View Full Version : STS where's the 2000 plat option?

03-05-2012, 08:13 PM
After hearing several people complain about the missing 2000 plat from the app, I decided to check the web store. It seems that 800 plat is now the maximum that can be bought.

I'm hoping this is just a bug of some sorts, so before jumping to conclusions I decided to post a topic about it on these forums.

I'm hoping for some feedback from a dev about this.

03-05-2012, 08:31 PM
Im dissapointed by removal but i will hold of judgement as well till i hear an explanation. I hope sts considers the tons of kids that play the game, whom dont have jobs.

03-05-2012, 08:33 PM
:( my favorite item

03-05-2012, 08:33 PM
Im dissapointed by removal but i will hold of judgement as well till i hear an explanation. I hope sts considers the tons of kids that play the game, whom dont have jobs.

I've let JustG and Samhayne know about this topic via PM.

03-05-2012, 08:35 PM
I am also awaiting an explaination on this.

03-05-2012, 08:39 PM
I think its a mistake, cuz they still have the tip that pops up saying the 2000 plat is the best deal

Hopefully it works with DL was gonna buy 2k plat to start my adventure :/

03-05-2012, 08:44 PM
I think this happened before. They said it was a mistake, and fixed it. Not sure about this time tho. :/

03-05-2012, 08:55 PM
Wow....I just saw that. That's what I buy, the 2k option. omg......I have no words for this.

03-05-2012, 08:56 PM
Wow....I just saw that. That's what I buy the 2k option omg......I have no words for this.

Let's not jump to conclusions yet. Like walk already said, it happened in the past, it might just be a bug :)

03-05-2012, 09:01 PM
Jay...I hope so......

03-05-2012, 09:02 PM
Jay...I hope so......

You and me both buddy.

03-05-2012, 09:06 PM
If it's not there in both games than that means it's not a bug but I will check it out.

03-05-2012, 09:12 PM
Ok it's not a bug the last update was to remove it,and I don't thenk any dev will say any comment about it because it was a limited deal.

03-05-2012, 09:17 PM
Usually limited deals are stated. This wasnt stated. Maybe they removed that option to make more money...

03-05-2012, 09:18 PM

Well that will certainly suck...

Then They should get rid of the tip that says 2000 plat! Best deal!

Its like ipod days all over again D:

03-05-2012, 09:23 PM
Boo! I want the 2k platinum pack back...I was going to buy some for both PL and DL (when it comes out) this sucks. Hope it is just a bug...

03-05-2012, 09:28 PM
keeps changing its plat purchase option, 5 plat for a dollar, 2000 plat for 89 dollars and somehow disappears often

03-05-2012, 09:30 PM
Guys try to post it on the suggestion and feedback, they might change it to 3000 or 4000 plat because I don't think this will work.

03-05-2012, 09:33 PM
Guys try to post it on the suggestion and feedback, they might change it to 3000 or 4000 plat because I don't think this will work.

I'm down for 3k-4k packs lol the more the merrier! :D

03-05-2012, 09:37 PM
guys try to post it on the suggestion and feedback, they might change it to 3000 or 4000 plat because i don't think this will work.

i'm down for 3k-4k packs lol the more the merrier! :d
lol :d:d:d:d:d

03-05-2012, 09:44 PM
yeah, I bet that was the patch earlier this evening. Idk why they don't include stuff like this in patch notes. Stuff they think will cause a controversy is often left out of patch notes nowadays. Lol. A little shady, imo.

03-05-2012, 10:52 PM
yeah, I bet that was the patch earlier this evening. Idk why they don't include stuff like this in patch notes. Stuff they think will cause a controversy is often left out of patch notes nowadays. Lol. A little shady, imo.

We will call it the soviet patch

03-05-2012, 10:57 PM
Just checked browser plat option....seems like no more 2k option....tis a sad day.

03-05-2012, 11:07 PM
Omg, I counted all my money up and went to purchase it today! I didn't see it so I went here to bring it up but you guys beat me to the punch!

03-06-2012, 02:42 AM
My oppinion to make more mulaaa!

03-06-2012, 07:46 AM
Eh? Ive been playing for more than a year and in my experience I never saw that option at all! 800 plat was always the biggest pack! (using an iPad to play mostly...) Never knew this existed, would have saved me tons of moneys...

03-06-2012, 07:50 AM
Eh? Ive been playing for more than a year and in my experience I never saw that option at all! 800 plat was always the biggest pack! (using an iPad to play mostly...) Never knew this existed, would have saved me tons of moneys...

I never really saw it on iPad either, but some people told me they bought it from there. I always used the web store to buy it, but it doesn't show that option anymore, since yesterday or so :/

03-06-2012, 08:12 AM
Would really like a reply from a dev on this one....

03-06-2012, 08:20 AM
Would really like a reply from a dev on this one....

I contacted them both via PM and support, and refered to this thread. I'm pretty sure we'll get some feedback soon :)

03-06-2012, 08:26 AM
And why does this thread show no replies and isn't going to the top of the list when someone replies? Maybe its just bugged on the mobile app for android.?.?.?

03-06-2012, 08:32 AM
I never really saw it on iPad either, but some people told me they bought it from there. I always used the web store to buy it, but it doesn't show that option anymore, since yesterday or so :/

AAARGH!!! Now Im mad! Why the difference between ingame purchases and the webstore!?!?

03-06-2012, 08:36 AM
Just checkrd on my android smart phone, not there...

03-06-2012, 08:39 AM
no....this cannot be happening. *frustrated*

03-06-2012, 09:02 AM
Eh? Ive been playing for more than a year and in my experience I never saw that option at all! 800 plat was always the biggest pack! (using an iPad to play mostly...) Never knew this existed, would have saved me tons of moneys...
Yeh i used to play on ipod there never was this option for ios, just computer and andriod.

03-06-2012, 10:22 AM
no....this cannot be happening. *frustrated*
You and me both kiddo. :vmad:

03-06-2012, 10:25 AM
:( my favorite item


03-06-2012, 10:36 AM
You and me both kiddo. :vmad:

Make that 3 :/

03-06-2012, 10:52 AM
You and me both kiddo. :vmad:

Make that 3 :/

03-06-2012, 11:02 AM
Some info would be nice Devs. This needs to be changed back. I spend allot of money on this game and now it looks like your asking for more.

03-06-2012, 11:50 AM
I don't think there is any reason to react in a negative way to this.

It may be some sort of glitch. However, at this point, I don't think so. With this thread being moved to Suggestions and Feedback, I think they want to hear our suggestions and feedback.

This is probablly just a situation where STS is testing customer response to the idea of no longer having the 2000 plat option. Which if that is what they want to do, they have every right to do so.

The purpose of hundreds of millions of business is to increase revenue. The is one of the main things they think about and try to accomplish every day. There is nothing wrong with increasing revenues. There is nothing greedy. It is just what almost every business in any industry anywhere in the world wants and needs to do.

Conspiracy theories sound good when when someone is consumed by the paranoia that is spread on the internet.

If this was an intentional change, one of two things are going to happen over the next 1 - 3 months.

1. Total revenue from plat sales is going to increase. If this happens, this may become a long-term change. Also, if this happens, it will be great for the game.


2. Total revenue from plat sales is going to decrease. If this happens, this change will most likely be reversed. If this happens, this will also be great for the game.

Btw, there has been a ton of threads on this forum for many months about how for Apple the high limit was 800 plat.

03-06-2012, 12:16 PM
Its seems like when ever theres something big like this that comes out it takes the devs forever to answer.

03-06-2012, 12:17 PM
Yeah, you would think they would want to clear things up asap so people dont make assumptions.

03-06-2012, 12:21 PM
I try to wait patiently, but their avoidance just makes it more questionable :/

03-06-2012, 12:24 PM
This is not, I reapeat not a case of simple greed.

ANY business wants to and needs to increase revenues. Charities are on a constant mission to increase revenues. Businesses who's main aim is some sort of humanitarian relief want to and need to increase revenue.

Increasing revenue is a good thing.

It is extremely unlikely that this was done on just some random basis. It is obvious that STS is far too aware of their customer's interests to do that.

Just like the Winter Fest 2011 price model, they did extensive research to determine what would most likely be the best price plan. They then implemented that plan. Found out it was a huge success among the customers and decided to continue with that price model.*

Players can still purchase 2000 plat. It will cost $35 dollars more. That is less than 2 cents a plat.

03-06-2012, 12:33 PM
This is not, I reapeat not a case of simple greed.

ANY business wants to and needs to increase revenues. Charities are on a constant mission to increase revenues. Businesses who's main aim is some sort of humanitarian relief want to and need to increase revenue.

Increasing revenue is a good thing.

It is extremely unlikely that this was done on just some random basis. It is obvious that STS is far too aware of their customer's interests to do that.

Just like the Winter Fest 2011 price model, they did extensive research to determine what would most likely be the best price plan. They then implemented that plan. Found out it was a huge success among the customers and decided to continue with that price model.*

Players can still purchase 2000 plat. It will cost $35 dollars more. That is less than 2 cents a plat.

I agree, if you read my OP, there's nothing about conspiracy theories or mentioning of greed. It's a simple question to get a clarification on what the reason is why there's no more 2000 plat option anymore. I even mentioned it could as well just be a glitch.

And I also agree that STS is a business and that they need to make money, but I also think that changes like these could be at least communicated with their clients so misconceptions are prevented. That's called customer care IMO :)

03-06-2012, 12:34 PM
Well, I use to buy the 2000 plat so I can lvl my 3 66 chars asap. You will need like 120 plat to go from 66 to 70 and then 400 more to 71, so you can raise 3 chars with 2000 plat. But now, without it, i think i just raise one char to 71 and use the rest of plat to make the others just 70 so i donŽt think STS will get more money with the change.
Think about it, when u have more than 1000 plat purchasing 30-50 vanities doesnt look too much, but if you just have 500 or so youŽll think much more about spending the 10% of your plat just for an item that doesnt give you anything but a different look, so im pretty sure revenues will down with change but maybe iŽm wrong.

Just my 2 cents. :-)

03-06-2012, 12:39 PM
Players can still purchase 2000 plat. It will cost $35 dollars more. That is less than 2 cents a plat.

Yeh but it adds up
I have bought 10k plat total
@the 800 plat price thats a little over $600
@the 2000 plat price thats $450

Kinda a difference

03-06-2012, 12:45 PM
It is totally ridiculous to suggest that it was 'shady' or unethical to not formally anounce this in the patch notes. Just another example of a extreme statement where the person doesn't even attempt to back it up.

I don't know if people realize this, but the vast majority of today's gamers don't even know what patch notes are. Why would they? Patch notes are rarely as important as they use to be.

Most free-to-play games don't announce every change in patch notes. They never did and never will. Most free-to-play games don't even do patch notes. The closest thing to patch notes is a very occasional and thinly disguised promotional message.

Devs in video games make changes all the time with out players permission or consent. Patch notes used to list in great detail every single minute change. Those days are gone. Some games still do. But, extremely few players wants to spend a lot of time reading patch notes. Few devs want to spend a huge amount of time writing stuff that most players aren't even going to read.

It used to take an hour to read some day's patch notes. Those days are gone. People don't have time. What little time people have they would rather be playing the game then reading a bunch of stuff.

Also, it is ridiculous to even suggest that STS needed to notify us anyway. Patch notes were especially important when subtle nerfs or enhancements were done to game play. There is nothing subtle about this change. Anyone who goes to the web plat store will have no problem noticing that the 2000 plat option is not available.

Btw,* most free-to-play games don't even have forums. The devs of those games do not feel that they have any financial reason to spend the money setting up and maintaining one. When people want to drop yet another quarter in the "I want to whine about STS jukebox", you might want to remember that STS has always and will always care more for their players than the majority of games.

03-06-2012, 12:51 PM
It is totally ridiculous to suggest that it was 'shady' or unethical to not formally anounce this in the patch notes. Just another example of a extreme statement where the person doesn't even attempt to back it up.

