View Full Version : STS opposite of greedy.

03-03-2012, 05:25 PM
Many people said that STS was greedy when it was Xmas 2011 when we had to pay 5 plat per boss runs. Thats the only time we said they were greedy, Yes? But no... STS is nice enough to give us the choice of free plat, Daily elixir, Deal of the day and such more as free vanities like , Antennas,Little love, little luck, Bunny ears and such. But all we did is saying STS is greedy. But have you guys know that STS is a buisness! At least they are generous enough to give us prizes like plat and shield for contests and making more maps and items. If i or you was in the STS buisness then we wouldnt actually give out free stuff to people, would we?

STS gives more than 300 dollars a day in free plat to the fans.
They pay just to keep us on the server playing PL

STS works hard to come up with new ideas of campaign,Items,Lvl cap and such more. All we do is play and say STS is greedy and doesnt give out more free plat. If STS were to give out free items,maps and other such then STS would close down their buisness and there would be no more PL,SL and DL. We are making PLAT ruin the game itself and STS. WE could just focus on other things than just PLAT like pvp,pve twinks,KDR,farming and other more. STS make their games free instead of Paying like a dollar or more. BUT all STS does is making their fans happy and at the same time keeping their buisness up and running. STS saw the fans complaing about a little thing such as Wasting PLAT. Who said STS or anyone else is forcing you to buy plat? Free plat is better than no free plat at all. STS is trying to figure out ways to keep prices low instead of regular.

And finally, STS has given us free vanites like centurion,founders,antennas,shield of graditude and such. We ALL owe STS a thank you for making the game and keeping us on the server :)

P.S: Sorry for the bad spelling and gramar

03-03-2012, 05:31 PM
You're nose has a little brown smudge on it. No clue what that is.

03-03-2012, 05:39 PM
STS gives more than 300 dollars a day in free plat to the fans.
They pay just to keep us on the server playing PL

Nothing against STS, they're a company and need to make money so their decisions they take/have taken should go without question, but I wanna clarify this a little,

The free plat is payed for by the devs of the apps included in the offers as a way to get their product out there.
Of course they need to pay for their servers to keep it running so they can continue to make money. Every company has to pay for their servers such as everyone needing to pay rent, mortgages, bills, etc. to maintain their property.

03-03-2012, 05:44 PM
Sure ill thank STS for making the games. But some decisions have just been ridiculous

03-03-2012, 05:48 PM
Oh joy, I see this ending wonderfully.

Why are we opening this can of worms again? Can we just let it die and continue with the small time of peace the forums are experiencing pweez? :)

Nice one btw Morfy ;)

03-03-2012, 05:55 PM
I agree sts is a biz and they cant make living off smiles.. Even though they do make us happy they need a profit off of something, they are not greedy, for all you hard workers would you want to be paid zip for all your hard work??

03-03-2012, 10:05 PM
When it comes to plat/plat pricing, it is simply not true that some of their decisions have been ridiculous. It has been showed several times on the forums that their decisions regarding plat have been spot on and the most fair to all concerned.

And just cause someone is not purposely going out of their way to conjur up things to complain about, does not mean they are brown nosing it. Brown nosers and forum whiners are not the only sort of peole on the forums.

Btw, just a small note, Winter Fest pricing was 2 plat per run, right?

03-03-2012, 10:10 PM
Why did you decide to take time out of your busy day to type this up? Is it on the wake of another bonehead move by the company in question, perhaps you're trying to solidify your choice for ambassadorship/guardianship, or maybe your day isn't filled enough and you just had to take up some of our time as well.

We are all aware that "STS is a business" and how are we aware of this fact, because players like you decide to toss that exact sentence out there as if it absolves the company of any responsibility it has to its players. Since you put it out there perhaps a play by play breakdown of your post is necessary:

Winter Fest 2011, brought us a pay per run feature that was viewed as greedy and defended with the idea that the devs were actually doing us a favor. By introducing a pay per play feature it allowed those without significant plat to get at least a few runs into the seasonal maps; however, if a one time price tag had been attached it's quite possible that there would have been more traffic through the campaign. Without any actual numbers it is impossible to tell if the move was smart or silly, but I personally just avoided the content completely due to the decision and I would have gladly paid for the campaign outright! As I recall it, the Winter Festival was 10p to run as much as you wanted, while the 2011 version was 2p each time, so can one really say that it was a better decision. Who really benefited from a 20% reduction in price that curbs one's playtime that drastically?

