View Full Version : Engineer a better weapon

02-29-2012, 08:16 AM
I do love the idea of class specific weapons; in fact I tried to keep all my toons using only weapons designed for them. That was until I noticed how pointless it actually was for one class in particular:

As a commando, using a cannon is awesome! It is the only weapon that has area of effect (AoE), which means that a com can actually taunt without having to use a skill and gain aggro thus being an effective tank. The cannon allows a player to be an important part of the team.

The operative has dual wield, meaning they get two weapons. Not only is it pretty sweet to see an op in action, but two handed gun running means more damage per second (DPS) in exchange for less armor. Again, this plays into the class’ strength as a single target damage dealer.

Finally, we have the engineer and their weaponized gloves. Now if the tradition would hold true then I would expect some sort of advantage for choosing to keep the eng’s designated item equipped; however, I fail to see any bonus. I’d love to see a bit of an armor increase since that would be useful for the class, or maybe a longer range bonus which would allow them to sit in the background out of harm’s way.

I’m just wondering if there is any logical reason to actually lace those gloves up for combat or if a standard gun and shield is a much better choice; anyone out there actually fist pumpin’ with their engineer out?

Screenshots to illustrate my points:

ElectroRazer/Electro-Blocker (L35 gun/shield)

Aan's Embrace (crafted L40 weapon)

Stats don't lie; leveling up to 40, spending 35k to crafting some gloves and finally equipping them nets you:
+7 INT, +2 Hit%, -7 Crit, -2 Dodge, -19 Health, -99 Mana, -4/+5 Damage, -210 Armor
Can't argue with those hard numbers.

02-29-2012, 10:59 AM
It is a good point, There needs to be a legendary gun/gloves that are suited for each class.
The gloves for engineers are a joke past lvl 35 compared to gun and shield so I see your point completely.
Would be nice to see a variation in people using different weapons instead of all the legendary pistols and shield combos that everyone are wielding now.

03-01-2012, 01:05 PM
I like to use the gloves when vanity hunting on low levels like Numa/Delta, and if I'm in a good party during my high level runs (Vol). DPS is crazy on em!

03-01-2012, 03:18 PM
Maybe a debuff effect from all of the energy zapping into them?
That would make gloves a bit better.

03-02-2012, 05:08 PM
Like i told you in game, i love using gloves, feels better and plays better for some reason to me.
Lol i die less with gloves than i do without them.
There has to be some reason they put them in the game!
I think a full team using their class specific weapons would be unstoppable in pve.
Pvp is of course a completely different story on this subject obviously.

03-02-2012, 05:58 PM
We need a flamethrower like in Aliens. It makes perfect sense in tight corridors.

03-02-2012, 06:38 PM
Your idea about giving the gloves a longer range than any other weapon makes a ton of sense and is the best suggestion I've heard in terms of being realistic. You should post that again in the suggestions section of the forum.

I also use a cannon on my comm (level 37 ATM) and the dual wield on my Op (also 37), and a pistol and shield on my engie (41) but an argument can be made that a rifle is the best pure support weapon for an engineer because it has the highest damage and therefore the best heals. It's been a few level cap raises since I switched to pistol/shield but I remember that the rifle range was a little longer, which also supports that theory if I am correct about the range. Given that the gloves are the class specific weapon, I suspect that was not intentional by the devs. The next cap raise would be a great time to fix that IMHO...

03-02-2012, 06:56 PM
Like i told you in game, i love using gloves, feels better and plays better for some reason to me.
Lol i die less with gloves than i do without them.
There has to be some reason they put them in the game!
I think a full team using their class specific weapons would be unstoppable in pve.
Pvp is of course a completely different story on this subject obviously.

Im with you on that Art i love my weilding torches. And i do die less with my gloves on then gun/shield combo.

03-02-2012, 07:01 PM
Your idea about giving the gloves a longer range than any other weapon makes a ton of sense and is the best suggestion I've heard in terms of being realistic. You should post that again in the suggestions section of the forum.

Sorry, this thread started as a general question as I could not understand the usefulness of the engineer's specific weapon. Over time it evolved into something more of a suggestion. After asking players in game as well have having a few choice chats in the box, I came to the conclusion that the items are as underpowered as I previously though.

