hard to say whether to delete those since sometimes people come back. Oh well.

Oh yeah, will there be an email burst to account emails? Cause maybe there ought to be.

Don't forget! This applies only to inactive ACCOUNTS!

It only affects lvl 1 characters contained on inactive accounts.

It's NOT the inactive character! It's that the ACCOUNT is inactive + has a level 1 character. The ACCOUNT though will not be affected. The ACCOUNT will still be there and non-level 1 characters will still be there.

I actually think this might be because old accounts started w/ multiple character slots, so people might have started multiple characters, just tried/leveld ONE character, then quit, thus taking up another name. This action will free those 2nd, etc. characters up.

02-17-2012, 12:20 PM
Anyone who had a good name and played seriously wouldn't be level 1.
Unless they were a level 1 PvE twink.
QQ for those twinks that quit.

02-17-2012, 12:20 PM
I can get behind that, there is going to be a large rush to gain an epic ign come Feb 21st, but I have to agree that I wonder how many names this will actually free up. I'm going to assume that STS is either testing the waters for a greater purge, or the number is much larger than I anticipate. I have the three igns I want in both games so I won't benefit from this experiment, but it is intriguing nonetheless. I have heard of the phenomenon where players rush to "reserve" the best igns during the beta or initial launch of a game, and then never return so this could be a pretty sweet chance to change your persona.

02-17-2012, 12:34 PM
Question, what if you made a character just to reserve your name in dl. Now the new made character is still lvl 1... if you delete this character will your name still be reserved in dl?

02-17-2012, 12:39 PM
Will this be rolling, and every time a level one goes in active for 90 days it will be deleted?

02-17-2012, 12:39 PM
Aww....i thought this was about stash and cs access...

02-17-2012, 05:18 PM
As I have posted on facebook, I myself have nothing to worry about regarding losing an unused character but felt that I should post here too. I'm just looking out for my inactive friends who may not neccissarily have access to Internet, the games, or forums at this time for whatever reason but one day might return to find a character deleted. seriously this is a waste of time and STS will find themselves dealing with constant complaints of lost characters, items, platinum,etc... And for what reason? Cause someone used a name before you did? I like many others have noobs that I use for storage. Most of these names that will become available will be what? StorageBob? VanitySmurf? LvloneNoob? Most likely a majority of the names that will become available will be the generated ones. I don't think this is a good idea and people, just be creative and come up with a new name!!! Or just add xX's like everyone does in every other game! Get over it. It's not worth the trouble!

02-17-2012, 05:35 PM
@CozzaFrenzy, this is only going to matter to those with accounts that have a level 1 (L1) toon on an inactive account (90 days or more) and it isn't going to affect anyone else. I believe this is a good move since it is basically a countermeasure to the rush a MMORPG going online generates during the first few days of players logging in and getting every original/epic in-game name (ign) they can think of, only to find out they don't like the game and quit. Anyone who has played the game for even a few minutes on each of their characters has leveled past 1. So unless some of your friends reset their character, recreated them and left them at L1, there is really nothing to worry about.

As for the items, they will probably be moved to stash. The only point that I can see coming from your post is the idea of a premium character being left at L1 in an inactive account, somehow I don't think that toon would be deleted. So again, this idea may have been implemented because of complaints but it's probably complaints move revolving around the fact that players were squatting on igns that they were planning to sell at a later date but eventually (rage) quit instead.

02-17-2012, 05:48 PM
One question, what if the L1 was a guild master (if that's possible for a L1)?

02-17-2012, 06:02 PM
Just sayin'... Maybe someone created a lvl1 toon and for whatever reason decided not to lvl them. This toon might have platinum and such invested but the player is inactive and has been inactive for over 90 days. What happens to the items and platinum? What if it's the only character on an alternate account? What if it gets deleted and the player returns? Now someone else has his name? Not cool. An example here... Some time ago my computer was stolen and my phone broken... No access to Internet or game... What if this deletion of characters happens during this time? I return and my name is now taken by someone else? It's absurd! But whatever...