The "choice of free plat" is also a business move since they are getting paid by TapJoy and not the other way around. It's even quite possible that STS is being reimbursed for every free platinum that is awarded as a result of using the TJ wall. Free elixir (savvy business move) is used to show players what it's like to be buffed for an extended time; while giving away 5 min at a time, you're coercing players to want MOAR and subsequently priming them to shell out for the real thing. Finally, deal of the day is a subject I'm personally jaded with due to the What old school item that you can't get would you like to see brought back (www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?32772) thread. In this thread SamHayne asked what item players out there would like the most, and after all the posts were tallied and Big Luck won by a landslide. How did STS award us for voicing our opinion, they did bring the item back but this time it had a price tag of 75p from 15p which is a 5x increase or 500%. So if I was in the business would I give away items... sure, I would also take a hard stance on either not reintroducing old content, or price gouging once I noticed that a particular item may be more profitable, and contests are supposed to have prizes so that would remain intact.

Where do you get your number for giving away $300 a day in free plat to the fans? Did I miss a thread where STS actually listed their earnings? Yes, they pay for the server but it's not like they are paying for it out of the kindness of their hearts (STS is a business, as you keep drilling into my head), they are earning off of their investment aka it takes money to make money.

It is probably hard work (I can only assume because I'm not there) but I don't recall anyone saying STS is greedy due to the fact that they don't give out more free plat. These other areas you are talking about (pvp, pve twinks, kdr and farming) are all being affected by the platinum decisions that are being made:
1) PvP; depending on the level there are plenty of items that are only available via platinum and are the best available (premium character gear for L1-L20, Sniper's Helm, etc) so it's not like plat doesn't have any hold over that arena.
2) PvE twinks; again depending on the twink level the purchase of plat only rings and other various plat only items are necessary for the best possible outcome.
3) KDR; with the addition of the gain xp in any dungeon elixir (plat only of course), one can gain boost their kdr at the cost of plat.
4) Farming; same as the rest, depending on where you are farming there may be a plat entrance fee (Sandstone Caves) or you may invest in a Shamrock elixir to increase your chances.

With all of the rage building around many of the issues that you're bringing up, aren't you just pouring salt on almost healed wound?! Plenty of players have left, taken a break, or got themselves banned over these topics and you're just mentioning them in polite (unnecessary) conversation?! It is obviously your opinion that STS is "making their fans happy and at the same time keeping their business up and running," are we really happy or we hoping that STS hears our pleas and refrains from making such choices in the future. Why wouldn't I complain about a little thing such as wasting plat, since that thing is equivalent to wasting money! Perhaps it isn't necessary to buy platinum, but the game sure is quite a bit more playable with it.

So in closing, I will forgive your bad grammar, but I won't forgive the fact that you took it upon yourself to defend the company with such a weak argument. You've said nothing new and almost every example you use has gaping holes in it. If you really want my thanks please don't make another thread that fails so epically.

Thank you.

03-03-2012, 10:30 PM
During Winter Fest, ONLY A TINY FEW, complained in bitterness that they THOUGHT that STS was being greedey. Most people did not and do not feel that way.

The subscription idea was a sham.

DoTD: They have explained probably a couple dozen times: They are selling those items becaue that's what players WANT TO BUY. They not going to sell things that players don't want to buy.

Who, exactly, is complaining or whinning about GOOD gear vs. junk gear being sold. Would you rather buy junk?

Yes, OBVIOUSLY STS is making fans happy. STS games are winning award after award. How many people actually think that the fans are not happy? Just a few people who are mad cause every tiny little decison has not gone their way.

These compaints are tired and old. But more importantly, they have been PROVEN to be wrong.

Nobody needs your forgiveness. And please do not attack someone simply cause you disagree with them.

Edit: For hundreds of years, let me repeat that:


businesses have used a marketing techniqe where prices start low to get customer interest, then prices get higher.

