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View Full Version : Event 20+ friends

07-24-2020, 04:07 AM
Event is awesome and completely fresh concept.

We are facing a problem. All friends have own their own taverns and its very hard to find 20 people.

It was said that in such case we can get random people from House tours.

But house tour list is almost fixed to few players and those players have full tavern all the time.

Random players cant find free tavern slots and on other hand Other people with taverns Cant find players to join.

It would be better if House tour list is randomised instead of fix filters by which few taverns are fixed in list.

07-24-2020, 08:02 AM
Agrees number of ppl too high

07-24-2020, 08:06 AM
Umm this is actually super easy to do...just join your or some else’s house and click on Arlor Home Show and just join the top houses 15-30min prior to boss. Try a few until one let u join. You dont have to make anyone join

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07-24-2020, 11:52 AM
Can u really call it a party if not at least 20 though?

07-24-2020, 12:06 PM
Can u really call it a party if not at least 20 though?

Do the 20 voices in my head count?

07-24-2020, 12:11 PM
Umm this is actually super easy to do...just join your or some else’s house and click on Arlor Home Show and just join the top houses 15-30min prior to boss. Try a few until one let u join. You dont have to make anyone join

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

There are some specific loots only for house owners and there wife/husband.

07-24-2020, 12:13 PM
Can u really call it a party if not at least 20 though?

Its event for loots which is labeled as party. Otherwise parties in guildhall n towns should be allowed instead of house specific.

07-25-2020, 02:14 AM
Sts, event is forcing genuine players to bot dummies.

Everyone have house so if u share turns then u get only one chance in a day.

To keep this event clean. Reduce minimum limit to 10
And if a house is half full then it should be removed from House tour list. So other houses get randoms.