View Full Version : I need a little Help!!

03-04-2012, 01:00 PM
I want to know how to build the best tank.

I would like advice on skills and stats please.

Thanks in advance.

03-04-2012, 01:17 PM
I advise you use a bear and use str gear. Go enough dex to get ur hit % to 100 and rest in str. Then use all str gear. Try to get stuff with lots of dodge %. Then invest points in your iron blood and your taunt and dodge buff. Also invest in rage and the slashes.

03-04-2012, 01:31 PM
I recently leveled my bear to 60. Along the way I figured that (as found in many bear guides) your main attack skills used are taunt, beckon, hell scream, and stomp.

For buffs the needed ones are rage and iron blood, evasion isn't a priority but you will need to invest in it.

The slashes come in handy when going vs boss or to kill pesky mobs that don't die with your beckon and stomp combo.

To tank always be the first to attack taunt beckon to wall hell scream and (step a bit away from wall to pin mobs) stomp.

Stats do a hybrid of str and dex. Pure str gives loads of HP and armor but you will miss like 75% of attacks.

Play around with your Tank. IMO bears for tanking is the best for obvious reasons; bears were designed to tank.

03-04-2012, 02:06 PM
i focus on dodge,armor and hp regen so i can survive longer and more than most tanks

03-04-2012, 08:35 PM
Stats....Have the minimum amount of STR (for your gear) and put the rest towards DEX.

ALSO being a talon bear is fun. Very ninja-like!!

03-04-2012, 10:48 PM
Stats....Have the minimum amount of STR (for your gear) and put the rest towards DEX.

This is debatable since it could be argued that a good tank would only need enough hit % in order to get mobs to beckon to him and enough to taunt enemies effectively. So in essence, you could say that a good tank build would need a minimum amount of DEX in order to get hit % up to 100% and then throw the rest into STR since it adds more dodge, damage, and HP, not to mention that it also increases the effectiveness of the bear skills, further promoting the effectiveness of the tank build.

However, the option that you state above is a viable one since it does indeed act as a fairly good tank build, although I wouldn't argue that it's essential for a tank build to have that stat distribution.