I was hoping that enough players would chime in and I would gain some sort of knowledge that the weaponized gloves did something that wasn't advertized and thus made them a weapon to be reckoned with. However, every player that uses them generally doesn't have a reason that stats can verify or logic would dictate. Placing this in general will allow for more traffic and if enough view it and respond then perhaps it will warrant a dev to pop in and set the record straight, in the mean time it'll serve it's purpose right here.

Im with you on that Art i love my weilding torches. And i do die less with my gloves on then gun/shield combo.

I get that players keep stating that they "die less" but the question is why? Why do you die less... perhaps gaining less aggro from enemies due to the lower dps output and therefore you die less. Try soloing with gloves then a gun/shield combo and see if the theory still holds true. I know on my L31 engineer, I ran all the way up to 30 before even giving non-class specific weapons a try and now I doubt I'll ever go back. Faster runs, less need for using offensive skills, no stim usage and I can attribute it all to the singular change of equipment.

I'm not trying to call anyone out here, I am simply trying to understand one thing... Why... why are these weapons even in the game?

03-03-2012, 02:51 AM
I get that players keep stating that they "die less" but the question is why? Why do you die less... perhaps gaining less aggro from enemies due to the lower dps output and therefore you die less. Try soloing with gloves then a gun/shield combo and see if the theory still holds true. I know on my L31 engineer, I ran all the way up to 30 before even giving non-class specific weapons a try and now I doubt I'll ever go back. Faster runs, less need for using offensive skills, no stim usage and I can attribute it all to the singular change of equipment.

Actually, mister smarty pants. I can solo lvl5 volaria no problem with gloves and still die less if not just as much with the gloves as i do with shield combo, like i said its how it feels. Ha ha and you get just as much aggro with gloves as you do with shield plus gun. Believe me, i used every type of play style getting 372000 kills and counting to know the difference on my favorite class engineer. :-)

03-03-2012, 04:08 AM
Then again i run with a lvl30 pack, and lvl35 arms most of the time too.... Maybe im just too pro ;)

03-03-2012, 04:54 AM
Then again i run with a lvl30 pack, and lvl35 arms most of the time too.... Maybe im just too pro ;)

-_- no u aint... -_-
I can do that to on my engi -_-
U just slaughter more..thats it -_-


03-03-2012, 07:56 AM
-_- no u aint... -_-
I can do that to on my engi -_-
U just slaughter more..thats it -_-


It was a jokeee. Lol. You have to give me my props though.
And how long have you had an eng?
Since volaria so hush :p

03-03-2012, 08:01 AM
It was a jokeee. Lol. You have to give me my props though.
And how long have you had an eng?
Since volaria so hush :p

Umm agreed!!!
Monkey :P


03-03-2012, 08:14 AM
Umm agreed!!!
Monkey :P


Imma monkey slap you if you keep callin me monkey! XD

03-03-2012, 08:52 AM
i think that a new engineer weapon would be nice :)

03-03-2012, 11:20 AM
i think that a new engineer weapon would be nice :)

Like an updated arm cannon, they were unique. But underpowered now lol

03-03-2012, 08:33 PM
HINT:If you have 372,000 kills u must be doing something right with gloves

03-03-2012, 09:21 PM
Oh and I am one of the few who has protection maxed out, so theres an extra 60+ armor i forgot to mention. Ha ha, and just watch Taipan, theres gonna be a smart@#% whos gonna quote you saying, "well i can do that many kills with a gun, ladadadeedah." which is true, but not the point. This is me ninja'ing them x)

03-03-2012, 09:29 PM
"Well I can do that many kills with a gun, ladadadeedah."

Edit: Oh, ninja'd

03-04-2012, 02:08 AM
"Well I can do that many kills with a gun, ladadadeedah."

Edit: Oh, ninja'd
:Bahaha silly.
Yeah come to think of it I actually have done majority of kills with guns.
I'm not saying im the best or anything lol I hope im not coming off that wayy.
Anyone could do what I do :-)-)

03-04-2012, 02:29 AM
I like using gloves because they look awesome. But I'm only lvl14 in SL, so I haven't got shields yet. Why are pistols even that good? You're blasting them with a damn PISTOL, not an RPG.

03-04-2012, 04:24 AM
I like using gloves because they look awesome. But I'm only lvl14 in SL, so I haven't got shields yet. Why are pistols even that good? You're blasting them with a damn PISTOL, not an RPG.

Wait till you get to lvl 35 and get hold of a Legendary Pistol and shield, the combined Stats blow everything else out of the window.
That's kinda why we are wanting better gloves to find a reason to use em compared to other weapons.