I don't know if people realize this, but the vast majority of today's gamers don't even know what patch notes are. Why would they? Patch notes are rarely as important as they use to be.

Most free-to-play games don't announce every change in patch notes. They never did and never will. Most free-to-play games don't even do patch notes. The closest thing to patch notes is a very occasional and thinly disguised promotional message.

Devs in video games make changes all the time with out players permission or consent. Patch notes used to list in great detail every single minute change. Those days are gone. Some games still do. But, extremely few players wants to spend a lot of time reading patch notes. Few devs want to spend a huge amount of time writing stuff that most players aren't even going to read.

It used to take an hour to read some day's patch notes. Those days are gone. People don't have time. What little time people have they would rather be playing the game then reading a bunch of stuff.

Also, it is ridiculous to even suggest that STS needed to notify us anyway. Patch notes were especially important when subtle nerfs or enhancements were done to game play. There is nothing subtle about this change. Anyone who goes to the web plat store will have no problem noticing that the 2000 plat option is not available.

Btw,* most free-to-play games don't even have forums. The devs of those games do not feel that they have any financial reason to spend the money setting up and maintaining one. When people want to drop yet another quarter in the "I want to whine about STS jukebox", you might want to remember that STS has always and will always care more for their players than the majority of games.

Please don't derail the tread about details because 1 person mentioning patch notes. The only reason for this thread is to find out why this change was made and if it's permanent or not. Lets not turn this into another long winded discussion about patch notes, forums and STS being a caring company that needs to make money. Thx

03-06-2012, 01:01 PM
Please don't derail the tread about details because 1 person mentioning patch notes. The only reason for this thread is to find out why this change was made and if it's permanent or not. Lets not turn this into another long winded discussion about patch notes, forums and STS being a caring company that needs to make money. Thx

*British accent*

Yes sir, **Pulls up a chair, and sits** ill wait of course *sips tea* now then, its almost time for lunch.

03-06-2012, 01:03 PM
*British accent*

Yes sir, **Pulls up a chair, and sits** ill wait of course *sips tea* now then, its almost time for lunch.

Lol! Pass me some tea too pls. Might get some popcorn in the mean time :D

03-06-2012, 01:04 PM
@JaytB I agree, you did not mention conspiracy theory or greed. When I made that comment, I was not directing that at you.

You, in fact, started this thread in a fair and level-headed manner and made several attempts to keep it that way. That is highly admirable.

@Elyseon Yeah, you're right, it adds up. But, the rest of my posts suggest one possible reason why this change is happening.


While, I see no reason they 'shouldn't' have announced it, it is very possible they wanted to hear initial feedback without that feedback being influenced by the dev's opinion/explanation.

To the player who said something like "I spend a lot of money on this game and now it looks like they are asking for more", I'm not sure if you were trying to say this change is ironic or bad in some other way. But, businesses raise their pricess all the time. It doesn't matter if someone has already spent "a lot" of money.

03-06-2012, 01:07 PM
@JaytB I agree, you did not mention conspiracy theory or greed. When I made that comment, I was not directing that at you.

You, in fact, started this thread in a fair and level-headed manner and made several attempts to keep it that way. That is highly admirable.

@Elyseon Yeah, you're right, it adds up. But, the rest of my posts suggest one possible reason why this change is happening.


While, I see no reason they 'shouldn't' have announced it, it is very possible they wanted to hear initial feedback without that feedback being influenced by the dev's opinion/explanation.

To the player who said something like "I spend a lot of money on this game and now it looks like they are asking for more", I'm not sure if you were trying to say this change is ironic or bad in some other way. But, businesses raise their pricess all the time. It doesn't matter if someone has already spent "a lot" of money.

*Banning Head to Desk* repeatedly!
Now then, i feel better....anyone got Tylenol.

03-06-2012, 01:07 PM
Well... if it was intentional, simply to increase revenue due to the better ratio to the provider, I think it's a mistake.

Even though I haven't bought the 2k package as much as I know many others have, I believe there are people who would (eventually) stop playing just because of a simple move such as removing the 2k package from the website.

Let me get on a soapbox for a moment...
There's a "Rule of Five" that I remember which can apply to any business:
1. Identify and capture new customers
2. Retain existing customers
3. Increase their average buy
4. Increase their transaction frequency
5. View a customer's lifetime value

I can say a lot about each of these 5 rules, but for the purposes of this thread I'll focus on 3 & 4.

If removing the 2k package is intentional, STS is already defeating the purpose of #3. Sure, they get more $ per plat, but at what cost? It's not like plat has any overhead. It's already been discussed why it's not available on every platform (grrr iOS). But is there really a reason for it to not be available via the website? Players who've bought the 2k package previously know that they won't be getting as good of a deal at the 800 plat level. They probably won't even use their plat as quickly anymore knowing that they are on their last set of "cheaper" plat. They'll end up playing less, or leave entirely, defeating the purpose of #4.

Let's take a scenario of a big plat purchaser who might buy the $90 package every 30 days. They would spend $450 over the course of 150 days. If that 2k package wasn't available anymore, in order for that same player to spend $450, s/he would have to buy the $50 package around every 16-17 days. This is where the balance of #3 and #4 come in. With new content coming soon, #4 would naturally increase without any changes to plat packages. But artificially increasing #4 at the sacrifice of #3 is not sound judgment. In that scenario of the big plat purchaser spending $450 in 150 days, they would be losing out on almost 3k plat without the $90 package. And that's if they wanted to be bothered with buying plat almost twice as often!

03-06-2012, 01:10 PM
This is not, I reapeat not a case of simple greed.

ANY business wants to and needs to increase revenues. Charities are on a constant mission to increase revenues. Businesses who's main aim is some sort of humanitarian relief want to and need to increase revenue.

Increasing revenue is a good thing.

It is extremely unlikely that this was done on just some random basis. It is obvious that STS is far too aware of their customer's interests to do that.

Just like the Winter Fest 2011 price model, they did extensive research to determine what would most likely be the best price plan. They then implemented that plan. Found out it was a huge success among the customers and decided to continue with that price model.*

Players can still purchase 2000 plat. It will cost $35 dollars more. That is less than 2 cents a plat.

Ehhh.. there are other ways to increase revenue than to increase the cost of plat.

One example is to provide more options to spend plat on. Other than elixirs or very high priced items (500 plat vanity helm) there isn't much variety to spend money on. Personally, I already spend enough on plat. And only rarely do I find anything to purchase other than elixirs.

I'm not sure how much it costs to develop a game like this, but what I do know is that I spent $80 every new campaign which is significantly more than I spend on a console games.

I'm not saying its shady or anything like that, but I do not think it is unreasonable to ask that customers be notified in a timely manner when a feature they use regularly is removed. Especially when it involves spending money.

Just my opinion.

03-06-2012, 01:35 PM
I jus purchased it on my android 2k plat.

03-06-2012, 01:40 PM
@jaytB I have never been in a long-winded discussion about patch notes, lol.

Two people talked about patch notes and other people thanked and quoted them. So, it is totally ok for any forum member to also talk about them if they want to.

In addition to those two, eight or nine asked for an explanation, including yourself several times. In this case, patch notes and explanation is kinda, basically talking about the same thing.

@drewcapu as usual, your post was very interesting. But, there were quite a few assumptions made that don't really add up.

I can also mention the 80/20 rule. In this case that a f2p game company makes 80% of its revenue from 20% of its customers.

So there is no question that revenue from the $90 pack is going to end, at least for a time. The only question is will overall revenue increase or decrease.

@Atlannie I couldn't possible agree with you more when you suggest that a great way to increase revenues would be to increase the number of things we can spend our plat on. Imo, this game needs way, way, way, way, way, way more items/ways for players to support the game. Other f2p games have significantly more fun and great options.

It usually only costs a few million dollars to initially develop f2p games.

03-06-2012, 01:43 PM
I jus purchased it on my android 2k plat.

Yay! There you go, folks.

03-06-2012, 02:43 PM
2k plat option still not there on pocket legends or star legends on my android

03-06-2012, 04:04 PM
My guess is devs are very busy with the pending release of DL. Still hope to get some kind of feedback about all this though.

03-06-2012, 04:21 PM
Yeh, i hope they have the 2k in DL cuz i was gonna buy one right away, if not idk if ill even buy any in DL for awhile, I will be restraining from plat in PL too until next cap

03-06-2012, 04:23 PM
Hey guys,

The 2,000 Platinum option was intentionally removed. We are always looking at our business and how it works. Lately, we've been asking, "What is a single Platinum worth?" The wide range in pricing per Platinum leads to some skewed perceptions of that value.

I can't say if the 2,000 package will make a return, or if other packages will replace it.

As always, we thank you for your support and patronage.

Respectfully yours,


03-06-2012, 04:34 PM
There was never a 2000 platinum options nor a 1000. I don't know what you're talking about. It must've been before I played but why would anyone wanna waste over $50.00 on a game anyways?

03-06-2012, 04:35 PM
Hey guys,

The 2,000 Platinum option was intentionally removed. We are always looking at our business and how it works. Lately, we've been asking, "What is a single Platinum worth?" The wide range in pricing per Platinum leads to some skewed perceptions of that value.

I can't say if the 2,000 package will make a return, or if other packages will replace it.

As always, we thank you for your support and patronage.

Respectfully yours,


Thanks for clearing that up! Looking forward to see these possible 'replacements' :)

03-06-2012, 04:37 PM
There was never a 2000 platinum options nor a 1000. I don't know what you're talking about. It must've been before I played but why would anyone wanna waste over $50.00 on a game anyways?

Sry for the double post...

2000 platinum has been available from since I started, and has only been recently removed (like 1 or 2 days ago). It was available through the web store. So please get your facts straight before claiming it was 'never' there' ;)

03-06-2012, 04:37 PM
There was never a 2000 platinum options nor a 1000. I don't know what you're talking about. It must've been before I played but why would anyone wanna waste over $50.00 on a game anyways?

2k plat was available for android users, and through sts website. "wasting"money on something is an opinion.

03-06-2012, 04:39 PM
Hey guys,

The 2,000 Platinum option was intentionally removed. We are always looking at our business and how it works. Lately, we've been asking, "What is a single Platinum worth?" The wide range in pricing per Platinum leads to some skewed perceptions of that value.

I can't say if the 2,000 package will make a return, or if other packages will replace it.

As always, we thank you for your support and patronage.

Respectfully yours,


Well i hope something replaces it and i hope its soon.

03-06-2012, 04:42 PM
I just got a mail from Mjolstin. I figured I'd post it here because it states the 2000 plat pack WILL return :D


Mjolstin, Mar 06 15:23 (CST):

We have temporarily removed the 2000 platinum package from the webstore and android market. It will be back, we appreciate your patience.


Spacetime Studios

03-06-2012, 04:54 PM
I just got a mail from Mjolstin. I figured I'd post it here because it states the 2000 plat pack WILL return :D


Mjolstin, Mar 06 15:23 (CST):

We have temporarily removed the 2000 platinum package from the webstore and android market. It will be back, we appreciate your patience.


Spacetime Studios

:D)) <---double chin

03-06-2012, 06:59 PM
I just got a mail from Mjolstin. I figured I'd post it here because it states the 2000 plat pack WILL return :D


Mjolstin, Mar 06 15:23 (CST):

We have temporarily removed the 2000 platinum package from the webstore and android market. It will be back, we appreciate your patience.


Spacetime Studios

I wonder at what price

03-07-2012, 02:15 AM
the greedyness doesnt still doesnt have an end... :/
btw. this offer for sure wont come back for the next 2 months when all the new content comes out...

03-07-2012, 11:45 AM
the greedyness doesnt still doesnt have an end... :/
btw. this offer for sure wont come back for the next 2 months when all the new content comes out...

