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View Full Version : Xp runs

02-20-2012, 11:51 PM
Well soon I want to start to do xp runs this week to reach lvl 61 im a lvl 53 almost lvl 54 so im 8 levels away, ill be on tomorrow around 6:00 am mountain time to 7:00am mountain time, I will also be on later in the day around 4:00pm to idk how long mountain time, it woukd be very helpful if ppl could help me lvl I would enjoy you help, we can run bandit boys and first level of nuris, if youd like to help please leave you ign and your level and what time you will be on I thank all for you time


02-21-2012, 03:18 AM
I can pop in sometime. Just hit 66 so I'm free to do whatever I want :D
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