View Full Version : Just because you heard it...

02-21-2012, 07:28 AM
Doesn't mean that I meant it...

I was alone, cold...forsaken. Forgiven by many, forgotten by all. Dead in my own space. Emptiness. Nostalgia took over, and let me feed off of memories. I knew only that. I was your scapegoat, your pariah. I burnt on a stake of your mistakes. I pleaded...screamed for forgiveness from your kind. You labeled me evil unforgiven by man, yet forgiven by God as you said I was. Evil incarnate you called me.

My fascination for your blood, was frown upon, as yours for the meat of the flock was overseen. I saw my life; hundredths of years pass while all you saw was decades flicker before you. I was the bad, but you failed to see your own cruelty towards the living.

Un-Dead, breathing, feeding, and killing amongst the "living" I remained. A secret far to great for you to let go. You fail to see even then. I drink and take away only from those that harm you, but you could care less. One day, my kind a revenge we will have so unforgiving of your kind. The living.

Blood will run, both from the young and of those of age. We will hide no longer. Reap like the angel of death we will. You will then call us a plague. We will remain hidden even if our purpose is to come forth. Youthful among the old we remain. Knowledge of witchcraft they will claim.

But amidst all you have against us, protect you we will. But the day will come and once it's too late to acknowledge it you will cry, plead and beg for forgiveness like we once did. But by that time our desire and lust for your blood will be too great, and only then will you be the one, and only. Harvested for what you are. A flock like it was meant to be...

:) I was completely bored and DL
inspired. For some reason vampyric thoughts only come across my mind after midnight (my time) lol hope you enjoyed it. I know I loved and had fun writing this.

02-21-2012, 07:44 AM
Saool... That's awesome!

02-21-2012, 01:01 PM
Thank you Matt :D

02-21-2012, 01:24 PM
Woah! Those are some creepy, but awesome thoughts dude!

02-21-2012, 01:49 PM
Amazing creativity right there! WOW! :D

02-21-2012, 02:37 PM
Aw thank you guys... I was hanging with my neighbors late at night drinking a few lol
And we were listening to a Manson album called "Eat me, Drink me" the whole CD is based on vampires, and I'm so anxious to play DL I asked myself why not? Hehe I used to write a lot before but now I can't seem to put my thoughts on paper, so this was my attempt to reconnect with that part of me. :)

02-21-2012, 04:05 PM
I really like that! Good job! will there be more?

02-21-2012, 04:11 PM
Whoa u sure got some creativity bro!!

Even though I am now a bit afraid that u will come to suck my blood some day :S

02-21-2012, 04:19 PM
Even though I am now a bit afraid that u will come to suck my blood some day :S


02-21-2012, 04:36 PM
Hehe I might write another short whatever this is lol :)