I agree with the greed. How many games cost 50 or more a month to get the full enjoyment out of. I need plat bring back the 2k option. This is the most expensive game I have ever played. I love this game, but quit asking for more plz

03-07-2012, 11:51 AM
I agree with the greed. How many games cost 50 or more a month to get the full enjoyment out of. I need plat bring back the 2k option. This is the most expensive game I have ever played. I love this game, but quit asking for more plz

Stop spending. Come on. You can do it. Say it with me: Don't hit Confirm. Don't hit Confirm. Don't hit Confirm.

The Flash
03-07-2012, 12:25 PM
I think there just seing if with the realease of of humania, that if with no 2k option will we spend just as much plat. If we do then we spend same amount of plat but more money because no 2k option(like we buy 3x800 equals 2400 plat for$150 to get 3 toons to 71 instead of 1x2000 plat for $90 to get all 3 toons to 71 so the would make $60 on all acounts which adds up) , if not then was it enough to be equal atleast in money(10x2000 equal $900 and 16x800 plat equals $900). If they see that the taking away of the 2000 plat option doesnt effect them money wise or worse it increase there revenue that option will be gone for good.

Hopefully sales go down enough or to the point were they have to bring back the 2k option to make $$$$. STS is a business so dont hate guys and all companies do this it just STS has always been super cool and friendly with there customer(had not seen a company that good) so when they do a certain marketing moves its like the world is ending because plats is going up(its called supply and demand). Hope this help people understand what is happening.

03-07-2012, 01:38 PM
Ok. There are some things STS have made that I have voiced as "greedy" in the past (Xmas 2011 for example) but the removal of the 2000 plat option is def. not one of them. Stop trying to turn this into some "evil STS scheme to get more plat". STS has certainly not randomly removed the option and has decided to remove it for monetary reasons that is a given, Sam has said that they are currently experimenting and investigating the worth of 1 plat, likely the 2000 plat option does not fit with this strategy and therefore they had it removed. Relax, it's not critical to your gameplay to get the 200 plat extra the pack gave you. Chill out folks.

03-07-2012, 05:51 PM
Great chat the other day JayTB :) Thought I'd find your post and have a read, glad that it appears a replacement is coming our ways, hopefully sooner than later :)

03-07-2012, 10:01 PM
I agree with the greed. How many games cost 50 or more a month to get the full enjoyment out of. I need plat bring back the 2k option. This is the most expensive game I have ever played. I love this game, but quit asking for more plz

Actually, there are tons of f2p games that cost way, way, way more tto play "to get full enjoyment out of".

It's simple ridiculous to suggest that plat in this game is somehow "mandatory" to get the full enjoyment out of it. You can do 99%of STS games with no plat.

That's true for most f2p games. But, STS has been far less aggressive with getting the most funds out of their players compared to other games.

And the most ironic thing is that most of those games were not as expensive to develop or maintainl. They do not try nearly as hard as STS. We are getting far more for our dollar than many gamers. They are working far, far harder for their revenue than most f2p games.

They are the opposite of greedy. They are giving us more for our money. They are doing exactly what every company does. They just doing it better by giving us more for our money.

And the Winter Fest pricing was not greedy, it was the reverse of greedy. Because it was the most fair for all players and STS.

03-07-2012, 10:49 PM
STS could have got way more money than by ruining the winter fest for many farmers, the pay per run thing was completely unnecessary. Ok if it was to be fair to the players by saving some ppl who only paid 4 plat for the 2 runs for vanities, why didnt they offer a 1 time purchase pass for ppl who wanted to farm to save their plat?

They could easily make some more AMAZING items like the omnipotent crown of dreams and have them go for 500 plat, many would buy them. They could make a gold drop gain elixir increasing the gold from mobs u get. They could make more elite dungeons. They could make more pvp map. All of which I would gladly pay plat for. Just like I paid for every map outside of Forest Haven, Dark Forest, Nuris, and Mt Fang.

Fading back on to topic, I, as of now, am not saying the removal of this plat pack was due to greed, I thank Sam for updating us on the situation. And his reason makes sense. The 2k plat pack was about 4 and a half cents per plat, the 30 plat pack was 16 and two-thirds cents per plat, when you multiply those out to the plat some ppl have bought, that difference is kinda confusing, and they already said it would be returning.

03-07-2012, 10:58 PM
You can still buy 2000 plat. It will cost $35.00 more than it does now. That is less than 2 cents a plat. People say that adds up. Well, yeah, duh. But, nobody should be spending more than they can afford. Plat is completely optional. It is there for those who can afford it.

And what is wrong with people, lol? Get a grip. Business raise prices all the time. ALL THE TIME. How long, tell me, how long has that 2000 plat option been available? They haven't raised the price in a long time, maybe NEVER. Now, I'm not saying they going to raise the price on it when/if they bring it back. But, if someone has to pay an extra $35 for 2000 items then that is the way business works.

All businesses raise their prices from time to time. That is normal and necessary.

Oh, and btw, Please get a grip, just about any real life game (non-video game) would cost well over $50 a month if you played it often. Life costs money.

03-08-2012, 02:26 AM
guys comon, we all know it, to play in the elite area of PL u need plat and if u have many chars u even need more. most of the PLer just want PVP, they dont want waste their time with endless grinding also. good vanitys also cost a lot. 2000 plat already wasnt a deal for everyone, just for ppl wich loves PL. 35$ more is much!

there are other ways to gain money, that arent the right ones!

i really woudnt mind to spend it, but since ao3/sewers and all those money went to SL and DL instead of something new in PL!

atm i dont see any reason to spend more money on a game wich gave me very less new content since a year, sorry....

03-08-2012, 07:10 AM
You can still buy 2000 plat. It will cost $35.00 more than it does now. That is less than 2 cents a plat. People say that adds up. Well, yeah, duh. But, nobody should be spending more than they can afford. Plat is completely optional. It is there for those who can afford it.

And what is wrong with people, lol? Get a grip. Business raise prices all the time. ALL THE TIME. How long, tell me, how long has that 2000 plat option been available? They haven't raised the price in a long time, maybe NEVER. Now, I'm not saying they going to raise the price on it when/if they bring it back. But, if someone has to pay an extra $35 for 2000 items then that is the way business works.

All businesses raise their prices from time to time. That is normal and necessary.

Oh, and btw, Please get a grip, just about any real life game (non-video game) would cost well over $50 a month if you played it often. Life costs money.

You should consider not getting so offended and defensive when people voice their opinions.

Things only change when opposition voices their displeasure.

Unfortunately, sts wanted platinum to be a very big party of their games. Of course raising the prices is going to cause uproar. I personally think it is a terrible business strategy because it will alienates the people that provide you the most income.

03-08-2012, 07:39 AM
I just got a mail from Mjolstin. I figured I'd post it here because it states the 2000 plat pack WILL return :D


Mjolstin, Mar 06 15:23 (CST):

We have temporarily removed the 2000 platinum package from the webstore and android market. It will be back, we appreciate your patience.


Spacetime Studios

Could you please then also make it available through the iOS store / ingame iOS devices? Much appreciated....

03-08-2012, 08:03 AM
@ Elyseon The last two paragraphs of your last post I completely agree with.

Winter Fest 2011 pricing was absolutely the most fair for everyone involved. It was the most fair to STS, to the player who only wanted the 2 vanities, to the collector and to the farmer.

Optional content is where STS makes their money. It is only natural and right for them to come up with a pricing plan that will be the most profitible and the most fair to ALL players.

Any business person anywhere in the world would have done the same thing. Anyone of us, if we were in their shoes would have also. You can't ask them to make BUSINESS DECISIONS based on sentiment. Charities do not run on sentiment. Why should STS?

It was only fair and right for collectors and farmers to pay more to play Winter Fest than non-farmers. Why? Because that is the way video games work. That is the way life works. Farmers were hoping too make millions in coin. And they only wanted to invest 10 plat? LOL If you are in business and want to make a killing in the market, it is going to cost you to do that. It takes money to make money.

Why should one guy spend 10 plat and get 2 no-trade vanities. And another guy spend 10 plat and make millions?

When ever a business makes a pricing decision, they use statistics, customer feedback, gut instinct and past performance. ALL those factors culminate into what basically is a judgement call.

Afterwards, they analyze. If a sucess they do some more. Obviously, Winter Fest 2011 was a huge sucess. Only a tiny few people are complaining.

I know people are not trying to be selfish when they complain about Winter Fest. But, step back and think for a minute. It is unfair for people to complain about that. STS has done an amazing job and deserve a decent profit. 2 plat was 9 cents. Now it is 12 and a half cents.

03-08-2012, 01:36 PM
I think there just seing if with the realease of of humania, that if with no 2k option will we spend just as much plat. If we do then we spend same amount of plat but more money because no 2k option(like we buy 3x800 equals 2400 plat for$150 to get 3 toons to 71 instead of 1x2000 plat for $90 to get all 3 toons to 71 so the would make $60 on all acounts which adds up) , if not then was it enough to be equal atleast in money(10x2000 equal $900 and 16x800 plat equals $900). If they see that the taking away of the 2000 plat option doesnt effect them money wise or worse it increase there revenue that option will be gone for good.

Hopefully sales go down enough or to the point were they have to bring back the 2k option to make $$$$. STS is a business so dont hate guys and all companies do this it just STS has always been super cool and friendly with there customer(had not seen a company that good) so when they do a certain marketing moves its like the world is ending because plats is going up(its called supply and demand). Hope this help people understand what is happening.

Good points here, money talks and if you are an avid PL player that buys the 2k often enough to be effected by its removal ( like me) then talk with your money and show your influence by not spending if you don't agree with the product. STS is in an evaluation process for a reason, all businesses do this, and all consumers have the opportunity to present thier opinions through the power of purchase.

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk

03-08-2012, 02:09 PM
@Atlannie oh, no offense taken at all, so no worries there. But, people really do need to 'get a grip'. It has been, what over a year, maybe close to a year and a half since 2000 plat has been only $90. Now, at least for a time, 2000 plat costs $35 more. Who here doesn't agree that virtually all business raise prices.

Another way of saying 'gotta get a grip' is: 'reality check'. Businesses raise prices. This is optional content of a video game.* All business raise prices. It is the way life works.

I am very glad that people are stating their opinion. But remember, the 'uproar' has come from only a TINY MINORITY of players. It is obvious that Winter Fest was a success. Most people had no problem with the 2-plat per run thing.

If some people get alienated because of price issues, STS isn't at fault and can't really do anything* about someone else's negative attitudes.

@Riccits Playing the elite level and playing multiple characters are both completely optional. If someone doesn't want to do it, they don't have to. It is optional. Optional content is where STS makes their money.

Of course STS* makes their optional content fun and interesting. Otherwise, nobody would want to play it, LOL.

But, you, me and everyone eles knows, buying plat is not MANDATORY. No one is being 'coerced' into buying plat. Just ask the players who are constantly posting and bragging about how they got to cap or play the game without elixirs. They go on and on about this because they actually think playing without elixirs makes them better players, LOL. Of course that is not true, but a different subject. But, there are plenty of people who brag about not using elixirs. You can play 99% of this game and have tons of fun without buying plat.

I know that VERY FEW players want to spend, as you put it, "endless hours grinding". I agree. This is the MAIN thing that makes power leveling so SIZZLING RED HOT in this and virtually every other game. But, if people can't afford to buy a lot of plat, they shouldn't.

The idea that STS is somehow wrong for asking for more money despite they 'haven't provided new content' is another empty myth. A myth is something that is false, wrong, not true. It is something that people are saying that they don't ever back up. Why? Because they can't. It's not possible. Becaue it is not accurate.*

03-08-2012, 02:23 PM
@Atlannie oh, no offense taken at all, so no worries there. But, people really do need to 'get a grip'. It has been, what over a year, maybe close to a year and a half since 2000 plat has been only $90. Now, at least for a time, 2000 plat costs $35 more. Who here doesn't agree that virtually all business raise prices.

Another way of saying 'gotta get a grip' is: 'reality check'. Businesses raise prices. This is optional content of a video game.* All business raise prices. It is the way life works.

I am very glad that people are stating their opinion. But remember, the 'uproar' has come from only a TINY MINORITY of players. It is obvious that Winter Fest was a success. Most people had no problem with the 2-plat per run thing.