Businesses all over the world, for hundreds of years, in every industry has done this and do this everyday.

This stuff is optional, don't buy it if you don't want to.

03-03-2012, 10:56 PM
I agree with this thread. The app itself is worth AT LEAST 10 bucks imo...so yeah those of you trolling STS, think of what they actually do to make PL and SL a possibility.

03-03-2012, 11:33 PM
Gluttony hurry and reply please, I have my popcorn in hand :)

03-03-2012, 11:42 PM
Can we wait for a new reason to rehash this debate?

03-03-2012, 11:43 PM
Why did you decide to take time out of your busy day to type this up? Is it on the wake of another bonehead move by the company in question, perhaps you're trying to solidify your choice for ambassadorship/guardianship, or maybe your day isn't filled enough and you just had to take up some of our time as well.

We are all aware that "STS is a business" and how are we aware of this fact, because players like you decide to toss that exact sentence out there as if it absolves the company of any responsibility it has to its players. Since you put it out there perhaps a play by play breakdown of your post is necessary:

Winter Fest 2011, brought us a pay per run feature that was viewed as greedy and defended with the idea that the devs were actually doing us a favor. By introducing a pay per play feature it allowed those without significant plat to get at least a few runs into the seasonal maps; however, if a one time price tag had been attached it's quite possible that there would have been more traffic through the campaign. Without any actual numbers it is impossible to tell if the move was smart or silly, but I personally just avoided the content completely due to the decision and I would have gladly paid for the campaign outright! As I recall it, the Winter Festival was 10p to run as much as you wanted, while the 2011 version was 2p each time, so can one really say that it was a better decision. Who really benefited from a 20% reduction in price that curbs one's playtime that drastically?

The "choice of free plat" is also a business move since they are getting paid by TapJoy and not the other way around. It's even quite possible that STS is being reimbursed for every free platinum that is awarded as a result of using the TJ wall. Free elixir (savvy business move) is used to show players what it's like to be buffed for an extended time; while giving away 5 min at a time, you're coercing players to want MOAR and subsequently priming them to shell out for the real thing. Finally, deal of the day is a subject I'm personally jaded with due to the What old school item that you can't get would you like to see brought back (www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?32772) thread. In this thread SamHayne asked what item players out there would like the most, and after all the posts were tallied and Big Luck won by a landslide. How did STS award us for voicing our opinion, they did bring the item back but this time it had a price tag of 75p from 15p which is a 5x increase or 500%. So if I was in the business would I give away items... sure, I would also take a hard stance on either not reintroducing old content, or price gouging once I noticed that a particular item may be more profitable, and contests are supposed to have prizes so that would remain intact.

Where do you get your number for giving away $300 a day in free plat to the fans? Did I miss a thread where STS actually listed their earnings? Yes, they pay for the server but it's not like they are paying for it out of the kindness of their hearts (STS is a business, as you keep drilling into my head), they are earning off of their investment aka it takes money to make money.

It is probably hard work (I can only assume because I'm not there) but I don't recall anyone saying STS is greedy due to the fact that they don't give out more free plat. These other areas you are talking about (pvp, pve twinks, kdr and farming) are all being affected by the platinum decisions that are being made:
1) PvP; depending on the level there are plenty of items that are only available via platinum and are the best available (premium character gear for L1-L20, Sniper's Helm, etc) so it's not like plat doesn't have any hold over that arena.
2) PvE twinks; again depending on the twink level the purchase of plat only rings and other various plat only items are necessary for the best possible outcome.
3) KDR; with the addition of the gain xp in any dungeon elixir (plat only of course), one can gain boost their kdr at the cost of plat.
4) Farming; same as the rest, depending on where you are farming there may be a plat entrance fee (Sandstone Caves) or you may invest in a Shamrock elixir to increase your chances.

With all of the rage building around many of the issues that you're bringing up, aren't you just pouring salt on almost healed wound?! Plenty of players have left, taken a break, or got themselves banned over these topics and you're just mentioning them in polite (unnecessary) conversation?! It is obviously your opinion that STS is "making their fans happy and at the same time keeping their business up and running," are we really happy or we hoping that STS hears our pleas and refrains from making such choices in the future. Why wouldn't I complain about a little thing such as wasting plat, since that thing is equivalent to wasting money! Perhaps it isn't necessary to buy platinum, but the game sure is quite a bit more playable with it.

