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View Full Version : Goodbye Again + One Final Question

02-22-2012, 06:39 PM
Hello all! The Bronxman here!

It was great to reconnect with some of you if for only a little while. Good to go back to The Bronxman's roots. However, all good things must come to an end. And so, The Bronxman is going to sign off.

For a little while.

And be careful, for you never know when The Bronxman will return.

Oh, by the way, The Bronxman has one final question to Sam and the PL developers. Fear not Bronxamaniacs, the Bronxman read your emails and he is handling this NOW.

And so, to the Pocket Legends powers that be:

Which is a bigger hoax -- The Bronx Bomber or Dark Legends? For those of you who say "Pics or vids, or it didn't happen," have you seen ANYTHING about Dark Legends?

The Bronxman asks this because many people asked him this question, but were concerned about posing this to the developers, for fear of being banned (or even worse)

However, as The Bronxman is fearless, he poses this question to Samhayne and others:

Sam, the people want to know about Dark Legends. For quite some time, the people have seen promises, promises, and more promises. But, promises don't pay the rent and they don't put food on the table. You can't make crackers into sirloin.

They are asking, and with your silence, they are doubting.

If you are going to release Dark Legends, now is a good time to post something tangible to support that. Even an alpha demo will whet their appetites.

Otherwise, Dark Legends will become a laughingstock.

The Bronxman is signing off. Rest assured, Bronxamaniacs, your questions about Dark Legends will be answered by Samhayne and the other leaders.

One way or the other.

And remember...


... WILL

02-22-2012, 06:47 PM
O.o you will be missed

02-22-2012, 07:07 PM
:) Moved from GD

02-22-2012, 08:37 PM
HE LIVES!!! :D Missed you Bronx!!!!!!!!!! :')

02-24-2012, 04:48 AM
Back to your roots. Solid!
U were here for like 8 months, and then u disappeared for 3 weeks to go to hollywood and make a reality show, right?

Kewl story, bro. Thnx

02-24-2012, 05:11 AM
I'm putting my money on DL> anything Bronxman related.
Why? Pl and Sl happened, and that bronxman sword? was nice and all. for a while :)

02-24-2012, 09:15 AM
I used to argue like you... Then a bronxbomber hit me in the knee... Then a dark Legends vampire came and ate me! Then a meat head knocked the zombie unconscious and ate him and then! An adventurer came and killed meat head thus proving that DL and the Bronxbomber exsist! No I am not typing this this is my ghost!

02-24-2012, 10:19 AM
Well, this was one of the more humorous and entertaining threads you have made. If that was what you were going for, mission accomplished. :P