View Full Version : XP in the first campaign

02-29-2012, 01:12 PM
Why is XP so dismal for starting players?

I understand that XP scales; that we get less XP in the lower levels as we progress.

I entered map 1 as a level 2 having completed the tutorial. I looked at my avatar page. It says 6 xp needed to get to level 3. I killed 3, turned corner for 3 more, ran down the hall for 3 more and tripped the floor panel to get 4 more. That's when I hit level 4. Then went to base and looked it over. That's right, only half XP for a level 2 character in his first map.

So I went back and took the daily. Do you know what that netted? 15 xp for 13 kills in map 1 for a level 3 (on free daily).

So I went to level 3. A level 3 in level 3 oughta get 1 xp per kill, wouldn't you think? And here I'm still on the free daily elixir, so what do I get? 10 XP for 8 kills.

Something seems wrong about these numbers. I think a level 3 in map 3 should be getting more XP than that.

At level 4 I went to Red Sun map 1, and again they were giving half XP. Now I am very confused. Here we have a toon that should not even, by rights, be in that zone, and he's still getting half XP.

But oh... should one level ten appear, all the XP goes red. Why? What is the logic? It seems backwards. When a higher level toon joins to help you you get DOUBLE xp but if you go solo you get HALF? And in a zone two higher than your own level?

It's doesn't make sense.

02-29-2012, 02:27 PM
Mobs supposedly scale to the highest level of the group. So your L4 in Dynastar (L1-5) was fighting L4 mobs. When your L4 went to Red Sun (L6-10), it was fighting L6 mobs probably. He should have been getting his 1xp/mob I think for yellow con mobs. When the Level 10 joined, the mobs became level 10, which apparently is con'd red for you, which would give you move xp per mob.


02-29-2012, 02:35 PM
I get it.

Power-leveling is encouraged!

There's no motivation in SL to run with groups of people the same level as you either since drop levels are now determined by one's own level instead of the the highest level in the group.

There isn't even a motivation to really run with a full group for those earlier campaigns since there's no full group xp bonus.

But, you can do perfectly fine soloing the beginnings of Map 1 (and sometimes Map 2) of each campaign until probably Numa. If you aren't in any hurry, it's a perfectly good way to level and get kills, if you don't mind being anti-social. Having a high level help you out won't help you get kills, if that's something important to the player.

The whole threat level / xp relation is something that the typical new STS player won't notice unless they dig through the forums. New players are too busy trying not to die to notice how much xp, or fraction thereof, they are getting per kill.

Ultimately, I guess it's a fine line between getting xp slowly, but having a higher chance to rack up kills vs. gaining xp quickly and not having a high chance of racking up kills (unless you know how to watch for mobs with low xp and finishing them off).

02-29-2012, 04:49 PM
I will try an experiment where I put a L10 stooge (from a 2nd acct.) at the entrance, then run a noobie toon through and see if I get more XP.

02-29-2012, 06:22 PM
This is becoming even more puzzling...

I put a L10 at the doorway to Dyna map 1 (using an alt account) and entered with a L1. Yes the threat level was red. No, I didn't get double XP. The mobs were twice as hard to kill, but the XP was still only 75%. I got 8 xp for 12 kills and got to level 2. I had to use 1 stim, and I had to take breaks to allow the health meter to climb.

Fyrce, I see the "what", but I don't understand the "why".

There must be some bad math embedded in the program. It's gotta be an error. Why would the devs intentionally do this?

Drew, the way to get xp slowly and rack up kills is to run a few levels low. But apparently, in SL, you never get full xp even if you run a few levels too high.

03-01-2012, 01:01 PM
At this point, I can find no zone that gives 1 xp per kill. And the elixir never gives more than 150% xp.

Are people really OK with this??

03-01-2012, 01:12 PM
Maybe it's to even out the playing time you spend in each campaign? I've never played SL but in PL I wish the lower levels didn't go by so fast. Without even trying you can start a toon and go from level 1-10 in an hour or so. That's not really long enough to enjoy the levels. My last toon I only fought silknight (in her lair) once as a level 10. I stayed and farmed her until I couldn't get xp anymore but that still wasn't many runs (compared to upper levels).

With the Sl system do you feel like you spend an even amount of time in each campaign or is it top heavy like in PL?

03-02-2012, 01:16 PM
Why would they make ALL xp less than 1 per kill, then? Why not just require more xp.

It's gotta be a math error in the code. It doesn't make sense any other way.

03-06-2012, 01:33 PM
Why would they make ALL xp less than 1 per kill, then? Why not just require more xp.

It's gotta be a math error in the code. It doesn't make sense any other way.

propbably something new, usually level really fast for the first 20 or so levels. If this new coding was intentionally , its probably to buy time.