View Full Version : New special weapons and skills

02-22-2012, 03:24 AM
When people reach the max level in a patch they can get special items and for the next patch i was thinking that in the next level patch there could be godlike weapons. Possibly an ancient golden longbow for the archer. Excalibur for the bear. And some golden laser staff or wand for the mage. These are only suggestions for the next special items and hope you like them.

Another suggestion is for after the level 72 patch. Once a person reaches 72 they will beable the have every ability fully upgraded and no fun only using those same old abilities. Maybe you can make the abilities upgrade to ten at max or another ability page that you unlock at higher levels.

My last suggestion is an ultimate ability. One extra ability for each class that has a very long cooldown and does an effective impact on the game. Maybe it would be best not to have the ultimate in pvp because pvp is fine with the old abilities. Here are what I think these abilities should be:

Archer- Split Arrow- shoots 10 arrows surrounding the player and does tons of damage

Mage- Healing Area- an area around the mage gives a group buff thats doubles the health regen and gives increased armor.

Bear- Earthquake- more powerful bersion of stomp that makes any enemy fall back for ten seconds and take 30 dps.

Thats all my suggestions for now and hope that they come in handy!


02-22-2012, 03:35 AM
Split arrow- Killed the enemy already, no fun for endgame pvp.
Healing area- Double the health regen??!!! That would totally ruin endgame pvp.
Earthquake- Ten seconds, too long.

No offence but these are just my ideas... Then endgame pvp will be ruined if people don't want to go for max lvl. Max lvl people owning second highest lvl pvp and it'll stuff it all up. Just my opinion. >.<

02-22-2012, 03:41 AM
Thats why I said the ultimates better not be in pvp. It would ruin everything in pvp.

02-22-2012, 11:53 PM
But you said ''NEW special weapons and skills..."

02-23-2012, 08:53 AM
Its just a suggestion for a future patch. So everything in the patch would be new.