View Full Version : The Farsil Luhal

Devin Finger
02-25-2012, 11:06 PM
The Farsil Luhal Guild ( The Iron Master's Guild )

Even though I am lacking 4k in credits. And anywhere of 50 - 100 Plat's to do a good Guild hall. I am still going
to attempt my fate. My name is BabyDeeDee. I am a level 38 Commando. Attempting to create a guild of my
very own. In order to do this, I am posting here. I do also have a message board:


The link above is the HQ or home of the guild. Inside it, lay's the information and detail's that you as a fellow
guild finder seek's to know. If anybody wishes to become a member. Read the info and the rule's as I have did
placed in the board. And also, add the board to the favorite's so you can enter there at anytime. If you like of
what you see. Then register on the board.

Any donation's of credit's to make this go faster is most welcome. But, as for the guild hall. There is nothing
that I can do.