So in closing, I will forgive your bad grammar, but I won't forgive the fact that you took it upon yourself to defend the company with such a weak argument. You've said nothing new and almost every example you use has gaping holes in it. If you really want my thanks please don't make another thread that fails so epically.

Thank you.

Well said.

03-03-2012, 11:47 PM
With winter Fest I wasn't mad or raging just a bit surprised! Only thing I didn't like was how you cant get winter stuff on the 5s anymore =( and think... We got halloween practically free (Well cheap) so stop whining and dont be all like STS isn't greedy your stating the obvious... They are a business they do what they must... And currently that's ignoring this thread!

03-04-2012, 12:18 AM
Definition of a Gluttony: A forum user who mastered the art of English writing and can type up a descriptive and valid argument. Not likely to be ****ed with. :D

03-04-2012, 12:20 AM
Gluttony hurry and reply please, I have my popcorn in hand :)
Hold my seat for me, I gotta go get mine! >8D

03-04-2012, 12:22 AM
Well said.

Actually, almost everything he has said has been proven false.

03-04-2012, 12:27 AM
Actually, almost everything he has said has been proven false.

For your own sake, please put that shovel and pride of yours away.

03-04-2012, 12:36 AM
*eats popcorn*

I see Gluttony has this well put

03-04-2012, 12:42 AM
For your own sake, please put that shovel and pride of yours away.
Pride has nothing to do with it. Everything in Gluttony`s post has been shown over and over to be false. The only exception is a few minor points that are insignificant to the issues at hand. For instance, he said that you have to spend plat to buy rings. That`s correct. But has nothing to do with the topic.

Rings are optional, don`t buy them if you don`t want. Or get free plat to buy rings.

But every main point has been proven to be false.

03-04-2012, 12:44 AM
Actually, almost everything he has said has been proven false.

Where is this proof you speak of? Is it in that very linear 10 word sentence? O.o I see what's going on here:


Pride has nothing to do with it. Everything in Gluttony`s post has been shown over and over to be false. The only exception is a few minor points that are insignificant to the issues at hand. For instance, he said that you have to spend plat to buy rings. That`s correct. But has nothing to do with the topic.

Rings are optional, don`t buy them if you don`t want. Or get free plat to buy rings.

But every main point has been proven to be false.

Rings optional?! Everything is optional, I can run Balefort Sewers naked because gear is optional! Try showing how everything else is incorrect. Over and over you say, try once please. I make a very valid argument and all you can do is try to come at one point (fail btw) but you call all of my points insignificant without making one of your own?

Wint Fest admission went from 10p to 2p per run, that's fact. Seems greedy, supported by the devs as:

Once the boss is killed your access goes away. To those of you who don't think it is fair that we are charging access, please understand that we are running a business. We give away almost the entire game for free (including some xmas antlers). You have ways to earn platinum without paying us anything. Salaries and servers don't run on gold... we wish they did!

This is basically saying they did it for the revenue it would produce. Refute that please.

STS asked players what they wanted brought back for the deal of the day, that happened (links in previous post) and Big Luck won. So what used to be 15p once, was removed and brought back for 75p for our sake? No, the increase was due to the simple fact that there was money to be made. Period. If not, they could have easily brought it back for the original 15p price tag, maybe even double the price, but they made it the most expensive vanity item of its time! More expensive than reserving an ign in SL and a HardLight Shield, more expensive than any campaign package before they were made free, more expensive than a rename, and as expensive as 10 auction slots. I'd like to see something to support that decision that doesn't revolve around greed.

03-04-2012, 12:46 AM
Where is this proof you speak of? Is it in that very linear 10 word sentence? O.o I see what's going on here:

Ladies and gentlemen, The Glut is back! :triumphant:

03-04-2012, 01:09 AM
Where is this proof you speak of? Is it in that very linear 10 word sentence?

Lol, so now my posts are too short? LOl, instead of sniping at people to try to discredit them, why don't you do more than just repeat over and over the same empty accusations?