02-17-2012, 06:32 PM
Maybe I'll be able to get Sunny back... :rapture:

02-17-2012, 06:54 PM
There is a name I tried first, back in June 2010, that was not available. But when I (an iOS user) joined SL, it was there. And I reserved it for DL. And I recall back in June 2010 that there was a huge fight about names with the community splitting on the issue of name hoarding. So, I am definitely going to try for this name.

My question is, will we be told when it happens? I want to try it as soon as humanly possible. I suspect it will affect the authentication database, so you will have to take down the servers. That usually happens about 9:45 AM Texas time. Is it reasonable to expect that it will be include a server restart?


02-17-2012, 06:54 PM
What about level one inactive twinks? I don't think those should be deleted, maybe check how many kills they have?

Anyways, good idea!

02-17-2012, 06:59 PM
I think its a great idea, recently I tried to make a character with the names of some of my favorite SNL digital shorts and they were all taken. I like the idea of coming up with names that aren't fandopankishlieu in nature.

02-17-2012, 07:30 PM
What about level one inactive twinks? I don't think those should be deleted, maybe check how many kills they have?

Anyways, good idea!

If you logged in to the ACCOUNT, it won't be deleted. You don't actually have to play the toon.

But what about mules? Suppose someone has five L1 mules, with 500 inventory slots each, and took a break when the school year started but plans to return when the school year ends.

Devs, maybe if inventory slots have been purchased you shouldn't delete the toon even if it is a year since they logged in.

02-17-2012, 07:47 PM
Lol I was lucky enough to get Tapjoy.

02-17-2012, 07:51 PM
Perhaps it would be wise to send out emails to those accounts if they are registered to avoid a bunch of inactive folks suddenly raging over it?

02-17-2012, 09:47 PM
I hope I can get the name I want!

02-17-2012, 11:45 PM
Simple and effective :) Nice idea!

02-18-2012, 12:50 AM
Don't you get to lv two just by doing the tutorial? Doesn't seem like this would help so much.

02-18-2012, 02:23 AM
Hmm.. One thing. A lvl1 Premium character shouldn't be deleted, no matter how old is it, 'cause the character have been bought by someone for real money. Deleting lvl1 Premium characters is like stealing their money. Agreed?

Other thing:
Well, this is a very good idea, and I like it (.. of course.. I was asking for this months ago... :D ), but I was asking to delete characters that haven't been used for 6 months. Not lvl1 characters.. Unused characters. My problem is, that I want MY old characters to be deleted, so I can rebuild them all at one account. The problem with my problem is, that I can't proove, that they were my characters 'cause I don't remember the account e-mail adresses, 'cause at the beginning I didn't have Platinums to buy character slots, so the only way to me to get more characters was to register new accounts, and I forgot most of the e-mail adresses, 'cause I made them only to make new characters and after a while I was using only a few of them and this is how I forgot them. The only thing that I know about those accounts are the passwords and the server of the mail adresses. I'm sure, that I didn't used any of them for 6 months, this is why I think that this six month period is okay. And I also had a lots of lost characters as unregistered ones 'cause at a time I was changing phones every second week (to try new ones, to have the best, I broke it and had to buy another one) and when I sold the old ones I delete the access to the character with a hard reset of the phone. And I was also changing ROM on my phones once a week or 5-6 times a day and this way I also lost characters ( Yes! I had a LOTS of characters, and I have a lots of characters now also.. oh, and I play with them.), so deleting those would be also a good thing. I don't want them all, maybe others would also like to have some of those names. But... I think only every tenth can be only lvl1.. So, no way to delete unused accounts? And the worst thing for me, that I was taking names from the same "name category" and I don't know if I could take all the ones I was want to take. So, I can't even ask Devs to "give me back a character" 'cause I'm not sure, that it was mine.. So, at the way written above I had about twenty characters.. All of those could be deleted, I don't even want to get the most of them back. Take them whoever wants to, but I want my four spec ones, so if You see Devs, that an account didn't logged in for six month and the account mail adress is on the c2 server (c2, szitu, page, repules, c2mail) You should delete all of them, 'cause when they were registered I was the only hungarian player in the game (and my gf), and this is an uncommonly used mail server here, so it's almost impossible that anyone else would create an acc with adresses at this server.