If some people get alienated because of price issues, STS isn't at fault and can't really do anything* about someone else's negative attitudes.

@Riccits Playing the elite level and playing multiple characters are both completely optional. If someone doesn't want to do it, they don't have to. It is optional. Optional content is where STS makes their money.

Of course STS* makes their optional content fun and interesting. Otherwise, nobody would want to play it, LOL.

But, you, me and everyone eles knows, buying plat is not MANDATORY. No one is being 'coerced' into buying plat. Just ask the players who are constantly posting and bragging about how they got to cap or play the game without elixirs. They go on and on about this because they actually think playing without elixirs makes them better players, LOL. Of course that is not true, but a different subject. But, there are plenty of people who brag about not using elixirs. You can play 99% of this game and have tons of fun without buying plat.

I know that VERY FEW players want to spend, as you put it, "endless hours grinding". I agree. This is the MAIN thing that makes power leveling so SIZZLING RED HOT in this and virtually every other game. But, if people can't afford to buy a lot of plat, they shouldn't.

The idea that STS is somehow wrong for asking for more money despite they 'haven't provided new content' is another empty myth. A myth is something that is false, wrong, not true. It is something that people are saying that they don't ever back up. Why? Because they can't. It's not possible. Becaue it is not accurate.*

They do. But this is a unique business with a fragile audience. We aren't talking about mcdonalds raising the cost of their big macs by .50.

One bad mistake can mean life or death for your product. Especially since the people affected most are the ones that are paying the bills.

It is entirely possible though that old players will just be replaced by new players.

03-08-2012, 02:26 PM
They do. But this is a unique business with a fragile audience. We aren't talking about mcdonalds raising the cost of their big macs by .50.

One bad mistake can mean life or death for your product. Especially since the people affected most are the ones that are paying the bills.

It is entirely possible though that old players will just be replaced by new players.

Exactly. Its much better to have a good prediction on how these decisions will affect players. Espescially the plat buyers.

You're probably right about the new replacing the old. But it would be better if the old remained and new players were always added.

03-08-2012, 03:11 PM
If this was an intentional change, one of two things are going to happen over the next 1 - 3 months.

1. Total revenue from plat sales is going to increase. If this happens, this may become a long-term change. Also, if this happens, it will be great for the game.


2. Total revenue from plat sales is going to decrease. If this happens, this change will most likely be reversed. If this happens, this will also be great for the game.

Btw, there has been a ton of threads on this forum for many months about how for Apple the high limit was 800 plat.

If people are having a hard time with this advance math, they can get out their Trac Phone and use the calculator, lol. Three $50 packs would net ya 2400 plat. 2400 > 2000. 150/2400=0.0625. That is 0.0175 more than it used to cost. 0.0175 < 2 cents.

Btw, Drew gets today's kookie cookie award!! Grats lol

As stated 1000x, no body should buy more plat then they can afford. Or, if you want to make a statement by not buying, that is peferfetly fine thing to do. They want to know the objective and accurate reality of the situation.

But, just like Winter Fest, they had a real good idea in advance that it would be a popular success. Otherwise, they would have tried the idea that would have seemed more likely to succeed.

No one in the STS offices said, "You know, I really doubt that anyone is going to pay 2-plat per run, but you know what--- LET'S TRY IT ANYWAY!!!

03-08-2012, 04:02 PM
You talk about $35 and 2 cent increases as if they were nothing, Aikiebo.

When it comes down to it, if there is no package above the $50 package, players who used to buy the $90 package will end up with a 39% increase. In the business world I work in, if you ask your highest paying / long-time customers to pay you 39% more for the same product, I guarantee you'll end up with a high percentage of them dropping you completely.

Another way to put it is it's basically like turning $4 per gal. gas into $5.60 per gal.

Fyrce, I and others were chatting about this when this thread first came out. There aren't a whole lot of price points between the $50 and $90 packages that would make sense for both STS and the players. The consensus seemed to be that STS probably doesn't want to be any lower than 5 cents per plat, which is basically $79.99 for 1,600 plat or $99.99 for 2k plat. Anything above $100 for 2k plat would simply have the perception of being too high, in my opinion.

03-08-2012, 04:32 PM
Drew, I in no way, acting like $35 is nothing. I know for many that is a lot. I, myself, have not been able to buy plat for a while. Truth is this will make it easier for me in one way and bit more difficult for me in another way.

But, sometimes people need to think of something other than just themselves. For me, at least, the question: Is plat optional or not? is kind of secondary.

I think that what really the main question is: Does STS deserve to make enough and/or more profit than they have been making. Do they have the right to raise prices? I doubt anyone doubts that. But, is it a good idea? I think that is the main question.

First off, we not sure they are raising prices with this. We'll have to see. I hope ftlog that they don't start a third currency for any one of the games.

The fact that plat is optional in a video game makes it bit different than gas or food. How many times have you seen a bunch of nuts protesting the cost of ski lift tickets. Skiing is an optional activity. Buying plat is an optional activity.

But, as I said, read my last post. If this turns out to be a mistake, they will fix it. But, just like Winter Fest they had a real good idea in advance. But, wanted to run a test.

Look at STS's press page. Then tell me they don't deserve to make huge profit. They haven't raised the price of plat in how long? A year and a half? Never? How fast is gas going up?

03-08-2012, 08:39 PM
But, sometimes people need to think of something other than just themselves. For me, at least, the question: Is plat optional or not? is kind of secondary.

I think that what really the main question is: Does STS deserve to make enough and/or more profit than they have been making.

First, no, you are incorrect. I am a consumer. I don't have to look out for others. I expect to get the best deal i can get. when i spend my money, I'm not concerned with what other are willing to spend or "deserve".

What Drew is saying is exactly correct. This isn't about what STS deserves. I do not run a charity. It seems like that is the focus of a lot of your arguments when it comes to p2p and sts.

STS is providing a product for people to consume. They set a price point and kept it there for a long time. All of a sudden, there is a rather large price hike. Naturally many will not be happy. Some will quit. Some will complain. I don't know why you're appalled by that.

This is a chain of events. This is not one occurrence that people are frustrated by.

Also, you keep saying people should not buy more than they can afford. I'm not sure where you're going with that. Who does that? that comment is precisely the point behind my argument. I will buy what i can afford. And now, that amount is considerably less than it was a week ago.

The fact that plat is optional in a video game makes it bit different than gas or food. How many times have you seen a bunch of nuts protesting the cost of ski lift tickets. Skiing is an optional activity. Buying plat is an optional activity.

If you ski, ski lifts are essential. Yes skiing itself is optional.

If you play pl, for a lot of people plat is essential to enjoy the game (which btw was sts's intent). For example, one of my favorite parts of the game is the end lvl vanity. That would be impossible to accomplish on my 3 toons wo plat. In this case playing pl is optional. This is what sts needs to be weary of.

03-09-2012, 02:24 AM
@Atlannie oh, no offense taken at all, so no worries there. But, people really do need to 'get a grip'. It has been, what over a year, maybe close to a year and a half since 2000 plat has been only $90. Now, at least for a time, 2000 plat costs $35 more. Who here doesn't agree that virtually all business raise prices.

Another way of saying 'gotta get a grip' is: 'reality check'. Businesses raise prices. This is optional content of a video game.* All business raise prices. It is the way life works.

I am very glad that people are stating their opinion. But remember, the 'uproar' has come from only a TINY MINORITY of players. It is obvious that Winter Fest was a success. Most people had no problem with the 2-plat per run thing.

If some people get alienated because of price issues, STS isn't at fault and can't really do anything* about someone else's negative attitudes.

@Riccits Playing the elite level and playing multiple characters are both completely optional. If someone doesn't want to do it, they don't have to. It is optional. Optional content is where STS makes their money.

Of course STS* makes their optional content fun and interesting. Otherwise, nobody would want to play it, LOL.

But, you, me and everyone eles knows, buying plat is not MANDATORY. No one is being 'coerced' into buying plat. Just ask the players who are constantly posting and bragging about how they got to cap or play the game without elixirs. They go on and on about this because they actually think playing without elixirs makes them better players, LOL. Of course that is not true, but a different subject. But, there are plenty of people who brag about not using elixirs. You can play 99% of this game and have tons of fun without buying plat.

I know that VERY FEW players want to spend, as you put it, "endless hours grinding". I agree. This is the MAIN thing that makes power leveling so SIZZLING RED HOT in this and virtually every other game. But, if people can't afford to buy a lot of plat, they shouldn't.

The idea that STS is somehow wrong for asking for more money despite they 'haven't provided new content' is another empty myth. A myth is something that is false, wrong, not true. It is something that people are saying that they don't ever back up. Why? Because they can't. It's not possible. Becaue it is not accurate.*

the whole game is an optional that i may woudnt need. i dont have to play it neither. STS need to offer us something we want to spend money if they wanna stay alive. in my life ive never mind to spend money if i get something for it. but PL didnt satisfy me since almost a year now.
business raise price yeah, but normally they offer more, in PL we didnt get much more.
well optional content wasnt really fun, winter festival and halloween was just copys of last year and only there to make gold, nothing more.
idk how long u play PL. but we really played 1 year without such plat purchases and had fun. now farming turns into pain without plat.. they design dungeons to make us buy elixes, thats obviously, all old players know the differences from the past.
PL without plat possible? yes. Realistic? no...

03-09-2012, 02:38 AM
I think that what really the main question is: Does STS deserve to make enough and/or more profit than they have been making. Do they have the right to raise prices? I doubt anyone doubts that.

no they dont deserve with the actual situation. no, actually they should lower prices and offer more to get more ppl for this game.
with removing the 2k plat, they rise price, but no offer... at least not for PL.

iam also not really exited for DL, it will be another game wich needs a lot plat to be competitive...

03-09-2012, 12:39 PM
The game was only made more expensive for the biggest plat spenders. The ones who buy 2000 plat on a regular basis are put at a disadvantage here. The ones who occasionally buy some plat remain unaffected. I could've understood if plat prices in general would've gone up, because then it would've affected all of us equally, but that isn't what happened here. As said, it's only STS's best customers that are affected by this. And that's a strange decision the way I see it.

03-09-2012, 12:50 PM
Winter Fest 2011 Why should one guy spend 10 plat and get 2 no-trade vanities. And another guy spend 10 plat and make millions?

Why? For one, time. According to your logic endgame pinks should drop more to those who spend the most plat.

Also the 2 plat per run system may have not been such a big deal if theyre hadnt already been a precedent for a 1 time 10 plat price. Thats what they did in 2010 and no one complained, I bought it and at the time didnt understand farming so i came out with like 4 items and the vanities. I didnt find that unfair, I just revised my plan as I gained more experience and understood the game more.

They haven't raised the price of plat in how long? A year and a half? Never? How fast is gas going up?
Yes STS deserves alot, which is why I have bought that plat I have. But how does plat relate to gas prices? o_O
Gas is in high demand as a limited resource, platinum is a virtual currency with and infinite supply.
Gas has a relatively same number of buyers, PL continually is growing with number of plat buyers constantly increase.

03-09-2012, 12:57 PM
The game was only made more expensive for the biggest plat spenders. The ones who buy 2000 plat on a regular basis are put at a disadvantage here. The ones who occasionally buy some plat remain unaffected. I could've understood if plat prices in general would've gone up, because then it would've affected all of us equally, but that isn't what happened here. As said, it's only STS's best customers that are affected by this. And that's a strange decision the way I see it.

Yup, i just wont be as competitive when i play....ill be more of a casual player, In SL i was as hardcore as they come. But the 2k is what i bought every update. ill just sit back and relax, no need to cap as often even with a elite vanity, just cant do it. Hopefully it does return and permanently.

I want to be a hard core player in SL, I really do...but having limited options just forces less choices.
In my 2k i bought...
-I would cap 3 toons
-Buy vanities (plat store)
-buy plat armors and wepons
-buy credits or gold
-and keep me in game longer.

