View Full Version : Final Skill: Combine!

02-18-2012, 04:32 PM
Had a thought this morn... What if the final skill is something like "Combine" which allowed each class to combine 2 (or 3) other skills into one mega skill. Increased ranks improve any multiplier effects, maybe improve cools down and mana reqs. Works like this...

Learn skill, map skill to screen...

1. Press "combine", and before this skill cools down...
2. Secect up to 2 other skills (also costs selected skill mana and cool down for these start also)
3. The combined skills execute with fantasicly wonderful results - imagine the possible combos!
4. Combine can be cast again, but only with skills not in cooldown mode

As an alternate, for increased specialization, players can only preselect skills to combine when the skill is ranked.. Making it a more fixed but specialized skill.

Click Thanks if u like!

02-19-2012, 06:30 AM
What to say... It sure would be awesome but would require devs to think of 55 different skill combinations per class.

Well, problably less as some skills like operative's Inner focus or engineer's Pain would be hard to combine with most other skills.

02-19-2012, 11:03 AM
True... That would be ideal. Or even if both skills fired at the same time with a multiplier would be pretty cool too...

02-19-2012, 12:19 PM
Hmm... Either i did not get the point, or i don't see it..

Is the main idea in multipliers given to this 'combined' skill? Coz otherwise u can use skills one after another with the similar to 'combined' results..

I.e. using lurch after lash i push and pin down opponent at the same time, while i retreat to cooldown

02-19-2012, 12:26 PM
My concerns:

1) Lag. A lot.

2) How tricky it would be to select all those skills.

02-19-2012, 04:52 PM
Right.. Say if normal sonic boom does 25dmg and wither 15dmg, then with combine, you get sonic boom 30dmg+wither20dmg cast at the same time...

02-19-2012, 04:59 PM
Right.. Say if normal sonic boom does 25dmg and wither 15dmg, then with combine, you get sonic boom 30dmg+wither20dmg cast at the same time...

Another concern: STS having to come up with 25+ animations for each combo of skills.

02-28-2012, 07:07 PM
Also they created GCD (Global Cool down) for a reason in PL people could like hit 2-3 skills at once killing people instantly! So if SL ever gets powerful enough to lash out in damage then this would be rendered unaffective...