View Full Version : Question about musical instruments.

02-23-2012, 08:35 PM
Ok so does any one here play the violin? Preferably an electric one. The reason being is for some reason I have the impulse to buy one and learn how to play. Does anyone know of a decent brand/model that is not too expensive?

Also how hard is it to learn? I have self taught my self to play a bit of piano by ear and I think I can sing well so im semi musical inclined.

Suentous PO
02-23-2012, 09:03 PM
I've never tried electric, but have played regular. Are you used to playing fretless instruments? That's a different thing to learn and train. when I have wanted instruments like that I had luck buying the "student models" which were usually bit banged up but waaay cheaper. Sometimes schools themselves will give you a deal if not clue you into some inexpensive dealer. If your can self teach and are familiar with strings you are already in a good place to learn more faster.
Have fun!

02-23-2012, 09:05 PM
Play the Trumpet

02-23-2012, 09:25 PM

I like how she plays and the genre...idk much on violins but I am pretty sure Fender makes an electric and affordable one...but you could try musiciansfriend.com and or guitarcenter.com I've bought from both (bass guitar and plenty of strings) to tell you they're ok to buy from. And nice going on learning how to play by ear :D

02-23-2012, 09:49 PM
String instruments rule all and are very fun to learn. Musicianfriend is a very good website with the best prices you will probably find anywhere. If you go to the website they will send you a free catalog every month with new specials for free Always fun to look at but I always end up buying something lol. You can read user reviews on the website also

I am partial to string instruments because I play guitar but all instruments are awesome and if you start with piano you will probably be able to learn any of the other instruments pretty easily from what I have seen over the years... I kind of wish I had learned piano but I didnt so oh well I love my Martin guitar....good luck with your violin journeys....ps electric violin sounds awesome

02-23-2012, 09:51 PM
Thanks all I take a look at those websites!! :)

02-23-2012, 10:22 PM
String instruments rule all and are very fun to learn. Musicianfriend is a very good website with the best prices you will probably find anywhere. If you go to the website they will send you a free catalog every month with new specials for free Always fun to look at but I always end up buying something lol. You can read user reviews on the website also

I am partial to string instruments because I play guitar but all instruments are awesome and if you start with piano you will probably be able to learn any of the other instruments pretty easily from what I have seen over the years... I kind of wish I had learned piano but I didnt so oh well I love my Martin guitar....good luck with your violin journeys....ps electric violin sounds awesome

I wouldn't necessarily say that if you play piano you can play anything. For example, I play trumpet and I'm sure as hell that a piano player wouldn't be able to just pick up a brass instrument and start playing it. I DO think that playing piano gives a better understanding of music fundamentals and is a lovely instrument though. I need to sit at the bench some more.

02-23-2012, 10:35 PM
Well the thing about piano is if you were to lay say a guitar down you can look at the placement of the frets and strings like as if it were a piano, but the only thing a piano could do for a brass/woodwind player is like Necro said give you fundamentals. Btw I play most woodwinds/brass instruments, I was first chair tuba at my high school, and the solo clarinetist when it was too hard for even the first chair player. I also take pride in saying I was first chair bassist in out jazz band, and would occasionally switch to trombone. I've won several awards as an individual musician at competitions and from school since I started to play.

I need to finish my degree in music lol...main priority this fall.

02-23-2012, 10:56 PM
Forget that... electric triangle is what the cool folks do!

02-24-2012, 02:04 AM
OMG I totally need to get back into playing more, reading this thread is getting me all excited and feeling the music vibe again.

I still pick up my trumpet a few times a week but I need to start playing everyday again :/