Anything left over was used for other alts...and gifts to other lower level players. please help us devs..

03-09-2012, 01:40 PM
The game was only made more expensive for the biggest plat spenders. The ones who buy 2000 plat on a regular basis are put at a disadvantage here. The ones who occasionally buy some plat remain unaffected. I could've understood if plat prices in general would've gone up, because then it would've affected all of us equally, but that isn't what happened here. As said, it's only STS's best customers that are affected by this. And that's a strange decision the way I see it.

Exactly how i feel.

03-09-2012, 01:42 PM
Why? For one, time. According to your logic endgame pinks should drop more to those who spend the most plat.

Also the 2 plat per run system may have not been such a big deal if theyre hadnt already been a precedent for a 1 time 10 plat price. Thats what they did in 2010 and no one complained, I bought it and at the time didnt understand farming so i came out with like 4 items and the vanities. I didnt find that unfair, I just revised my plan as I gained more experience and understood the game more.

This is off topic, but you can apply this precedence argument to stashing elite vanities also :)

03-09-2012, 02:25 PM
I love reading the forums here to stay updated and meet the players personalities. Some threads are often exhausting to sort through. Over analyzing and re analyzing over and over and over. :hopelessness: Let it go. Trying to get the very long winded last word in is like punishment to people like me who just want a simple read and a little info.

Oh, and correcting myself to stay on point...erhem...:distracted: I would like the 2000 plat pack brought back. Of course it was a ridiculously better deal, so I chose to spend a little more to get a lot more. Can't say that I will continue to want to afford the 800 plat pack. I only did perhaps when its all I wanted to spend at the moment. The value of that for me is too little to purchase on a regular basis especially when plat items IMO are over priced as well. Maybe its silly, but I personally tend to spend more real money on what I perceive to be a better bargain, and tend to be completely frugal if it isn't. Feast or Famine, that's what I say!

03-09-2012, 02:38 PM
The game was only made more expensive for the biggest plat spenders. The ones who buy 2000 plat on a regular basis are put at a disadvantage here. The ones who occasionally buy some plat remain unaffected. I could've understood if plat prices in general would've gone up, because then it would've affected all of us equally, but that isn't what happened here. As said, it's only STS's best customers that are affected by this. And that's a strange decision the way I see it.

JaytB, I understand what you're trying to say. Or at least I am trying to understand. I think you're saying: That if the big plat spenders hadn't spent so much then the plat would cost less. Trying to say that they set a precedent. Is that what you are saying?

If so, yeah, but, that is only about 2% of the reason. It's an over simplification and not too sophisticated analysis.

Long time ago, I talked about players who sometimes get a mild case of tunnel vision. This is natural. People can only see what they can see. But what we got going on in these issues is a MAJOR case of tunnel vision.

98% of the reason why plat is expensive is because the entire f2p gaming industry is not a mulit-BILLION industry. All f2p are expensive to play unless you want to old-school it. The number of major plat buys in STS is miniscule. When looking at the big picture, you'd have to use a microscope to see them.

The fact is, STS devs have been MEEK compared to most other games. Frankly, I don't totally understand why. I think they are so focused on giving us our money's worth that they focusing on stellar content vs. tweaking every nano-second of play time into maximum financial gain.

People are hating and ragging on STS, shedding tears and shaking fists at a bunch of devs who have since day 1 given us more for our money then other devs. They have asked for less of our money than other devs.

We are lucky compared to most other f2p games.

03-09-2012, 02:50 PM
This is off topic, but you can apply this precedence argument to stashing elite vanities also :)
Was it ever actually stashable as a vanity?

03-09-2012, 02:51 PM
one of two things are going to happen over the next 1 - 3 months.

1. Total revenue from plat sales is going to increase. If this happens, this may become a long-term change. Also, if this happens, it will be great for the game.


2. Total revenue from plat sales is going to decrease. If this happens, this change will most likely be reversed. If this happens, this will also be great for the game.

JaytB, this is a test period. If revenues drop, they will be able to see that and fix that.

When making business decisons, it is not a good idea to only consider one caveat of 'business wisdom'. Gotta consider all principles. Gotta think of the long tail as well as the few top buyers.

03-09-2012, 02:54 PM
Was it ever actually stashable as a vanity?

The dingy, customized, fortified, and enchanted crowns were

03-09-2012, 02:56 PM
Was it ever actually stashable as a vanity?

The dingy, customized, fortified, and enchanted crowns were
Yeh , the set bonus is what made the change for this

03-09-2012, 03:05 PM
Let's use two very large companies with large loyal customer bases.

Netflix and Verizon.

When Netflix split their srreaming and dvd services what happened? In the aftermath they lost a huge portion of their customer base. So much so the ceo had to apologize for being too arrogant.

Verizon recently tried to institute a fee to pay online. Verizon customers know what I'm talking about. After they announced it would happen, there wad outrage and they decided to scrap the idea. Smart move for them.

In addition look at all the mobile Carries and their data plan changes. On only one can you still get unlimited data. HOWEVER, these companies took care of their loyal customers by grandfathering them into unlimited data. Look at the outrage that is happening now with att and their data throttling.

There are many many more examples like this out there.

03-09-2012, 03:09 PM
Yeh , the set bonus is what made the change for this

That, my friend, is a matter of opinion. I have my own opinion about why it happened. Not to mention, I'm pretty sure the change was made before the bonus.

Anyway different topic for a different discussion.

03-09-2012, 03:19 PM
<< STS is in an evaluation process for a reason, all businesses do this, and all consumers have the opportunity to present thier opinions through the power of purchase. >>

Exactly. Their decisions dont revolve around the players, but around their business. If they remove the 2k plat option, good for them. If people quit because they want their plat>money value, that reflects the personality of the player, not that STS is greedy.

Stuff happens, live with it.

03-09-2012, 03:37 PM
Yeh , the set bonus is what made the change for this

That, my friend, is a matter of opinion. I have my own opinion about why it happened. Not to mention, I'm pretty sure the change was made before the bonus.

Anyway different topic for a different discussion.
It became unstashable as soon as it was a vanity which was shortly after the SoH was made, together they made a bonus ever since the crown was a vanity.
I think the actual purpose was to make ppl level more chars to the cap if they want to use vanities, thus increasing plat spending on elixirs, but it also balances out twinking much nicer, the whole stat bonus thing is kinda an uneven concept, but what else would they do for an incentive.

03-09-2012, 03:55 PM
When I say that STS devs have not been nearly as aggressive than other devs top-grossing games. I am not kidding or exaggerating.

In this post, when I am talking about other games When I say 'gold', I am talking about w/e non-premium coin a game has. When I say 'plat', I am talking about w/e premium coin a game has.

I am also purposely not talking about games that players on this forum have talked about playing. I am doing this so no one thinks I am trying to denigrate a game they are playing.

People have no idea how lucky we have been. STS offers us WAY MORE FOR OUR MONEY than most other top-grossing games. They have actually been non-aggressive compared to almost all devs.

Do you know that in some games, you have to pay to talk with your friends. You have to pay for each message you send. You get the first 10 each day free. But after that it costs: 1 plat. Yes, 1 plat, every time you send a message to a friend. Guess what, the rate in which you xp is tied into your ability to talk with your friends.

What would you think if STS charged us 1 PLAT everytime we used the chat box (well it would cut down on begging, spamming and scamming, lol)?

Makes those 2-plat per run Winter Fest runs look mighty good, doesn't it?

Virtually every f2p game has some sort of timer that controls how fast you can xp. Hmm... Some of these timers are skinned. There is a Zynga game, an app, consistently one of the top, top grossing games on Android. Breeding animals. You have to wait to gain experience until the animal is born. At first this wait is not too long. But, it gets painful slow painfully fast. You can speed up your xp by in-app purchase.

But some games, there is no skin. There is just a timer up in the cornor counting down till the next time you can earn xp.

As I have said, we have no reason to be mad. STS has not been aggressive at all. We are getting way, way, way more for our money.

03-09-2012, 04:28 PM
no they dont deserve with the actual situation. no, actually they should lower prices and offer more to get more ppl for this game.
with removing the 2k plat, they rise price, but no offer... at least not for PL.

iam also not really exited for DL, it will be another game wich needs a lot plat to be competitive...

There are some games, and I am not exaggerating, that, if a person wanted to they could spend $500 a day, A DAY, just leveling up. And I mean, $500 a day of REAL LIFE MONEY just leveling up.

In these games, people are spending hundreds and THOUSANDS of real life dollars buying things that help them level, help them make in-game coin and help them look great.

They have a ton of items that cost $20 - $50 real life money for each item. I have seen players with 2 dozen of one such $50 item. It is a fine, fine item, lol.

There is one game that you can buy a ship. It costs over $1,200.00 real life dollars. They have sold thousands.

Wanna have a good looking town and toon? Just spend huge sums on Michael Jackson, Enrique Iglesias and Lady Gaga licensed VIRTUAL GOODS.

You can always purchase a COD Jeep!!! I wish I could, I wish I could! I would if I could!!

The amount of money that STS has been asking us to spend is tiny compared to what other games are doing.

03-09-2012, 05:02 PM
<< STS is in an evaluation process for a reason, all businesses do this, and all consumers have the opportunity to present thier opinions through the power of purchase. >>

Exactly. Their decisions dont revolve around the players, but around their business. If they remove the 2k plat option, good for them. If people quit because they want their plat>money value, that reflects the personality of the player, not that STS is greedy.

Stuff happens, live with it.

I never said STS was greedy. Not saying you're saying I did. Just want to make it clear that's NOT what I'm saying.

03-09-2012, 05:47 PM
JaytB, I understand what you're trying to say. Or at least I am trying to understand. I think you're saying: That if the big plat spenders hadn't spent so much then the plat would cost less. Trying to say that they set a precedent. Is that what you are saying?

I didn't 'try' to say anything, I just stated a simple fact. I don't know how your mind works and you obviously don't understand the sheer logic behind what I was saying. Somehow you try to give a different meaning to a simple fact. The way I see it, you simply try to twist words to make them sound however you like. I didn't speak about precedents or how plat would cost less or basically anything you wrote in your comment. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less, but when everyone seems to disagree with you, it might be you who's looking at things the wrong way. You just love to disagree, and come with 'facts' that don't have anything to do with what you're commenting on. I don't mean to be rude, but that's just the way I see it.

03-09-2012, 06:29 PM
And the nature of some of these games. I still am shocked at how some of these games are structured. We are so lucky.

Many of these top-grossing games, you never leave the UI. And what I mean by that, is you play the entire game staring at our screens. The inspect page, the skills and inventory pages, the World Map, Quests and Options. Some games, all you do for hours is stare at these screens.

When you have to do a quest: The quest screen would say "Ellie needs you to stop the town from being invaded. Kill 20 skeletons". So, you tap 'accept'.Then after a few seconds, on the SAME QUEST screen, it'll say: "Success, you have killed 20 skeletons". Then a little icon that looks like Ellie's face will appear and start blinking. She'll thank you then, a button will start blinking saying "Accept Reward"

Or, it will say "Failure: You need to buy a bigger weapon". Of course, that will usually be in-app purchase.

You never leave the UI screens. You never actually go anywhere and run around and have any game play at all. This goes on for as many hours as you want to play this.

Naturally, there are some variations. But, still basically the same thing. In some games, you do have a little avatar that you control to the point of running between Ellie, the Sheriff, Burke, Gobi etc. You talk to them and complete all quests while standing in front of them or shufling between the little town's npcs.

If Gobi asks you to bring new wanted posters to the sherrif as your shuffling over there, the game interupts and tells you that you need to buy a bigger basket. This is in-app purchase usually. But this is the action of the whole game. You would never leave the town of Forest Haven until you moved to the next town. You would never go into a map and actually fight. And in many game, you wouldn't even leave the UI and get to see a town.

STS is giving us far more for our money. There are working way hard for their revenue. Way harder than most

@ JaytB the second post I made addresses your concerns. I was asking for clarification. Then went on to discuss 2 different things that either applied to what you said or what I thought you might have said. If I misunderstood you, sorry. But, I did ask for clarification. And the second thing does apply.

