View Full Version : :) My guild: II The Avengers II

02-28-2012, 01:39 AM
Hi I'm Mushies
I made a guild called:II The Avengers II and it is quite active but would be more active if we didn't get hacked (everyone got deleted)... :(

I won't name who it was... unless you really need to know.
Anyways... What we will help you with:
*we will help you level up some levels
*will help you farm
*will try to give away some money or items
*we sometimes have some games (PvP, tag, Hide-and-go-seek and etc).

Also we are all friendly people :)
and everyone is recruiter+

and if you need/want some information about the guild just ask me, Kiwihawk (Co-leader), Ebakriki (Main Officer) and the other people in the guild

02-28-2012, 02:23 AM
Ebak should be called main officer it sounds better

02-28-2012, 02:33 AM
ok! :D and long time no see :P

03-01-2012, 05:05 AM
HEY! Remember me? xxaznboyxx? I'll make a new acc and join since I lost the acc and yea. How's the guild been the last time I saw it? GOOD? HOPE IT GOES WELL IN THE FUTURE!