View Full Version : Name Changes

02-17-2012, 07:56 PM
So i accidentally leveled my 56 to 57 (the last guy gave me 2 xp when i was trying to reach max) I was kinda mad at first, but i was planning on leveling another char to make a 61 mage. So i will level my 57 to 61 and the other to 56. That solved that problem. But i really dont want a different named 56 so i thought i could switch their names. After thinking about it i realized it would be 150 plat instead of 100. So i think their should be an option for 100 plat to switch 2 of your character names instead of the 50x 3 renames.

02-17-2012, 08:03 PM
There is, email sts support. ;)