View Full Version : So let me get this straight..

02-22-2012, 09:02 PM
If we have an opinion we cant post it without it getting deleted or thread being closed now? Just its what ive ohserved and noticed overtime. Kinda weird to me.

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02-22-2012, 09:05 PM
Hehe devs forums, devs rules. Everywhere in life there's always someone who has that power over you, and u just gotta live with it xP

02-22-2012, 09:11 PM
STS tos is clear and in a nushell says: "my house my rules". And before someone brings it up its a private community therefore the constitution does not apply. :D

02-22-2012, 09:20 PM
Their house their rules. So if i go by those rules dont like some changes they made(not saying they did) and i post something saying that rule is stupid and rediculous it can offend someone and they can he like arrggg rawrr bam and you're gone forever?

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02-22-2012, 09:22 PM
Their house their rules. So if i go by those rules dont like some changes they made(not saying they did) and i post something saying that rule is stupid and rediculous it can offend someone and they can he like arrggg rawrr bam and you're gone forever?

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Pretty much. Some sites are way stricter and some are a lot more permissive. Try complaining about anything on a bioware community forum and you'll see what strict really means. I am not saying I agree with everything they do but it all boils down to what STS feels is good for business. Which, honestly, in their shoes I'd be doing the same... and also potentially catching athletes foot.

02-22-2012, 09:27 PM
Pretty much. Some sites are way stricter and some are a lot more permissive. Try complaining about anything on a bioware community forum and you'll see what strict really means. I am not saying I agree with everything they do but it all boils down to what STS feels is good for business. Which, honestly, in their shoes I'd be doing the same... and also potentially catching athletes foot.

I like your analogy about the shoe and the athletes feet that makes sense. But some threads that i see as a good discussion is like i post in it then 30sec later it gets locked or deleted im like wtf? Is it just a me thing lol

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02-22-2012, 10:30 PM
I think a lot of it has to do with the newer mods (no offence to them, just an observation). Ever since they've been around ive noticed the forums have been policed more, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it wasn't exactly completely necessary as the odd mishap would only occur once in a very great while while the devs were perusing the forums.

02-22-2012, 10:31 PM
This thread title right next to the saool coming out thread just made me LOL.

02-22-2012, 10:33 PM
This thread title right next to the saool coming out thread just made me LOL.


02-22-2012, 10:34 PM
As per mods. Every forum ive been apart of have had mods that were part of te community.

Regular people that became mods by being active and extremely helpful.

Im not sure why STS didnt go that way with mods. The GOAs and SGs could be forum mods since most show those qualities.

02-22-2012, 11:30 PM
I think a lot of it has to do with the newer mods (no offence to them, just an observation). Ever since they've been around ive noticed the forums have been policed more, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it wasn't exactly completely necessary as the odd mishap would only occur once in a very great while while the devs were perusing the forums.
True i noticed that too.
@stomp lol :P
@ardon you got a good point there buddy how about you suggest it in suggestion part? :)

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02-22-2012, 11:41 PM
*Cough Delphina *Cough* sorry what were we saying... Hope I don't get banned for that... Well sometimes I think del is a bit hard on the almighty I CAN EDIT AND LOCK YOUR post thing but gets the job done I guess...

02-23-2012, 12:01 AM
While expressing yourself is a very important part of life as a human being, we must all be careful in the manner in which we do it. If someone is being openly critical of STS in such a fashion that it may harm or otherwise damage business, then they have every right to police that. No one is saying you have to like it, but you will abide by it. There's really no other way.

STS is good enough to make mods and devs fairly easily reachable via PM (I've never PMed one and NOT gotten a timely response). If you must vent about the state of STS, vent to the ones that can actually impact it and do so in a calm, polite and private matter. Otherwise, you run the risk of looking like you're trying to stir the hornets' nest. STS would have no other course of action but to calm things down.

Look at it like this - your mother (the generic insult target, right?) may be smelly and hairy and largely unattractive, but you'll be damned if someone's gonna call her out for it. STS is no different. You may have gripes about the game or the forums, but would you actually expect them to allow someone to openly berate their efforts and jeopardize their livelihood?

And of course, you're always free to leave. The forums are free and the game is free. There is no pay-for-play or subscription service for either. If you're unhappy in either arena, please don't drag others into it. Do the mature thing and leave gracefully and with some class.

02-23-2012, 01:22 AM
While expressing yourself is a very important part of life as a human being, we must all be careful in the manner in which we do it. If someone is being openly critical of STS in such a fashion that it may harm or otherwise damage business, then they have every right to police that. No one is saying you have to like it, but you will abide by it. There's really no other way.

STS is good enough to make mods and devs fairly easily reachable via PM (I've never PMed one and NOT gotten a timely response). If you must vent about the state of STS, vent to the ones that can actually impact it and do so in a calm, polite and private matter. Otherwise, you run the risk of looking like you're trying to stir the hornets' nest. STS would have no other course of action but to calm things down.

Look at it like this - your mother (the generic insult target, right?) may be smelly and hairy and largely unattractive, but you'll be damned if someone's gonna call her out for it. STS is no different. You may have gripes about the game or the forums, but would you actually expect them to allow someone to openly berate their efforts and jeopardize their livelihood?

And of course, you're always free to leave. The forums are free and the game is free. There is no pay-for-play or subscription service for either. If you're unhappy in either arena, please don't drag others into it. Do the mature thing and leave gracefully and with some class.

