View Full Version : Elixers

03-05-2012, 02:01 AM
I was wondering why the elixirs only last half the time but cost the same price they do in Pocket legends and why is this the case?
I also noticed you don't have a 4 times experience mega combo elixir like you do in Pocket legends as well that lasts an hour.
I would like to see both games treated equally with the same rules,regulations,requirements and offerings.

03-05-2012, 03:16 AM
I was wondering why the elixirs only last half the time but cost the same price they do in Pocket legends and why is this the case?
I also noticed you don't have a 4 times experience mega combo elixir like you do in Pocket legends as well that lasts an hour.
I would like to see both games treated equally with the same rules,regulations,requirements and offerings.

however it is i am happy with sl

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03-05-2012, 03:40 AM
It probably has to do with the level cap that SL is at currently (L41), 4x elixirs were not available until around when the L56 cap was coming to a close during 1.7.2 Content Update (62464) (www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?29306) and 1.7.2 Content Update (63554) (www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?30162). I would imagine that when the xp requirements become a bit higher, STS will make the addition to SL.

The games are not exact copies so there are bound to be some differences. SL never had enhancers for cred as the only choice when that's how elixirs started in PL. There are some positives too, like Vinnie wasn't introduced until quite a bit after elixirs were made plat only, so SL gets to have that option substantially earlier than PL did.