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View Full Version : How sad it is.....

03-01-2012, 04:37 PM
That STS has completely ignored SL and not developed any meaningful content since Voleria came out. Not even thrown us a few new pinks to keep interest. They shouldn't have abandoned this game just to push DL out.

03-01-2012, 04:40 PM
Hey have you played pl lately? Pl hasn't gotten any new content since December either. Hang in there:)

edit: Both games should be seeing new content right after the Dark Legends release.

03-01-2012, 04:48 PM
We all understand, keep your chin up bud...im playing for Credits, Vanities, Ingredents...Stimps....they will all be needed next update
Same can be said for Pl....Stuff will be in demand, and I want to be ready so i can sell at a good price :vwink:

03-01-2012, 05:03 PM
Do remember that STS is currently working on CoCII (which will be out in less than two weeks), Dark Legends (which will come out sometime in March), and Humania/whatever next Pl campaign will be. Just be patient and new content will be here before ya kno it :)

03-01-2012, 05:24 PM
A new cap isn't needed. But more content is. There's really nothing much to do after hitting the level cap. There should be more thing other than pvp, just farming and capping. Sure you can do other stuff but who does? People want things nicely presented in front of them so they can easily click on it an go to whatever there is to do.

Oh and the lack of pinks is just disappointing IMO.

03-01-2012, 05:45 PM
A new cap isn't needed. But more content is. There's really nothing much to do after hitting the level cap. There should be more thing other than pvp, just farming and capping. Sure you can do other stuff but who does? People want things nicely presented in front of them so they can easily click on it an go to whatever there is to do.

Oh and the lack of pinks is just disappointing IMO.

On the same note, after a new cap does get released, then wait 2-3 weeks and add a "Helper Content which worked well with Pink guns and Shield released at lv 35" (this can be from a new gun/shield...Vanity, armors...maybe a hidden boss like vulcer ticker) to keep ppl from just disappearing from the game keeping busy in something else. (we want them here in pl/sl not WoW or SWTOR)
I see the issue with capped players more the new members. New ppl got things to do, Capped players were in a hurry to cap because the fear of a vanity that is no longer obtainable with a fast update.

03-01-2012, 06:48 PM
STS is no super huge developer either, they only employ 35+ employes this isn't EA guys. Be patient young padawans all great things take time.

03-01-2012, 06:52 PM
STS is no super huge developer either, they only employ 35+ employes this isn't EA guys. Be patient young padawans all great things take time.

Yup...anyway back to waiting and farming lol :onthego:

03-01-2012, 06:58 PM
PL players had to wait like 3 months for new stuff after the Sand Caves for the development of SL. Then compare the current endgame tank armours from PL and SL: Bears get little tufts on their shoulders, commandos get shiny unique armour. SL has new vanities to farm, PL still just has hooch hats. But im just waiting for DL to come out looks interesting, in the mean time get more money ^.^

03-01-2012, 11:33 PM
As Said by Sam in a post...StS is not a team of 1000's its only 35+ guys...who working day and night...its not easy develloping a game..
Just be patient...new updates will be coming pretty soon..to blow your Mind out :)


03-02-2012, 02:17 AM
That STS has completely ignored SL and not developed any meaningful content since Voleria came out. Not even thrown us a few new pinks to keep interest. They shouldn't have abandoned this game just to push DL out.
They didn't abandon SL or PL
It takes hard work and a lot of time making a new game
You try making new content and new lvl caps for two games while making another game from scratch with only 35+ people

03-02-2012, 07:15 AM
They didn't abandon SL or PL
It takes hard work and a lot of time making a new game
You try making new content and new lvl caps for two games while making another game from scratch with only 35+ people

The fact that they're working on a 3rd game so early really surprises me. Just for the reason that they're a smaller team. Unless they have an efficient schedule to equally work on 3 separate games, it seems like the games will be ignored until content is made for another

03-02-2012, 08:13 AM
As we launch Dark Legends, we will be dedicating Live Teams to SL and PL so the content flow should drastically increase. Thanks for your patience and hang in there! Maybe go level in PL for a bit?