02-18-2012, 02:32 AM
Hmm.. One thing. A lvl1 Premium character shouldn't be deleted, no matter how old is it, 'cause the character have been bought by someone for real money. Deleting lvl1 Premium characters is like stealing their money. Agreed?Ahem.
That's correct, logging into your account is all you have to do to preserve your lvl1's.Alls ya gotta do is log in. That's it. You don't have to play or level or anything. Just log in.

That's it.


Just log in.

02-18-2012, 02:34 AM
Don't you get to lv two just by doing the tutorial? Doesn't seem like this would help so much.
Yes, when You get to the second bunch of pirates. If You skip the tutorial You'll get to lvl2 after opening the second door on Dynastars first level, where You have to kill a group that comes with the message "Reinforcements inbound" and at killing the third of the four guy You reach lvl2. If You opened the first door too, and killed everyone. OR! If You were playing in beta where You were taken to Blackstar, not to Dynastar, and You made the Blackstar tour.

02-18-2012, 02:41 AM
Ahem.Alls ya gotta do is log in. That's it. You don't have to play or level or anything. Just log in.

That's it.


Just log in.
It's not about me.. All my premium characters are at 3 account that I use daily. So this can't cause any headache to me. It's about players, who bought a premium character and left the game to play another MMORPG or they have much important things to do than playing, and later they want to come back to play the game when they'll have time to play and they are going to miss the characters that they bought for $4.99,-

02-18-2012, 03:07 AM
People's name who have been permanantly banned for over 3 months too?:)
Dibs on Fran :D

LOL! I think it's not a good idea. Just imagine it: A new player, that have never played the game takes a name that have been banned for continuous scamming and makes random character that looks the same as the original one and he enters Blackstar next to the ones that the previous owner scammed.. I wouldn't be in the place of the poor new player..

02-18-2012, 03:40 AM
One question, what if the L1 was a guild master (if that's possible for a L1)?

I have lvl1 gms on accounts where they are the only characters. For secure.
So.. Good question if there are ones who don't use them for months. If that will be deleted, who will be the next GM? We are at the payed thing question again.. If the character owns a T3 guildhall then it means, that the player paid minimum $14.98,- and the thing he bought gets into the property of someone else?

There are a few things in this idea that can cause big flames if it will be done with a simple unsorted permanent delete of all of those characters.

02-18-2012, 04:01 AM
lv1 is nothing really, just doing the intro you get a level.
maybe lv1 names of 3 month inactivity, and lv5 names with 6 month inactivity... that will sort out all the people that tried a map or two but did nothing after ten minutes.

edit: mules and such:
if plat has been invested in char, or it is wearing plat items, prob should not be deleted.

02-18-2012, 04:09 AM
got my alt email set up with 4 brand new character slots :)

it just got real...

02-18-2012, 04:10 AM
uh oh, my old pl guild might have a lvl 1 toon "Noob" as a temp gm at the moment since ellyidol left back then.
just curious, what would happen if the gm was deleted?

02-18-2012, 02:19 PM
uh oh, my old pl guild might have a lvl 1 toon "Noob" as a temp gm at the moment since ellyidol left back then.
just curious, what would happen if the gm was deleted?

Didn't noob cap at the 45 cap, then quit?

02-20-2012, 12:03 PM
if the character is deleted do we get our platinuim back or a create character slot?

02-20-2012, 12:10 PM
if the character is deleted do we get our platinuim back or a create character slot?

The slot would just be empty, buying a character slot for 5 plat just makes it possible to have another character and it doesn't place a character in the slot.