03-09-2012, 06:50 PM
STS is giving us far more for our money. There are working way hard for their revenue. Way harder than most

You've spent a lot of time talking about "other games". Let's hear some examples. Because honestly I have no idea what you are talking about.

03-09-2012, 07:08 PM
You've spent a lot of time talking about "other games". Let's hear some examples. Because honestly I have no idea what you are talking about.

Part of me doesn't like to 'bad mouth' specific games. I mean just cause I don't like them, other's do. Kinda rude and arogant to do that.

For example, Zynga games, well, I can't or won't say publically how I feel about the Zynga games. However, they are extremely popular. So, they are doing something right for many.

And that is just one reason I don't bad mouth other's games.

OTOH, these are top-grossing games that anyone could find if they spent even 30 seconds trying, so........ you can start with Smurf's Village, Paradise Island and Dream Zoo.

03-11-2012, 02:29 AM
y are there so many bugs with things worked fine

03-11-2012, 04:12 PM
y are there so many bugs with things worked fine

This is not a bug, they just temporarily (according to support) removed the 2000 plat option to 'evaluate' the cost per plat better. Or at least that's what I got from Sam's post earlier in this thread :)

03-13-2012, 01:50 PM
First, no, you are incorrect.I am a consumer. I don't have to look out for others.

They set a price point and kept it there for a long time.

Yes, we are consumers. Anyone who plays these games are consumers. That is true whether or not you buy plat.

But just cause we are consumers don't mean we should be unreasonable consumers. Most people don't want to go around being unfair to others. Everyone wants to be treated fairly. But most people go through life wanting to be fair to others as well. It is an important ideal to most.

However, there are some who want others to treat them fairly but they don't want to treat others fairly. This is called hypocracy.

It is perfectly reasonable and fair for STS to structure things in a way that will maximize their profits. ALL BUSINESSES DO THAT. They have done that for centuries and they will continue to do that for centuries.

If STS raise prices too high and overall revenues drop, they will be able to observe that and fix that.

You compared STS to mega national and international corporations. What? - 10 or 15 years ago, these devs were sitting around their living rooms playing video games just like we are now. They got about 35 employees. This is not some mindless, faceless and souless corporation.

Zynga has 60 million people playing their pc games a day. They are relative late comers to the mobile market. But in a relative short period of time, they have gobbled up 13 mobile game development companies. Any minute now they're gonna be spitting out mobile games like some sort of giant, creepy pez dispenser. We all are gonna have to dodge and duck as they hurl these games towards us.

STS on the other hand, is giving us extreme high-quality.

Today's contemporary consumer jumps at the chance to work in COOOPERATION with indie outfits trying to make a difference. Trying to make a change.

03-13-2012, 04:05 PM
Nobody is saying to treat anyone unfairly. Fair is subjective. What's fair for me might not be fair to others. i don't see anything unfair about paying $80 every few months to STS for a mobile video game. That is ALOT more than I give to Bethesda or Bioware.

the examples i provided are directly applicable to this discussion. It doesn't matter how big the corporations are. The fact that STS is smaller makes it even more relevant as they need to be even more careful with their customer base.

Its obvious you will not take an unbiased view of this so there isn't much more to discuss.

Today's contemporary consumer jumps at the chance to work in COOOPERATION with indie outfits trying to make a difference. Trying to make a change.

You are right. That's what all my comments in this thread are about.

03-13-2012, 04:24 PM
Man all I know is this really upsets me :-(

Makes me not want to buy plat at all :-(

03-13-2012, 04:30 PM
Man all I know is this really upsets me :-(

Makes me not want to buy play at all :-(

All or nothing huh....I hear ya....tis sad, very sad.

03-13-2012, 04:55 PM
This is a chain of events.

This is not one occurrence that people are frustrated by.

If you ski, ski lifts are essential. Yes skiing itself is optional.

If you play pl, for a lot of people plat is essential to enjoy the game (which btw was sts's intent).* For example, one of my favorite parts of the game is the end lvl vanity. That would be impossible to accomplish on my 3 toons wo plat.

At some point, people are going to have to come to terms with the FACT that buying plat is optional. I find it hard to believe that people are even arguing that it is mandatory.

If I don't buy plat, do I get banned? No.

If I decide to only level one character to cap, do I get banned? No.

If I decide not to play PVP with plat gear, do I get banned? No.

If I decide to no level my first charcter to cap, do I get banned? No.

These things are all optional. Why? Because they are not mandatory. That is how 'opposites' work.

In f2p games a 'pay wall' is a spot that once you get there it is absolutely impossible to continue unless you spend real-life money.

PL has no pay wall. WoW does. In WoW you can play totally for free until level 20. Then there is a pay wall. (Don't get me wrong, I don't think there is anything wrong at all with pay walls, just saying PL don't got one.) WoW is a hybrid game. PL is not. PL is a dedicated f2p game.

You can play from level 1 to level 65 (at this writing) totally for free. Almost everyone can get to cap without spending plat. EVERYTHING ELSE IS OPTIONAL. You can play the entire main-spine for free.

For that matter, there are hundreds and hundreds of hours of stuff you can do that is not part of the main spine but that is totally free to play. (I'm including getting to cap here.)

The only thing you might want to spend plat on is OPTIONAL STUFF. Just some of the tons of possibilities: If you choose to level 3 toons, that's awesome. But, it is OPTIONAL. If you choose to pvp, that's awesome also. But, it is OPTIONAL. If you want to spend tons of time farming in hopes to get in-game rich, I hope you succeed. But, it is what???............. It is OPTIONAL.

03-13-2012, 05:18 PM
yes im 'm hoping it was a mistake as well......

03-13-2012, 05:22 PM
Then of course there is the FACT some players keep posting about how they are playing this game and getting all the way to cap without plat. They go on and on and on about this. They think that not using plat makes them better players. They love to be rude to the people who don't use plat. Fact is, it has been proven that being a good player has got nothing to do with whether or not you use elixirs. Elixir use is complely irrelevant.

Buying plat is optional. Using plat is optioinal. Does it make the game more fun, yes. But, it is optional. Some people enjoy the challenge of a no-plat experience. However, they have proven that plat is optional.

So, people should really come to grips with the idea that plat is optional:

1. It is optional because it is not mandatory.

2. It is optional because you can play the entire main spine free.

3. It is optional because a few people keep proving that when they brag about their accomplisments.

Now, if someone wants to suggest that the game is way, way, way more fun if you're using plat, me and millions of others would have to agree with you.

03-13-2012, 05:29 PM
me and millions of others would have to agree with you.
Im sorry bud, but no one is seeing your logic. not even myself. Im calling it as i see it.
I mean no offense, but I see that your not one of the few that would by 2k often. im sure you would have a difference of opinion. so i can defiantly see where your coming from. :victorious:
But this is a discussion, and many have posted there dislike on this. We can just move on from here, and hopefully a better package for the one-time a month plat buyers comes along.

Ill reiterate
-I would cap 3 toons
-Buy vanities (plat store)
-buy plat armors and wepons
-buy credits or gold
-and keep me in game longer.
-and for most is to stay competitive.
-This dont really effect casual players, more the Hard-Core player.

Yes optional is one thing, but as many who now have a "Rhythm" of a playing style, Plat is needed all the time. now that its cut short, its hard for ppl even myself.
EG: its like if you were to buy candy everyday from a store you really liked, and suddenly it was discontinued. but things in life end. so im not in-total disagreement.
but ATM there is no replacement higher-end package. some have posted good comments. we will just wait and see.

03-13-2012, 06:12 PM
Now, if someone wants to suggest that the game is way, way, way more fun if you're using plat, me and millions of others would have to agree with you.

Thanks for making my point for me.

If I'm driving a bmw 7 series, how would i feel going back to a Honda civic?

Fact is, you don't reward your most loyal and high paying customers by increasing there cost significantly. If you don't get this, you can ramble all you want about business but it doesn't matter.

Find me another small business that does this, and I'll show you a business that will not survive. That is unless they are providing a service that is a necessity. A we've already agreed, this is not one of those.

03-13-2012, 06:14 PM
nonsense... inflation is a fact of life

03-13-2012, 06:16 PM
nonsense... inflation is a fact of life

Oh no! A logical and accurate one liner!

03-13-2012, 06:17 PM
me and millions of others would have to agree with you.

I mean no offense, but I see that your not one of the few that would by 2k often. im sure you would have a difference of opinion. so i can defiantly see where your coming from. :victorious:

Ill reiterate
-I would cap 3 toons
-Buy vanities (plat store)
-buy plat armors and wepons
-buy credits or gold
-and keep me in game longer.
-and for most is to stay competitive.
-This dont really effect casual players, more the Hard-Core player.

Yes optional is one thing, but as many who now have a "Rhythm" of a playing style, Plat is needed all the time. now that its cut short, its hard for ppl even myself.

Just for the record, if you don't count the five holiday maps about 1/3 of my play time has been with elixirs and 2/3 not. I don't always use 4x though. And for a while, I was buying $90 a month. It's just been awhile cuz of bills increasing. I am so hoping I can get some for DL and PL's expansion. I make my plat stretch for miles, lol.

I understand, what you're saying when you give that list above (I'll reiterate list). I think what you're saying is the activities on that list are extremely important to you and others. Possibly wouldn't even play PL if not for those activities. And for those activities plat is preferred and in some cases required.

OK, that is exactly what I meant, when I said, that plat makes this game and any f2p game 1000x more fun. People can do things that they probably wouldn't be able to do without it. In some cases wouldn't definently not be able to do with out plat.

But, all those things on your 'I'll reitierate' list are optional activities. People don't have to do them to play the game. It's boiling down to just a matter of semantics.

In f2p game a game is free to play if there is no pay wall. That is basically all it means. You can start at level 1 and level till 65(66) completely free. If a player wants to do optional activities, they may want to or need to buy plat.

But, it is not mandatory to buy plat. I'm not going to get banned if I don't. So right there, that prove it is optional.

There are at least a few players that play without plat at all. They get to cap. They brag about it all the time, lol. So, obviously, it is optional. Just ask the players who are bragging about it.

But, I agree with you. Buying plat enables a player to get a lot more from the game. It is extremely fun playing the game when you got plat. Plat players are usually more fun to play with in fact. It just not mandatory.

And you can still buy 2000 plat. It's not been cut off. I think they will bring one or more larger packs back. But, it might be bit more expensive. I'm sorry, IF that happens, but all business raise their prices.

03-13-2012, 06:26 PM
Plat is needed all the time. now that its cut short, its hard for ppl even myself.

Are you seriously saying that being able to ONLY get 800 plat max at a time (the amount I buy every time) puts you in a hardship?

03-13-2012, 06:27 PM
Man all I know is this really upsets me :-(

Makes me not want to buy plat at all :-(

It upset most people in this thread, except 1 or 2, judging by the comments. If you wouldn't buy plat, as you said, that could be a valid way to voice your opinion. Support PM'ed me (copied earlier in this thread) that this change would only be temporary, so you could wait until they bring it back. Personally, that's what I'm doing now.

03-13-2012, 06:31 PM
Now, if someone wants to suggest that the game is way, way, way more fun if you're using plat, me and millions of others would have to agree with you.

Thanks for making my point for me.

If I'm driving a bmw 7 series, how would i feel going back to a Honda civic?

Fact is, you don't reward your most loyal and high paying customers by increasing there cost significantly. If you don't get this, you can ramble all you want about business but it doesn't matter.

100x now, lol:

This is a test period. If, this turns out to be a bad decision, they will fix the problem.

STS is listening to us, I'm not sure why people keep saying they are not.

Yes, 1000000000x I have supported the use of plat. I have been treated like crap because I have supported that ever since I have been posting on this forum. Plat is an absolute brilliant idea. A lot of games have some sort of elixir. But, we are lucky enought to have an extreme bit of well balanced planning when they made our elixirs and other plat items. The whole concept of f2p and with it the optional premium items, I think is amazing. (We just seriously need more choices/options to choose from, imo)

The problem is, buying plat is optional. And apparently a lot of players are having a hard time accepting that tidbit of reality.