03-02-2012, 08:16 AM
As we launch Dark Legends, we will be dedicating Live Teams to SL and PL so the content flow should drastically increase. Thanks for your patience and hang in there! Maybe go level in PL for a bit?

Cool we can start complaining about lack of attention paid to DL in the near future! STS cannot possibly win this!!!

03-02-2012, 10:27 AM
As we launch Dark Legends, we will be dedicating Live Teams to SL and PL so the content flow should drastically increase. Thanks for your patience and hang in there! Maybe go level in PL for a bit?

There you go... Lovely news, I know were getting impatient but as you can see many of us have love for you guys.

03-02-2012, 04:34 PM
All you "just be patient" folks kill me. Part of the attraction of PL and SL is the constant support and interaction from STS. Even when they developed SL they didn't ignore PL. Their development of DL is different. They are basically taking a three month plus hiatus from Pl/SL development which just plain sucks. I honestly don't think its that hard to design and implement a few new items (pinks) once a month just to keep our interest. The feeling I get is that they just don't care and are saying "leave if u want" we are developing DL at all costs. It's a shame IMO. STS may win all these fancy awards for their apps when they're first released but they should be worrying about winning our hearts ( and keeping it that way).

03-02-2012, 04:43 PM
All you "just be patient" folks kill me. Part of the attraction of PL and SL is the constant support and interaction from STS. Even when they developed SL they didn't ignore PL. Their development of DL is different. They are basically taking a three month plus hiatus from Pl/SL development which just plain sucks. I honestly don't think its that hard to design and implement a few new items (pinks) once a month just to keep our interest. The feeling I get is that they just don't care and are saying "leave if u want" we are developing DL at all costs. It's a shame IMO. STS may win all these fancy awards for their apps when they're first released but they should be worrying about winning our hearts ( and keeping it that way).

Dammit, why am I out of thanks lol
This post is exactly who me and many other of my SL friends feel.

03-03-2012, 11:35 PM
Already bored of Voleria? Seems as cool as a campaign gets to me, with the nice new landscape, annoying snipers, all that... And yeah, they're working on a lot of stuff. New campaigns are coming out in PL and SL pretty soon, and they can't just disregard the development of another game. And pinks? Not really a good idea in my opinion. I like how the term of "Legendary" actually applies to SL, unlike PL where useless AO drops go for less than 500 in CS. I'd rather keep it this way with a bunch of purples than pinks in every campaign for more people to obsess over. As for the whole patience thing? I really like the way the campaigns are spread out a few months. Those of us who are casually trying to hit 41 without any enhancers really appreciate the gap, and even though the stimulation of constant new content is nice, STS has a limit. Juggling two current games and developing another which is set to be released this year, all the time dedicated by the devs to the forums and updates are more than plenty for me. And there's a HUGE difference between a 3-month hiatus and the time it takes to make a new campaign while improving existing ones while simultaneously interacting with the players

03-04-2012, 12:05 AM
Voleria is pretty good. And as for pinks. There's only 6 in game. The first 3 were a joke and the pink guns were there to sell pink shields.

Here's to solution to stop some boredom -> more content to play in between lvl caps

I hate hearing "well they're working on the next lvl cap, be patient"

There is hardly anything to do after capped. There needs to be more things to do. More variety.

03-04-2012, 06:52 PM
Already bored of Voleria? Seems as cool as a campaign gets to me, with the nice new landscape, annoying snipers, all that... And yeah, they're working on a lot of stuff. New campaigns are coming out in PL and SL pretty soon, and they can't just disregard the development of another game. And pinks? Not really a good idea in my opinion. I like how the term of "Legendary" actually applies to SL, unlike PL where useless AO drops go for less than 500 in CS. I'd rather keep it this way with a bunch of purples than pinks in every campaign for more people to obsess over. As for the whole patience thing? I really like the way the campaigns are spread out a few months. Those of us who are casually trying to hit 41 without any enhancers really appreciate the gap, and even though the stimulation of constant new content is nice, STS has a limit. Juggling two current games and developing another which is set to be released this year, all the time dedicated by the devs to the forums and updates are more than plenty for me. And there's a HUGE difference between a 3-month hiatus and the time it takes to make a new campaign while improving existing ones while simultaneously interacting with the players

You completely missed my point!