02-20-2012, 12:22 PM
Woohoo! I would consider higher levels too, but maybe not? Idk...

02-21-2012, 01:01 AM
It's the day today..

02-21-2012, 10:50 AM
Has a solution been found for the issue of mules on people who are on break?

02-21-2012, 02:55 PM
Has a solution been found for the issue of mules on people who are on break?
Wow, good question...that would be really crazy coming back from a break to find out all your stuff is gone :vshock:

02-21-2012, 03:29 PM
Ghost! Do You know anything about the character "Beta"? o.O I was remember that I took it with some other greek letters, but it's registered to an account. Tell me the truth! Did You took it? Or Zero? Well.. I'll buy the name for a Old Man's Winter :D Only we, three of us were playing with epic names. Oh and Omega, but I haven't seen him since first weeks of beta.

02-21-2012, 03:50 PM
Wow, good question...that would be really crazy coming back from a break to find out all your stuff is gone :vshock:

Hmm. I was chatting with a developer a half an hour ago. We didn't talked exactly about this, but for me it seems like, that characters that have been pumped with Platinums won't be deleted. :D Non platinum character owners should do what I'm trying to. To trade the name for a Vanity. :D Or is it forbidden? If yes, just delete Beta and I'll give You a Old Man as a gift. :D

02-21-2012, 06:48 PM

02-21-2012, 06:50 PM
I believe it was already happening, i was trying to rename a few of my avatars
and i was getting a unknown error occurred

02-21-2012, 07:04 PM
I believe it was already happening, i was trying to rename a few of my avatars
and i was getting a unknown error occurred
Not yet. I couldn't take the name that sure will be deleted, and I'm trying it every second on a second phone.

02-22-2012, 01:47 AM
Godot, Gatsby, Terra, Admin, Pikachu and more still gone, so meh. Hope others got better luck name snatching.

02-22-2012, 03:53 AM
LOL. I was trying names earlier. Nada. I didn't think too many would become avail though. The deletion is so specific. I'm sure there're some good deletions, but you'd have to make a lucky guess.

Good luck all!

02-22-2012, 04:07 AM
I hope to get a name for my mage

02-22-2012, 06:18 AM
Good idea but at the same time brings me back to the days of the Diablo series when you could have a capped toon and not play for a few months and *poof* he/she was gone forever.

02-22-2012, 08:40 AM
Good idea but at the same time brings me back to the days of the Diablo series when you could have a capped toon and not play for a few months and *poof* he/she was gone forever.
It's about lvl1 characters.

02-22-2012, 07:44 PM
*sigh* both Kiki and Mimi were still in use.... they're the nicknames for Kiyoko and Miyoko if you're wondering why I would want Kiki and Mimi lol hehehe... i'll stop talking now -_-

02-23-2012, 06:53 AM
Good idea but at the same time brings me back to the days of the Diablo series when you could have a capped toon and not play for a few months and *poof* he/she was gone forever.

Yep. Thank goodness most games have moved from inactive character/account deletions. I think. I hope.

02-26-2012, 04:44 AM
Done, yesterday.

02-27-2012, 12:04 PM
Hey gang,

We ran into a few tech issues with the character purging. We're always very, very careful when it comes to our customer's character data. We've done the name clearing in Star Legends and are getting ready to proceed with the name clearing in Pocket Legends.

That's the latest update!

02-27-2012, 12:29 PM
Hey gang,

We ran into a few tech issues with the character purging. We're always very, very careful when it comes to our customer's character data. We've done the name clearing in Star Legends and are getting ready to proceed with the name clearing in Pocket Legends.

That's the latest update!

Sweet thanks Sam.

03-01-2012, 09:13 PM
Just because I feel like it I'll apply the "hard of listening" filter I get at work all the time - what you're saying is that "level 90 characters that don't log in 1 time on February 21st will be deleted for 3 days."


Or maybe it was "Level 3 February 21st accounts will be deleted to level 90 by 3 characters"?

Something like that.