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View Full Version : Why is everything is getting more expensive?

08-16-2020, 09:31 AM
Hello, I am playing this game for a long time.
in the last years I have seen the AL economy getting crazy.
what I mean by that is that almost every item in the game is getting more and more expensive on weekly/daily bases.
now why is this happening? I made this thread because I have seen many people saying its because of the "awakening event".

well I made this thread to give these kind of people some points.
There are 2 main reasons everything is rising up so high:

1) Some of you wouldnt like it, but its the EVG/NVG map that causing that.
back in the day, 1M gold seemed almost impossible to get. it was like getting 5B gold right now- not many players could get this much gold, and the reason is because gold was more rare.
many people these days just getting a decent gold loot and spending alot of time in farming which they believe will get them more rich but when so many people do that, its not getting themself rich, its called "making everything more affordable" which cause anything that people spend gold on to rise in price. the more rare gold is = lower price for EVERYTHING.
at awakening event, some people are planning to get rich, others were planning on getting OP awaks but huge amounts of gold wouldnt add to the game economy in awakening event. remember that if people sell awak gems for huge price afterwards, eventually the gold they get from is comes from the farming grinders with gold loot sets. you could actually say that awakening event is kinda "fixing" the economy because people spend gold on gems in the store which is kinda "gone" from the game and the gold they can get by selling mostly come from grinders with gold loot sets eventually.

2) these manipulators. I don't know if you all remember, but in the past, there were cases of very rich people buying the entire LB event items/vanities for "X" price, and sold them for "X*X*X" price. for example: a guy that I dont remember his name, bought ALL the "ice golem" mage vanities for few millions each (back in the day it was alot), and a week later, sold each of them for 40M each which was huge amount of gold like unbelievable huge amount. and guess what? he did it. because he was the only guy in the game who had these sets.

For my opinions, those are the 2 main reasons many items keep on rising in price.
I know many of you might don't like this cause of the things I said on EVG, but for our own good I believe these maps should get huge nerf otherwise everything will only skyrocket in price.

TY for reading have a good day.

08-16-2020, 09:46 AM
When you buy out the entire stock of something and only you own it and sell it for what ever price you want- it is called a monopoly. It happens all the time irl with hundreds of companies.

08-16-2020, 09:52 AM
Because we all are richer now.[emoji276][emoji276][emoji276][emoji276]

08-16-2020, 10:00 AM
Its mostly driven by gold inflation. These manipulators can jack up the prices all they want, yet players tend to still buy them. This proves how much gold players really have.

It mostly happens with discontinued/limited release vanities, since gold economy keeps growing while supply stops. But no doubt everything in general had drastically been increased throughout the years.

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08-16-2020, 11:48 AM
Limited amounts of vantis are released and with a bit of a good eye and patience, you can guess which ones will rise easily.

Everyone has plenty of opportunities to make good amounts of gold nowadays.
50-100m right now feels like 10-20m in the past..

But not to forget:
This means that rich people are getting poorer. Simply because poor ones now have more opportunities to get rich (and they do!) the distance between rich and poor is not so huge anymore..

Thats is not good for the ones that been already rich.. It is bad! The value of their gold is sinking like the titanic. And this is why prices are rising. The distance need to be improved again..

It is not difficult to own 10m nowdays.. So 10m simply don't have the same value anymore like it had in the past.

What's happening right now is balance of the economy and not manipulation.

Gesendet von meinem E6653 mit Tapatalk

08-16-2020, 12:10 PM
As soon as there is a new item everyone wants, that is expensive, you more than likely will see people competing to sell their items(lower prices..). As of recently there isn't anything new to drive people to sell stuff, along with low activity in game, could be in part why items are spendy/rare to find.

Most surely will see some items popping up cheaper than now when arcanite fields event gets under way. Probably more merchants than farmers playing atm. As far as post #5 above me, no we dont need the rich to get richer lol? Maybe i misunderstood.

08-16-2020, 12:34 PM
I spent alot of time farming to get 965%goldloot, so i will not let EVG/DM get nerfed!

Sent from my vivo 1906 using Tapatalk

08-16-2020, 12:55 PM
Limited amounts of vantis are released and with a bit of a good eye and patience, you can guess which ones will rise easily.

Everyone has plenty of opportunities to make good amounts of gold nowadays.
50-100m right now feels like 10-20m in the past..