I believe you wernt around when the vame was p2p were you? Umm nope i dont think so just cause its free in the market doesnt mean its a free game back in the day you could only level to 18 for free thats when i bought all campaigns just because its free now doesnt mean it was always free.. and also i kinda took that post personaly i gotta admit i dont like being told to leave if i dont like something im not gonna go and have them keep doidng something others may not like also id say what i have to say then leave and with that said im not leaving so good day to you too :)

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02-23-2012, 06:16 AM
free to play does not mean everything in the game is free to play.

02-23-2012, 06:54 AM
I believe you wernt around when the vame was p2p were you? Umm nope i dont think so just cause its free in the market doesnt mean its a free game back in the day you could only level to 18 for free thats when i bought all campaigns just because its free now doesnt mean it was always free.. and also i kinda took that post personaly i gotta admit i dont like being told to leave if i dont like something im not gonna go and have them keep doidng something others may not like also id say what i have to say then leave and with that said im not leaving so good day to you too :)

Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk Actually you're way wrong. I have the SoG. I bought every plat map. I can meet you in-game and show it to you if that's necessary. Or we can compare screenshots of our join dates...or whatever it takes so you'll stop assuming you know how long someone's been playing.

So yeah, the game is free to play. It always has been. Just because you chose to spend money on plat doesn't mean you had to. It's unfortunate that you spent money on something you're unhappy with. You can ask STS for a refund, but when that doesn't work you're still at square one, aren't you?

I think it's great you're not leaving. I think the game relies on its players. My whole point was that if you or anyone else is unhappy, voice your concerns the proper way. Calling out STS isn't going to work. Threatening to leave isn't going to work. Inform the proper parties in the proper manner. That's all there is to it.

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02-23-2012, 07:01 AM
free to play does not mean everything in the game is free to play.

Can you DL the game for free? Can you play for free? You can. Or, you can choose to spend money for maps or items or whatever. But in the end, you can DL and play without spending a dime.

Sounds free to me. Plat is optional, not required.

And sorry for the double post. I'm not sure how to edit my post via Tapatalk.

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02-23-2012, 11:59 AM
Actually you're way wrong. I have the SoG. I bought every plat map. I can meet you in-game and show it to you if that's necessary. Or we can compare screenshots of our join dates...or whatever it takes so you'll stop assuming you know how long someone's been playing.

So yeah, the game is free to play. It always has been. Just because you chose to spend money on plat doesn't mean you had to. It's unfortunate that you spent money on something you're unhappy with. You can ask STS for a refund, but when that doesn't work you're still at square one, aren't you?

I think it's great you're not leaving. I think the game relies on its players. My whole point was that if you or anyone else is unhappy, voice your concerns the proper way. Calling out STS isn't going to work. Threatening to leave isn't going to work. Inform the proper parties in the proper manner. That's all there is to it.

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Also it seems like as you progress it becomes pay to have fun and keep you interested

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02-23-2012, 12:28 PM
People, by nature, are of a mob mentality. While I don't agree with locking or deleting threads that say negative things about the games...I understand why it is done. It could easily snowball is a mob of people raising Cain, and then they would have a PR nightmare.

02-23-2012, 01:00 PM
The devs/mods don't really let us share our opinion very much. They are slowly making the forums more stricter...Its like putting a frog in a pot of regular water then slowly turning up the heat till its boiling and the frog stays in there till he dies because the heat was turned so slowly that he just adjusted to the heat till he died.

02-23-2012, 01:57 PM
The devs/mods don't really let us share our opinion very much. They are slowly making the forums more stricter...Its like putting a frog in a pot of regular water then slowly turning up the heat till its boiling and the frog stays in there till he dies because the heat was turned so slowly that he just adjusted to the heat till he died.

Like this


I prefer more stickt because lately the forum has been clogged with useless posts.

02-23-2012, 08:58 PM
The devs/mods don't really let us share our opinion very much. They are slowly making the forums more stricter...Its like putting a frog in a pot of regular water then slowly turning up the heat till its boiling and the frog stays in there till he dies because the heat was turned so slowly that he just adjusted to the heat till he died.


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02-23-2012, 09:32 PM
Also it seems like as you progress it becomes pay to have fun and keep you interested

Sent from my PG86100 using TapatalkNot to me it doesn't.

I don't PvP and I can do without plat vanities and items.

What aspects of the game would be unavailable to me should I choose not to buy plat? Holiday events? Instant revival?

Sorry, not seeing where I MUST have plat to enjoy the game.

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02-23-2012, 09:34 PM
And did someone really just compare the forum experience to being cooked alive?

Wow. You people need to get a grasp on what's real life and what's entertainment.

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02-23-2012, 09:58 PM
Not to me it doesn't.

I don't PvP and I can do without plat vanities and items.

What aspects of the game would be unavailable to me should I choose not to buy plat? Holiday events? Instant revival?

Sorry, not seeing where I MUST have plat to enjoy the game.

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Im talking about leveling it gets boring after an hour and your xp bar hasnt moved an inch
And lol err people are weird o.O
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02-23-2012, 10:03 PM
Game has changed a lot and some older players have a hard time adapting is what it is.

02-23-2012, 10:53 PM
*Cough Delphina *Cough* sorry what were we saying... Hope I don't get banned for that... Well sometimes I think del is a bit hard on the almighty I CAN EDIT AND LOCK YOUR post thing but gets the job done I guess...

Like damn!

02-24-2012, 01:55 AM
Game has changed a lot and some older players have a hard time adapting is what it is.

Am i considered an old player? O.o
@artemis lolol :P

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