View Full Version : Just a few more of my ideas!!

02-25-2012, 06:30 PM
These are a few of my ideas that i thought could make the game better, if some of them have been brought up before sorry I cant see on my forums right now. If you think any of these idea would make the game lag let me know!!


My idea for potions was that we could play mini games for them, I know you can buy them pretty cheap if you have teir three, but what if you dont have money, or when you farm for them you end up getting hurt and using them, so what i thought was why not mini games? idk what they would be but mini games to win potions would be awesome!


You may have seen my idea for plague if not check it out, heres the link.


I pretty sure someone has said this one, what if we could ride horses, tigers, dragons, elephants! wouldnt that be awesome!! I would love being able to ride a mount. BUT how would we fight with them would they auto go in to our bag when were in a zone where we fight? (leave a comment about this)


I was just thinking it would be cool if when we go in to town we had an option to put our sword, bow, or wand on our back, maybe something else for the wands, but what I was wondering if this would cause a lot of lag?


I know we have teir1, 2, and 3, but wouldnt it be cool to be able to have our own houses? My thought about this is what if they had houses based on like campaigns, so a forest heaven house or mnt fang would be awesome, and if we did have houses I think there should be able to have some customization, like chairs, tables, if we had pets we could let them run around in our house, things like that.


I dont think the teirs have enough customization, almost the same thing above ^ minus the pet thing, maybe we could change bricks and things, just an idea.

Thank you

Thank you for your time if you read this, if you dont like any of the ideas please dont troll me, and if you think any of these would cause bad lag sorry. If you have anything you like to add on or like please let me know comment down there \/

Thank you for you time
