View Full Version : Few bugs to list out

08-15-2020, 08:19 AM
1. Spouse house;
If you're in pt with anyone else while your spouse's house is private and when you leave pt, it boots you and say
"You're no longer in pt with 'spouse'"

2. If you're in pt with anyone's house that is private, master leave pt and you won't get boot. However, if that person reject friend request while in a private house and not in pt, you get "you no longer friends with xxxx (master's house)" and booted out from the house.

3. I'm not sure about this, there's something wrong with ebon armor proc rate and cooldown. It's procs 100% in pvp map and it's always at 18s minimum. While arcane armor 76 take ages
I remember Cinco stated ebon armor takes 30s cooldown and arcane armor 76 20s cooldown

08-17-2020, 04:15 AM
1. Halo vanity equipped through helmet holder are undable to edit

2. https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?517244-World-map-last-save-scrolling
When visiting house, the world map is reset/new one. Unless you jump into other places, it loads the last saved scrolled from the world map