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View Full Version : is power lvling alowed

02-25-2012, 12:50 AM
al i want to know is if your alowed to do it to other players for money or just for free

02-25-2012, 12:53 AM
Sure it's allowed, it doesn't voilate the terms of service or anything. Some players are concerned that if you powerlevel a new player then they could be missing out on some of the aspects of play that are deemed necessary to be an effective team member. There is also the fact that if gold is involved then there is no way to secure a trade for services rendered, so there is the possibility of one party scamming the other (no payment after services, getting paid and not performing the leveling).

02-25-2012, 01:04 AM
Okay thank you i only needed to know this so i could lvl my friend thats new

02-25-2012, 11:34 AM
Sure it's allowed, it doesn't voilate the terms of service or anything. Some players are concerned that if you powerlevel a new player then they could be missing out on some of the aspects of play that are deemed necessary to be an effective team member. There is also the fact that if gold is involved then there is no way to secure a trade for services rendered, so there is the possibility of one party scamming the other (no payment after services, getting paid and not performing the leveling).

Gluttony is right. It is in no way a violation of the rules of the game/ToS. So, people are allowed to do it anytime they want to.

I agree with the training thing. But, would word it in this way. If the person being power leveld wants to focus on training in addition to plain fast leveling, then I suggest that should be part of the arrangement.

As far as the potential for scamming goes, I never recommend power leveling for gold because of that exact reason. In other games, there were ways of dealing with this problem. Those measures do not exist for us. In this game, I have seen many examples of either the high level or the low level scamming each other.

We have few reasons to power level for gold. If the low level can't buy elixirs or if the high level is just doing as a source of income, I guess would be the main reasons.

If gold is going to be involved, the only idea that I have come up with is this:

1. Agree on a super-fair price for each level. Fair to both players.
2. Pay only 1/2 at that beginning of that level, then 1/2 at the end.
3. Continue in this way for each level until finished. (Note: there is only one trade transaction needed between levels.)

This way, at any point in time very little gold and very little of the high-level's time is at risk.

Have fun and thank you for helping your friend.

02-25-2012, 11:37 AM
wow guys thanks for getting back to me so fast this infomation will be very helpful for me and other members
