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View Full Version : Personal MMO project - With pictures!

02-23-2012, 03:15 PM
So out of boredom I decided to start learning the process to make an MMO. I have always been a graphic designer and have done light programming work as a hobby, so I wanted to see what I could make happen. Let me just say straight away, that I know this project will likely never come of anything, due to the extreme amount of work that is involved, but as a hobby it has been pretty fun so far! My main man Serprus has joined the team and we are dabbling around (With possibly a third and fourth joining soon).


First, as I have absolutely no clue what is involved in writing my own engine (and because I suck at coding), I started hunting for a good engine to use. After a quick google research, I only saw a couple feasible options. Multiverse, Unity, or the UDK. I found HeroEngine, which was by far my favorite, but it was like $5,000 to get and then like $5000 per month to maintain (or something ridiculous like that). So I digressed.

Multi-verse Engine: Free to use, but company takes like 20% of all profits. However, further inspection lead me to believe that this engine was a piece-o-crap, and probably would be possible to get a fully functional MMO running on it.

UDK: Beautiful engine, free download, company takes % of profits. However, investigation found the same thing as Multi-verse..Not likely to get a fully functional MMO going with it.

Unity Engine: Free for limited license, and cheap for source license. Pretty comprehensive game engine and simple to use. I downloaded this and toyed around with it, until Serprus found something extremely awesome...

HeroCloud: Full access to the HeroEngine! All tools and functionality are included for free, however they take 30% of any profits I make. They handle all server and bandwidth costs associated and have integrated all networking components into the engine. Super simple to get online and working.


So I got my license for HeroEngine and it took them 2-3 days to set my server up to work on. Once I got in though, it was amazing. I have learned a lot within a few days of dabbling and me and Serprus have managed to do some pretty cool stuff for beginners.

I will say though, I can already see the ridiculous amount of 3d models and textures I will have to design. Once you start playing with an engine like this, you really start to appreciate and understand the work that goes into games like World of Midgard.

My plan of action is as follows:

Model a creature
Set a bone structure to creature
Rig the creature for animation
Create a simple walk/idle animation for creature
Place creature in game, walking on set paths and idling at certain intervals.
Learn how to texture the creature. Complete texturing of creature. (UV Mapping is going to be a pain to learn)
Create many of these creatures throughout my game.
Create one larger creature, with a slightly different texture to be a boss and place him in the cave.
Work on making the mob combat ready. Starting with making it attackable and with set hitpoints.
Make the mob attack the player back once attacked.
Create attack/death animations and put them into action.
Make the creatures Agro the player.
Make the creatures run away when at low health.

Create an NPC Outside my tent.
Make the NPC able to be talked to.
Create a "Quest Log"
Make the NPC have a quest that the player can accept to the quest log.
Have the quest be a simple "Kill so many mobs", and make each kill of said mob, track to the quest.
Make the quest completable ( but with no rewards).

Anyway, here are my pics so far!




My first mob - Started with cylinder base and molded chest roughly to shape

Then added some legs. they look too human-like, but whatever

Molded tail and head a bit

Started applying the bone structure

Finished bone structure

Here is my model after I finished rigging it. All of the geometric shapes are actually control shapes that are linked to certain joints in order to animate it in life like motions.

Here's a video of the world so far.

You can see my cave mouth and bridge that I modeled. Not the best, but keep in mind that this is my first time doing this stuff. :p


02-23-2012, 03:19 PM
Good luck with all you do! I think you will get a lot of people interested in this, as it looks so cool!

02-23-2012, 03:21 PM
I wish I knew how to get *this* bored. Very cool!! Anxious to see the progression! Now see if you can peg that fully over-clocked dream machine of yours with it somehow! haha!!

02-23-2012, 03:39 PM
Awesome bro! Stick with it!

02-23-2012, 03:52 PM
Wow, that's amazing! Looking forward to seeing how it develops :triumphant:

02-23-2012, 06:59 PM
Thanks guys. I have a long road ahead of me. Should be fun .... to an extent. :p

02-24-2012, 01:10 AM
Thanks guys. I have a long road ahead of me. Should be fun .... to an extent. :p
What you've got already is awesome :stupid: stick with it, it'll be a cool project for your spare time!

02-27-2012, 09:08 PM
Better Call it
World of Pwnies :P


Buffedbear Pl
02-27-2012, 09:14 PM
Man that is really cool. As others have said keep working on it. I really want to see how this progresses. Keep up the good work! Just remember to have fun while doing it!

02-27-2012, 10:08 PM
How long do u think you'll be working on it?
What classes will you have?
How much will it cost to play?

