View Full Version : Weird PvP moment (Small venting and a question)

03-04-2012, 11:54 AM
I was doing PvP with my lvl 27 com and started decimating the enemy team (2 vs 2 regular team deathmatch). So much that the host started saying 1 vs 1. It was when he said it I just killed him. Part of me was saying "1 vs 1? *sigh* ok" because it usually says that the person just doesn't to lose or fight me. So then the host leaves and while he was gone, we start doing 1 vs 1 now that the teams are off balanced. So here I am watching my teammember fight a friend when the host returns and joins red which made it 3 vs 1. Before I can even say "Hey the blue team needs more people, he boots me with the reason "bch" -_-'
And so I ask using my /tell skills "bch?"
Him: "I said 1 vs 1"
Me: "I was doing 1 vs 1 after you told us"
Him: "My ***"
Sorry if I ranted too much, but this is what I wanted to know. If people want 1 vs 1 why don't they do it in the respective map? We normally do 1 vs 1 when the teams are off balanced; but in this case, the teams were exactly equal.:confused:
*sigh* I guess this happens when I try pvp again. :(

03-04-2012, 02:24 PM
I don't pvp pretty much for this reason. I learned my lesson in black ops.

03-07-2012, 12:03 AM
Obvioust th host is a noob who doesnt know how to boot people on opposing sides.

03-07-2012, 07:21 AM
Obvioust th host is a noob who doesnt know how to boot people on opposing sides.
Yea unfortunately I was having a lot of fun so the boot stung me pretty hard. :(

03-07-2012, 07:28 AM
off topic: have you ever taught someone the cool /boot command and then be booted by them with the reason, "lol you freaken noob gtfo." It made me think twice before sharing cool information anymore. :( but yeah....
On topic: Noobs will be noobs...(no offense towards new people I'm refferring to people that never learn)