The problem is, that all business raise prices. If that is what is going to happen here (it has happened already at least temporarily), well, I'm sorry, but that happens. That is the way life works.

The problem is few players have an excess of real life money, lol. So, this is going to be hard for some. I'm sorry. But, business raise prices because they have increased need for revenue too.

And, as far as this thing is you don't raise prices on your highest paying players, as I have already said, you got to look at the 'long tail'. I'm sure if you Google that, you'll get results.

Bottom line: if this turns out to be a bad decsion, they will fix it. This is just a test period.

03-13-2012, 06:32 PM
Plat is needed all the time. now that its cut short, its hard for ppl even myself.

Are you seriously saying that being able to ONLY get 800 plat max at a time (the amount I buy every time) puts you in a hardship?

Lol snake, but there is a difference like buying 2 additional packs of 165 for 20.00 usd. With 2 800 plat packages. but when the standard for some is 2k there is a large difference which is notable and many have more then just one toon to level. As JayB stated...ill wait also ill buy a few plat till 2k returns. I would like for all plat prices to rise. As someone in this thread stated.

03-13-2012, 06:37 PM
People want to level 3 toons to elite cap, one of each, so they can have elite items for all classes. Understood. That doesn't mean they're ENTITLED to cheap plat. There's no relationship between the two concepts.

03-13-2012, 06:39 PM
Man all I know is this really upsets me :-(

Makes me not want to buy plat at all :-(

It upset most people in this thread

Remember, the number of people who have responded on this thread is about 0.001% of the people who play sts games. Gotta think about the long tail.

03-13-2012, 06:41 PM
Lol snake, but there is a difference like buying 2 additional packs of 165 for 20.00 usd. Nope but when the standard for some is 2k there is a large difference which is notable and many have more then just one toon to level.

I agree with this, it's only more expensive for the ones that buy 2000 plat on a regular basis. Only the big plat spenders got the short end of the stick IMO.

03-13-2012, 06:44 PM
What would you guys prefer, plat per instance or raise in cost of plat because they do have to make money somewhere.

03-13-2012, 06:50 PM
What would you guys prefer, plat per instance or raise in cost of plat because they do have to make money somewhere.
The thing is they only raised price for those that buy a lot, its like a reverse thank you

'Wow you contributed a lot, so we decided to make you one of the few that has to pay more.'

03-13-2012, 06:51 PM
Jay, they're not big spenders, they're Cosco-type buyers, the opposite of the impulse buyers. Being a big spender that means you use your plat quickly. You could buy 2K plat and have it last a year, or 50 that lasts for one impulse buy. In the end, they might end up spending the same amount.

If you want to get elite items for three toons, why do you think it is fair that you get the plat at a cheaper price? I think it should cost 3x the cost of 1.

I buy a lot, too. I don't get it in the same size lumps. That doesn't make someone better, because he can buy it cheaper. I don't ever have lumps of $100 sitting around. The most I can hope for is lumps of $50 sometimes.

So, no, I don't think you guys are experiencing ANY hardship. And you are quick to accuse others of greed when... what is your motive again? Why are you threatening to quit if you have to pay the same amount as me?

03-13-2012, 06:52 PM
Stomp raise the prices equally.

03-13-2012, 06:54 PM
So if they made it a fixed price for a fixed amount of plat it would be fair for everyone right?

03-13-2012, 06:57 PM
So if they made it a fixed price for a fixed amount of plat it would be fair for everyone right?

Pretty much.

03-13-2012, 07:00 PM
Stomp raise the prices equally.

How about, draw a chart and assign a curve.. 2K for $90 will be shown to be too much for too littte.

03-13-2012, 07:03 PM
.But, all those things on your 'I'll reitierate' list are optional activities. People don't have to do them to play the game. It's boiling down to just a matter of semantics.

I don't get it.

He just said those things are important to him enjoying the game and that he couldn't do those things without plat.

That means plat is a requirement for him. You keep saying its not. But nobody plays a game they don't like.

If the things i like to do in a game cost plat that makes plat a requirement for me.

03-13-2012, 07:06 PM
Are you seriously saying that being able to ONLY get 800 plat max at a time (the amount I buy every time) puts you in a hardship?

More than it did 2 weeks ago. See previous posts so we don't have to go over everything again.

03-13-2012, 07:06 PM

30 for $5 = 16.5 cents
75 for $10 = 13.5 cents
165 for $20 = 12 cents
800 for $50 = 6 cents !!!

Is that not cheap enough? Will you rage quit over another penny or two?

03-13-2012, 07:08 PM
Stomp raise the prices equally.

How about, draw a chart and assign a curve.. 2K for $90 will be shown to be too much for too littte.

Ill draw a curve but I cant determine where there break even point was established. And how much investment for the company has been done now with dl it will be hard. A ball park figure can not be reasonably established because of certain factors. Employment, overhead, payrate for employment, benifits, land and equipment ect... since plat is there life blood, I would be safe to say its not my place to determine such a delicate matter. All I can say make a larger plat package. More then 800 if some want it to buy it, do it. If not don't get mad

The reason certain actions have been done is to fuel a new activity. In this case its dl and trade shows. I hope there is a positive turn around with dl. Because if its bad. We will never see 2k again.

03-13-2012, 07:09 PM
Jay, they're not big spenders, they're Cosco-type buyers, the opposite of the impulse buyers.

Snake, where did you get that info from? Do you have access to the plat buying history of everyone? I'm speaking of my own experience and from the many people that I know and talked to personally in game (lots of who I know irl). They are by no means so called 'Cosco'- buyers or however you want to call them. And it's these people that are upset.

So, no, I don't think you guys are experiencing ANY hardship. And you are quick to accuse others of greed when... what is your motive again? Why are you threatening to quit if you have to pay the same amount as me?

Who's threatening to quit? And who's calling STS greedy. I'm sure I wasn't. If you direct a post at me, I'd appreciate you to read my comments and get your facts straight before making false claims.

03-13-2012, 07:11 PM
How about, draw a chart and assign a curve.. 2K for $90 will be shown to be too much for too littte.

Says who? Since you're all about how the world works... When you but more you pay less. You are paying more for the convenience of buying a little at a time.

Like the same reason you would buy a 20oz coke while id buy a 2L.

03-13-2012, 07:12 PM
I'm sorry. I remain incredulous. You can buy in lumps of 800.

03-13-2012, 07:12 PM
Says who? Since you're all about how the world works... When you but more you pay less. You are paying more for the convenience of buying a little at a time.

Like the same reason you would buy a 20oz coke while id buy a 2L.

Don't drink that stuff it'll kill ya.

03-13-2012, 07:13 PM
Says who? Since you're all about how the world works... When you but more you pay less. You are paying more for the convenience of buying a little at a time.

Like the same reason you would buy a 20oz coke while id buy a 2L.

Aha! then you're not a big spender, you're a bargain hunter.

03-13-2012, 07:13 PM

03-13-2012, 07:14 PM
Aha! then you're not a big spender, you're a bargain hunter.

I prefer to think of myself as a smart spender, not a frivolous one.

03-13-2012, 07:15 PM
I don't get it.

He just said those things are important to him enjoying the game and that he couldn't do those things without plat.

Early on, I said the question about whether or not plat is OPTIONAL Is kinda a secondary issue. I said that, because it is kinda a secondary issue at least how I see it.

I love plat. If I could I'd buy 4000 plat a month. I would buy even more if there were more items to buy. Can only use so much elixir, lol.

I hope that I can afford some plat at what ever package for DL, especially DL but also PL's expansion.

When they say a f2p game is free to play, it just means there is no pay wall. It means you can get to end game without paying money.

So, when people choose to do activities THAT ARE OPTIONAL, even though plat may be preferred or even required, they are still doing an optional activity.

But, like we were talking about before, skiing is optional. A ski lift isn't but, skiing is an optional activity. It's not our civil right to be able to ski. We're not going to die if we don't get to ski. And nobody should spend money on skiing if they can't afford it.

Right now, 2000 plat can still be purchased for $35 a month more than before. If spending an extra $35 a month is going to hurt someone financially, they shouldn't do it. If buying plat is a financial burden, please don't do it.

But, don't complain to me about driving a Honda after being used to a BMW (or w/e the person said). I know all about financial hard times and having to scale back. Geez, get a grip people, stuff happens. Life happens. It's what you make of it.

03-13-2012, 07:15 PM
Don't drink that stuff it'll kill ya.

So will radiation from cell phones

03-13-2012, 07:17 PM
So will radiation from cell phones

Tin foil hat protects you against radiations but not against diabetes! :p

03-13-2012, 07:23 PM
So, when people choose to do activities THAT ARE OPTIONAL, even though plat may be preferred or even required, they are still doing an optional activity.

If without the optional activity the game is no fun, then its not optional.

And nobody should spend money on skiing if they can't afford it.

So you're saying if they don't feel thru can afford the play to enjoy the game they should just not play the game? Well again, that's kind of my point.

If buying plat is a financial burden, please don't do it.

Once again not sure why you keep saying this.

But, don't complain to me about driving a Honda after being used to a BMW (or w/e the person said). I know all about financial hard times and having to scale back. Geez, get a grip people, stuff happens. Life happens. It's what you make of it.

You totally missed the point with this.

03-13-2012, 07:25 PM
Snake, where did you get that info from? Do you have access to the plat buying history of everyone?

JaytB, do you have access to the plat buying history of everyone?

You talked to a handful of the people who play this game?

Many people have threatened to quit if they don't reverse this. No one said that you threatened to quit. He clearly was talking to everyone when he said that, he said "you guys" Several people have said or implied they think sts greedy. Others said that they are being dishonest or shady (which of course is ridic and not true) and many have threatened to quit if they don't get their way.

Giving people who have the most money in life the best deals is not always fair. And doesn't always happen. No reason it should. Either spend the extra $35 or don't. Be happy that you have anything at all.

03-13-2012, 07:42 PM
If without the optional activity the game is no fun, then its not optional.

Oh FTLOG!! Lol, haha. This is your opinion. Many people play and have tons of fun without plat. Lol.

But, really the big issue here is cost/$.

If, and I mean if, STS raises the plat prices permanently, they have that right. It has been a year and a half since they raised the price. Boo Hoo people. Businesses raise their prices: not only to keep up with inflation but to also fund their growth.

STS is listening to us way more than almost any other f2p games.

Look at the awards and accolades. If they raise prices, they deserve the increase.

And long tail is referring to the fact that many businesses do not make very much money from the few top spenders. They make from all their customers.

And sometimes dealing with indie and progressive outfits does cost more than dealing the the huge multi-national corporate Borg machine, lol. Geez, people.

I'm sorry that prices are prob being raised. But, didn't you think that it would eventually happen? Lol

EDIT: I had to edit my last post because I messed up the quoting function somehow.

03-13-2012, 07:56 PM
Oh FTLOG!! Lol, haha. This is your opinion. Many people play and have tons of fun without plat. Lol.

You are losing your train of thought. stay on track.

Octavos specifically named several things he enjoys that require plat. That's what we are taking about.

Once again, STS wanted this. They wanted people to be addicted to plat. There's no shame in that.

Now that people feel it is necessity, you can't undo that. Once people have tasted grey goose they aren't going back to popov.

For those that never tasted it they are fine. There is a phrase that comes to mind. "Ignorance is bliss"

03-13-2012, 07:58 PM
Anyway, there's no winner in this discussion and everything has been said.

Good talk.

03-13-2012, 08:01 PM
I prefer to think of myself as a smart spender, not a frivolous one.

That's good. I don't mean anything bad by it. It was someone else who said you guys are "big spenders", as if that gave you a special privilege. They also said the fact that you want three elite cap vanities gives you special rights to cheap plat, too. Utterly illogical.