02-28-2012, 02:53 AM

02-28-2012, 03:30 AM
Sweet bro! I have only programmer in easyC and robotC... And barely screened java and windows! Might try this new server! Being as I don't expect to make money it'll be great =D

02-28-2012, 03:39 AM
I think he quit SL and PL..only comes to Say hi to us(guildies)
So if you wanna talk about this project wid him..go visit
You will see him there


02-28-2012, 10:38 AM
Thanks guys!

@BuffedBear: I will update this thread whenever I make progress on it. It might not be the fastest of progress, but I don't plan on giving up.

@Taipan: I guess it depends on what I decide to do with the game, to determine how long it will take me. Based on how long it took for me to get what I have so far... a lonnng time. lol. I still havn't decided on whether to target PC or mobile. As for classes, I have ideas (that I am not quite ready to share), but currently I am just learning various things before i start to work on the classes. As far as costs go. If I manage to even make a DECENT game... It will probably start off completely free. If i somehow manage to make an AWESOME game, I might try to squeeze a few bucks out of it. I don't really care for current IAP craze, so would probably just be a set couple of bucks per month for complete access.

@Sryy: I would definitely check it out. Its great for learning. :)

02-28-2012, 11:54 AM
For inspiration... (if I know this story correctly, the dudes never did pocket a dime for this!! Wow!)


02-28-2012, 12:05 PM
What programming language(s) does this engine support?

02-28-2012, 12:20 PM
HeroScript, it's own language.

But if you are familiar with other languages, it's pretty easy to pick up.

02-28-2012, 12:52 PM
Cool, thanks Morfic. I might look into HeroCloud and their language.

Anyway, your project is turning out great! 3d modeling and bone rigging seems extremely difficult and tedious. Getting to the point where you start animating must be fun though.

Good luck! Don't give up!

02-28-2012, 01:33 PM
Really looking forward to see the end game of this project plz don't stop lol the suspense is killing me :p

Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk

05-23-2012, 10:51 AM
Wow, really cool bro :)!

P.S. I own the legal rights to the licensed MorfiEngine so dontcha dare to leave me out of ur royalties list.

05-23-2012, 10:54 AM
Looking forward to the finished, Sign me up for Beta :P

05-23-2012, 11:03 AM
Good luck to u!

05-23-2012, 04:12 PM
That's so awesome :D

05-23-2012, 04:19 PM
Psh 5k a month to maintain? That's chump change, I got you covered.

No, but that looks sick bro. Proud of you.

05-24-2012, 08:12 AM
Is Morfic still working on this? :confused:

I hope so. :D

05-24-2012, 09:02 AM
There's been a few hiccups. Most notably, I learned that I cannot make this MMO on a mobile platform with this current engine. I am now debating on whether or not to switch to the Unity engine so that I can target the mobile crowd, or just stick with a PC MMO.

05-24-2012, 09:05 AM
There's been a few hiccups. Most notably, I learned that I cannot make this MMO on a mobile platform with this current engine. I am not debating on whether or not to switch to the Unity engine so that I can target the mobile crowd, or just stick with a PC MMO.

Use unity, start mobile then grow to a PC engine. Make extra functionality when playing PC so you raise the bar on the PC version while the mobile version is functional and great. :D

05-24-2012, 09:09 AM
I think that is a good idea. I just have to download Unity... scrap my current world... rebuild it... piece of cake. lol.

Nah, I haven't gotten too far, Just that mountain/cave/lake/river/bridge/forest/rolling hills. Should be able to duplicate that in about a day or two once I learn unity.

05-24-2012, 09:10 AM
I think that is a good idea. I just have to download Unity... scrap my current world... rebuild it... piece of cake. lol.

Nah, I haven't gotten too far, Just that mountain/cave/lake/river/bridge/forest/rolling hills. Should be able to duplicate that in about a day or two once I learn unity.

Forget that. Go Steampunk!!! (with magic and zombies!)


05-24-2012, 09:14 AM
I like the way you think......

It's settled, my MMO has just switched gears to a Steampunk game.

EDIT: Now I just need some concept artist to draw me up some steampunk stuff. ;p

05-24-2012, 09:27 AM
I like the way you think......

It's settled, my MMO has just switched gears to a Steampunk game.

EDIT: Now I just need some concept artist to draw me up some steampunk stuff. ;p
Steampunk <3, lol!
So you need zeppelins, and also giant steaming clockwork monsters, yeah?

05-24-2012, 09:30 AM
Yep. and tons of gear related shenanigans

05-24-2012, 12:25 PM
Yep. and tons of gear related shenanigans
Sounds cool! I'd offer to try and do some concept art for you, but it would be stick figures with cogs sticking out of their heads :D
[/begin irony] I'm not the best artist ever. [/end irony]
Still, good luck! Keep us posted!