But not to forget:
This means that rich people are getting poorer. Simply because poor ones now have more opportunities to get rich (and they do!) the distance between rich and poor is not so huge anymore..

Thats is not good for the ones that been already rich.. It is bad! The value of their gold is sinking like the titanic. And this is why prices are rising. The distance need to be improved again..

It is not difficult to own 10m nowdays.. So 10m simply don't have the same value anymore like it had in the past.

What's happening right now is balance of the economy and not manipulation.

Gesendet von meinem E6653 mit TapatalkRight. I got all my money by using plats, But it feels stupid that they can earn more money with no-life farming.

I mean its not a bad thing to farm, but they do earn millions within a hour, so yeah i think they should do gold loot limits before its too late and the prices of items will get crazy, as it is already.

Tapatalkkal küldve az én SM-G975F eszközömről

08-16-2020, 12:55 PM
I spent alot of time farming to get 965%goldloot, so i will not let EVG/DM get nerfed!

Sent from my vivo 1906 using Tapatalk

If the devs decide they wanna nerf it, they will.
I’m curious as to what YOU can possibly do to prevent it.

08-16-2020, 01:40 PM
As soon as there is a new item everyone wants, that is expensive, you more than likely will see people competing to sell their items(lower prices..). As of recently there isn't anything new to drive people to sell stuff, along with low activity in game, could be in part why items are spendy/rare to find.

Most surely will see some items popping up cheaper than now when arcanite fields event gets under way. Probably more merchants than farmers playing atm. As far as post #5 above me, no we dont need the rich to get richer lol? Maybe i misunderstood.I was just trying to say, that there must be rich and poor in an economy to Presist. If everyone has the same amount of money, then Money loses its value. Not sure if it's true.. but, imagine the money limit in Arcane Legends is 999.999.999 and everyone just keeps getting richer. What then? Yes, exactly the marked has to crash, so there again can be a huge separation between rich an poor.. Without people being poor none can be rich. That's just brutal reality of life. So for now prices are rising. If everyone would stop at 100-200m max. wallet, there is nothing to be called rich anymore soon.

In fact: the ultra rich want the marked to crash so they can stay rich.

Gesendet von meinem E6653 mit Tapatalk

08-16-2020, 01:59 PM
My advice is to just not buy anything. Unless you want it, let them waste their auc tax.

08-16-2020, 02:06 PM
My advice is to just not buy anything. Unless you want it, let them waste their auc tax.Forreal lol +1

Sent from my vivo 1906 using Tapatalk

08-18-2020, 07:21 PM
I sold all my gl gears so evg means nothing for my benfit any more,, but to be fair i think evg + dm made the game more active and give all players a good chance to have op gears and op vanity

And i think it is the best idea that sts have made is Let us farming gold

Becouse this kind of farming It does not need luck Like old maps that we had spent lots of time farming on it and many of us got hard luck with that time

, and its very good for farmer when they farm and They know what they will get from thier farm ,, and becouse of that pve now very active and i see my friends enjoy with evg and dm

And about pricing i do not think every item got expensive on this days ,, some of arcane items getting cheaper every day like dagoan + arc arie and arc gears

So it seems Gold is growing becouse we have limited things tow buy And then we stop spent gold then we start becoming merchants !

I think We need more creative idea to make players keep spending thier gold

Like more deferent gears more deferent vanity more deferent awak more creative things keep us spending our gold on it

I think awaken event took lots of gold from players ( by buying blue gems from store) and that what the game needs every few times


08-19-2020, 09:41 PM
Yeah, so its like many things are with small population of players and therefore its very expensive as they can charge whatever price they want to.

08-19-2020, 11:22 PM
My advice is to just not buy anything. Unless you want it, let them waste their auc tax.

Honestly bud the way its looking thats not gonna work :/ top merchants have too much gold and they can hoard those items from 1-2yr if they wanted. Plus players buy more plat by the day...What needs to happen is for STS to create some good gold sink for gold to come out the economy if u want things to get cheaper. Other than that since gold cap is 999m, things will just rise from here on out. Hopefully elite awakens go to like 150k each

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08-20-2020, 01:35 AM
Look at the Grimm egg. It was for 100k in 2015..now it's 12k. So not everything is becoming expensive.

08-20-2020, 04:08 AM
Look at the Grimm egg. It was for 100k in 2015..now it's 12k. So not everything is becoming expensive.

ZZZZ..you know we had eggzavior correct? e.e