View Full Version : Suggestion for highest level vanity items

03-02-2012, 04:11 PM
Hey ho playas! Important suggestions!

If you walk in a PVP game, you'll most certainly see at least one player with a vanity set (2 or 3 items) from the highest level caps the Balefort Sewers, Nuri's Hallows and Mount Fang.
Everybody who has been playing PL for some time had the chance to get these items when reaching the maximum level. Had. :shame:

Now some people have not started that early and so they have not noticed how important these items are for their gameplay, e.g. PVP. Now they just have one vanity item and have never again the chance to get these items. Shame on them, because they give you stat bonuses.

So I would suggest that every player gets the chance to "retake" the 100k (or whatever :P) xp runs in order to receive their vanity item.

What supports my suggestion:

- I have talked to some (l66 and lower) players from PVP and they would support this idea. Players who have been wiht PL since the beginning have advantages towards the newer ones.
This leads to unfairness in PVP and many new players being demotivated to continue in PVP.

- People who are waiting for the new level caps, as they are already l66 and have all items they want, would have something to do and would not in any way feel bored. This a small problem within PL at the moment :o :fatigue: :hororr:

I would be happy about feedback and I would be very glad if you considered this option in the gameplay, dear STS :love-struck:



03-02-2012, 04:44 PM
It been stated by communit many times and most impostant by DEVS, those items was single time there and get while you can.
About advantage tiwards newer players, imo thats not reason it should bring these back. It's reason why older player did level to elite level cap. Just to get these items to get better stats. It's same whats been now cryed for long time with founders helm and elite cap vanitys. My opinion, if you werent there when things were obtainable, you are not worth of shuch items.

PS. Understood your point but this same "discussion" have gone so many times at forums and no end coming.

03-02-2012, 04:48 PM
I would have to say that... Ive been around since sewers so I'm just to lazy XD so yeah...

03-02-2012, 05:02 PM
As the new caps come out they will reuse the vanity slots to give bonuses. It took us time to earn our 2 or 3 vanities, i think others can wait as well, btw try doing 83k xp unelixed... aka 332k with out the 4x xp, and with out the speed of the 3x stats boosts which let you kill 3x faster so like... 1000k xp... you guys have it so easy now

03-02-2012, 07:16 PM
Crafted sets are overpowered.. Always get owned by those pros lol! But hey, they worked hard on it, they deserve it I guess...

03-03-2012, 05:38 AM
you are not worth of shuch items.

well I guess that is a bit wrong expressed

03-03-2012, 06:46 AM
Could dev at least lower vanity bonus cuz it's being unplayable.. When a bear has crafted set + vanity bonus it brings him to 50 dodge .. whenn he buffes 80 dodge... and he hits all critical >.<..
Moreover, the +50 hp makes him get like 800 hp.. with nearly 40 hp reg,
U may understand that it's nearly impossible to kill xD except if he gets rooted by 3 birds xD.. Or if he gets unlucky dodging none..

Whataver I'll have max lvl next lvlcap so that, ill have 1 bonus with 2 vanities.. Please devs.. dont make a too huge bonus for the 4 vanities cuz it would be awfully impossible to kill..

Thanks for reading (or not ._.) and cya! :)

03-03-2012, 12:40 PM
Why are new players not worth of such items?