Other than yours and mine, almost all the posts on this thread are one liners.

Rings optional?! Everything is optional, I can run Balefort Sewers naked because gear is optional! Try showing how everything else is incorrect. Over and over you say, try once please. I make a very valid argument imo and all you can do is try to come at one point and even fail at that but you call all of my points insignificant without making one of your own?

See, that's the thing, you didn't make a valid argument at all. You made a bunch of accusations that had no meaning. Why? because you in most cases didn't even attempt to back up what you were saying. Just more empty allegations.

The proof that I am referreing is in numerous threads before this one.

Btw, on the ring issue that we both mentioned, I was agreeing with you.

03-04-2012, 01:20 AM
See, that's the thing, you didn't make a valid argument at all. You made a bunch of accusations that had no meaning. Why? because you in most cases didn't even attempt to back up what you were saying. Just more empty allegations.

The proof that I am referreing is in numerous threads before this one.

If you said it, it must be true. Sorry forumers for bringing such a non-valid argument to the thread since it obviously is not supported with multiple references, links, quotes but is simply meaningless accusations. I should have backed it up with something like the previous poster did instead of just the ramblings of a madman. I will go and look up the word proof so that I can obtain some and maybe hope to regain some dignity against this masterfully constructed theory above.

Noun: Evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.

Edit: On second thought, maybe you should get some proof since all you do is speak of "numerous threads" but still fail to quote one or link one to bring it to our attention. If my statements are empty, what are yours when all they are are your words. I have quoted others as well as used very specific examples that still hold true but may vary slightly from player to player. If we are polar opposites, it would stand to reason that I am trying to make my argument while are you are trying to do is disprove mine. Try going on the offensive make a case for the OP instead of trying to prove where I have made a mistake, use another's words but just don't let it be me vs you as I don't like picking on the weak. Your posts just keep bring me back to ironyland since you insist that I have nothing substantial for evidence but every time I read and re-read your posts I cannot find anything but a vast string of words with no content at all. Use the search function, gather some resources and come at me bro.


03-04-2012, 01:57 AM
Yes, that's the definition of proof. Very good.

As I have said, every major point you have made has been proven to be incorect. You offer no proof of your allegations, but want me to prove mine. Ok, will do. Seems very hypocritical to want proof when you offer none, but, that's ok.

I reread you posts in this thread. I wrote down every point that you made. I am going to lists the points you hae made so that you can correct me if I misunderstood or left anything out. Please, please, please, if I left anything out, please add it so that I can respond to that as well. If you want to add to this list that would be fine.

1. You began and ended virtual every post with a personal attack.

2. You think that the fact that when people defend STS by saying they are a business that we are actually saying that they are absolved of responsibility towards players.

3. You belive that many players though WF pricing was greedy.

4. You claim the devs defended WF pricing by saying they were doing us a favor.

5. You think an all access pass for WF would have been more profitable or more fair.

6. You think it is possible that STS gets reinbursed for the 'free plat' via tapjoy (This is a point we prob agree on)

7.You think that the 5-min elixirs coerce players into buyig plat

8. You think that cuz sts sells old-school dodt items and the big luck for so much this proves they are greedy.

9. You think sts is greedy cuz it sells good gear, access and luck elixrs.

10. You think there is a lot of rage.

11. You think that players are not happy and do't think sts is listening to them and this cuz of greed.

12. You have said several times you want me to give proof (even though you dont)

13. You have said, which we agree on, that rings cost plat and (by extention)plat costs money so revenues increase.

Did I leave anything out? Do you want to add anything? Every single point has been proven to be incorrect. (Except like I said, rings cost plat, lol)

Please, let me know if I left anything out. If I did, I didn't mean to. Just add it and I'll respond to that also.

03-04-2012, 02:09 AM
Damnit Aikiebo, I warned ya man.

03-04-2012, 02:14 AM
just close this thread. dont talk anything. everyone hav thier own feeling :-P.
sts is heaven ... devs r gods...
they do rite to ppl

Sent from my GT-S5570 using Tapatalk

03-04-2012, 02:14 AM
Damnit Aikiebo, I warned ya man.

Ugh, i'll grab the shovel and the headstone :chargrined: