View Full Version : 2x eoe15 guilds ?

07-19-2020, 03:47 AM
So now dl seems to have two eye of eternity 15 guilds . Any ideas which one to join ? Is there a chance you guys will merge . Could be eoe 30 or something . That would be huge .

07-20-2020, 09:07 PM
So now dl seems to have two eye of eternity 15 guilds . Any ideas which one to join ? Is there a chance you guys will merge . Could be eoe 30 or something . That would be huge .

Not to my knowledge.. I need to reach the Spacetime Studios Customer Support Team ASAP.. Starting things off, Savage trolls roleplay the revenge of OLDEST DL ORGANIZATION ..... EYE OF ETERNITY 15 ..... They evidently don’t know how to conduct themselves like other players , the players shouldn’t be told to just ignore them until the trolls find someone else to harass...?

I JUST WANTED TO POST THIS AS AN INFORMATIONAL TO ANY PLAYERS... We are definitely NOT ASSOCIATED with any of these IMPOSTERS. This is a great shame. There are high numbers of ill-intentioned people who just want to abuse, harass and bully users online in DL. PLEASE Don't Feed the Trolls report is a brilliant explanation of how we can start the process of cleaning up toxic discourse on ...
Besides the sarcasm, belittling others and name-calling, they make so many unwarranted assumptions trolling our community.

Dear Community!
Reporting in-game is necessary, Simply blocking someone is only temporarily protecting yourself, but not stopping anything from happening again or to other people.

Dear @Cinco,
Something has to be done before the game becomes little more than a troll's hunting ground. We need some way to punish the players who actively seek to ruin everyone else's fun. We need it to stop.