A smart buyer works with the existing market. The existing market is 6 cents each if you buy 800. You don't have to pay 16 cents like those who buy on impulse. You don't get to pay only 4.5 cents. That was in the past.

I will try again, then quit.

A 4x potion costs 40 plat. That means:

One who buys 30 at a time can never even buy one, but if he did it would cost $6.66 real money.
One who buys 75 at a time will pay $5.20 real money for that elixir.
One who buys 165 at a time will pay $5.00 real money for it.
One who buys 800 at a time will pay $2.50 real money for it.

Yet this is not cheap enough for some people. They are special. They only buy the cheapest possible amount.
They want only to spend $1.80 for the same Thrasher Punch!!!

Do you not see how you look to the rest of the players, demanding this? You don't spend it faster than us. You just buy it cheaper... when you can... which is not now.

03-13-2012, 08:12 PM
Oh FTLOG!! Lol, haha. This is your opinion. Many people play and have tons of fun without plat. Lol.

You are losing your train of thought. stay on track.

Octavos specifically named several things he enjoys that require plat. That's what we are taking about.

The problem dear, is I wasn't talking to Octavos, I was talking to you.

Not everyone shares your opinion that plat is mandatory to have fun.

Not sure what the point of your last post is.

People should buy plat if they want to and can afford to.

People should not buy plat if they don't want to or can't afford to.

If people are going to buy plat they should only buy the amount of plat that their budget allows.

If people don't want to buy plat because they are pissed about this, they shouldn't buy any. I really think though that those players are the only ones that are going to suffer though.

It would be really hard to deny that STS deserves the increase in revenue.

It would be really hard to deny that STS hasn't raised plat prices in at least a year and a half.

It would be really hard to deny that businesses raise prices. It's part of life.

These players that have come to the forum and posted about how they play without plat, are you trying to say they are lying. That they really are buying plat?

Oh WAIT!!! OMG, I guess, I'm going to get banned. I haven't brought 3 toons to cap. I mean, since that is mandatory, I guess I should be worried.

03-13-2012, 08:37 PM
Aikeibo, you aren't helping. This issue is the price of a Thrasher, as I indicated already.

Don't refer to any female you do not personally know as "dear". When leveled at an unfamiiar woman, it is a put-down.
Don't exagerate the other person's argument. That just makes them think you don't take them seriously.
Don't say obvious things to people who clearly already know them. That just makes them think you don't respect their intelligence.
And don't put words in people's mouths. It makes them think you need it explained again... and again... and again.

The issue with these folks is nothing but the price of their Thrashers. They want them for $1.80 each, and the current price for bargain hunters is $2.50 each. What they are trying to do is find some sort of leverage to force the devs to let them Thrash for $1.80 again. It's not going to happen.

So stop taunting them. If 70 cents a potion is really all that high, they will quit. But I bet they don't.

In any case, they are good plat-buying members and this messageboard exists so they can give feedback. Let them.

03-13-2012, 09:01 PM
It upset most people in this thread, except 1 or 2, judging by the comments. If you wouldn't buy plat, as you said, that could be a valid way to voice your opinion. Support PM'ed me (copied earlier in this thread) that this change would only be temporary, so you could wait until they bring it back. Personally, that's what I'm doing now.

I did see your post and the copy of their response.

Thanks you following up and the info.

I agree waiting is prob the best choice for me :-)

03-13-2012, 09:11 PM
Aikeibo, you aren't helping. This issue is the price of a Thrasher, as I indicated already.

Don't refer to any female you do not personally know as "dear". When leveled at an unfamiiar woman, it is a put-down.

Let them.

Lol, I didn't know that anyone was female, how would I, lol. Second, I've been called that by others on this very forum. Only because they didn't like what I was saying. When I used it, it was bit of rebuttle from what he or she was saying to me.

I'm not stopping anyone from their giving their opinion. In fact, I am very glad when they do.

He/she was being smart aleck with me simply cause he didn't like what I was saying. Sorry, if he/she didn't like what I said back. Now he or she can say that what was said to me wasn't a put down. Well, that is hard to tell on a forum sometimes. I could say that by saying dear wasn't put down.

Where I come from, it is used CONSTANTLY among total strangers. And that has been true for decades. Usually from older to younger though. Apparently, you're not familiar with common chit chat for all humans. Please don't put down other people that you are unfamiliar with.

So, you can't read my mind, like I couldn't read Atlannie's. So if offence was taken I apologize. And I mean that completely sincerely. But, it was not a put down and is not a put down universally. And when I was called, dear, I didn't freak out. My gawd, lol. And, I don't know if you are aware, but people tend to put people down on this forum all the time. I rarely have a melt down about it, lol.

And this idea that I stop anyone from giving their opinion, is ridic. Please, I wish people would give their opinions far more than they do.

And as far as price being the only issue, I have said that I think it is the main issue several times. It is others that are bring up the optional/mandatory thing, that they think sts is being greedy or shady. Everything I have said, has been in response to issues that more than one other person has brought up. So, your little scolding, doesn't mean a whole lot.

Just cause apparently YOU think price is the ONLY issue, doesn't mean everyone else feels that way, lol. I think it is the main issue, but apparently it is obviously not the only issue. Cause other people keep bring up this other stuff. And by other people I mean not me, lol (If this last sentenced bothered you, hmm.. maybe shouldn't be so sensitive?)

Anything else? Please let me know. I don't want you to think that I am trying to stop you or anyone from giving your opinion.

You are losing your train of thought. stay on track.

There is a phrase that comes to mind. "Ignorance is bliss"

03-13-2012, 09:11 PM
To those that say 2,000 platinum pack buyers are COSTCO buyers, I just wanted to shed light to something that may not have been realized. 2,000 platinum pack buyers are actually the BIGGEST contributors to STS.

Why? 2,000 platinum is only available through the STS website (www.spacetimestudios.com) What does this mean? It means, the middleman, like Apple, do not take a 30 percent cut (Apple takes a 30 percent cut from all purchases made through their proprietary software) from STS. Now, if I’m correct, a majority of the 800 platinum pack buyers are purchased through iTunes cards or other sources, not online. So, every time an 800 platinum pack is purchased, STS really only makes 35 bucks for that pack, assuming the purchase is made in game through a device running iOS software.

Now, lets take a look at the 2,000 platinum pack buyers again. It costs, what, 90 bucks for a 2K pack? Every single cent of those 90 dollars are going to STS, not middleman companies, if Apple can be called the middleman, LOL!

It’s not about the fact that it’s just 35 dollars more. If I’m correct, STS doesn’t even profit THAT MUCH from this change. It shows that in a slow down of business, they are willing to put the burden on their buyers, not find more effective, less insulting solutions for it. 

03-13-2012, 09:31 PM
yes dear

Just in case anyone wanted verification.

I do want to let people know, that even though this was months ago, I still haven 't gotten over the pain or the anguish.

Lol, haha, j/k

I didn't take offense then. I don't take offense now.

03-13-2012, 09:37 PM
Just in case anyone wanted verification.

I do want to let people know, that even though this was months ago, I still haven 't gotten over the pain or the anguish.

Lol, haha, j/k

I didn't take offense then. I don't take offense now.

That is awesome. LOL

Try to be more like that and less like 200 pages long! Best post in thread! And yes I am a narcissist

03-13-2012, 09:48 PM
Hey guys,

I really appreciate the discussion and yes we are always looking at the health of the game, the community and the impact our changes have.

I would like to ask you to please remain respectful of others opinions. It is ok to disagree. Also, Akiabo can you try to post shorter posts? Try to think Twitter :). Thanks!

03-13-2012, 09:49 PM
2,000 platinum pack buyers are actually the BIGGEST contributors to STS.

STS really only makes 35 bucks for that pack, assuming the purchase is made in game through a device running iOS software.

It’s not about the fact that it’s just 35 dollars more. If I’m correct, STS doesn’t even profit THAT MUCH from this change.

It shows that in a slow down of business, they are willing to put the burden on their buyers, not find more effective, less insulting solutions for it. 

You have no way of knowing if the previous 2k plat buyers were actually the biggest contributors to STS. Unless, you have access to company financials.

The fact that with iOS they don't get the whole amount is just more reason why prices need to be raised.

You have bought $3000 dollars worth of plat, right? $35 is a lot to many people. Maybe not to everyone, but many. But, businesses raise prices, that happens all the time. It has been true for centuries and will be true for centuries.

And to think that it is "insulting" to raise prices don't even make sense. Who on this forum is so spoiled that we haven't had to deal with and accept a price increase?

We don't know that this is even permanent. Yeah, I agree, that a price increase quite possible is in the near future, but, gotta get a grip on reality. Businesses raise prices.

Once again, lol, OMG, STS is hardly desperate.

Businesses raise prices. All the time. It is what they do.

03-13-2012, 09:50 PM
I'm gonna start by saying I'm a horrible writer and just hope I get my point across.

I don't know why but I feel insulted by many of the comments in this thread.

COSTCO buyer? Seriously? Most wholesalers offer discounts for large quantities purchased. Are you saying people and business who participate in these activities are cheap. (since you basically keep saying how cheap do you need it)

I'm not cheap......I'm smart!!!

Why is it ok for some of you to buy plat at discounted prices (800 at a time) yet it's cheap of the others who like to buy 2k packages.

I am a large plat buyer. Yes, some would say I'm a "big spender" I choose to do so and yes I can also afford the 2k a pop packages. I blow through plat like water because I choose to and it makes the game more fun for me.

I have not threatened to quit or not have I called STS any names. I only posted that the fact they removed the option (even if only temp) upset me.

People should really stop passing judgements.

03-13-2012, 09:52 PM
Just in case anyone wanted verification.

I do want to let people know, that even though this was months ago, I still haven 't gotten over the pain or the anguish.

Lol, haha, j/k

I didn't take offense then. I don't take offense now.

That is awesome. LOL

Try to be more like that and less like 200 pages long! Best post in thread! And yes I am a narcissist

Hahaha, yes, I agree, you're post the best in the thread, lol.

And yes, ok Samhayne, and everyone else, I'll keep 'em shorter. I've been trying!!

03-13-2012, 10:05 PM
The issue with these folks is nothing but the price of their Thrashers. They want them for $1.80 each, and the current price for bargain hunters is $2.50 each. What they are trying to do is find some sort of leverage to force the devs to let them Thrash for $1.80 again. It's not going to happen.

So stop taunting them. If 70 cents a potion is really all that high, they will quit. But I bet they don't.

Im not really sure anyone is threatening to quit, but yes we want the lower price for platinum, the fact is we are not simply asking to buy plat for the cheaper amount, we would like to buy MORE plat for the cheaper amount, everyone has supported STS as a business, so find a business that does not have a lower per item price for a bulk sale, even when you buy memberships to somewhere, if you buy more, you get a discount. I am not trying in anyway to force them to bring back the 2k back, yes I am asking them and would like it back, but no force is involved. I am not boycotting them because of this, in fact i bought the 800 pack just today. I do not think the 800 pack is a rip off, as I loved the deal before I got an android phone. The 2k was a better deal and the mere fact that it ever existed is the reason for the look down on the 800 pack

03-13-2012, 10:10 PM
I am not going to post more on the subject. But Aikiebo I was not offended.

Also just to clarify, in the words of Mike Gundy... "I'm a man!!!"

Names confusing, i know. explanation in another thread.

03-13-2012, 10:16 PM
Also, I can agree that 2,000 platinum is a bit excessive. I mean, I can last for months on that. In fact, if one spends wisely, they practically last their entire gaming career on it. However, I think, that STS, until they find a solution that is a happy medium, should let the 2,000 platinum pack return. Why? Otherwise, it’s forcing their customers to make the other purchase, one they would not particularly be satisfied with.

Now, I can typically last 3-4 months on a 2,000 platinum pack. 2-3 if I decide to be on the platinum spending heavy side, I.E. the new minotaur pets that just came out today.

If STS wants to ramp up business, they can drop the 2,000 to 1,500-1700, for the same price as a 2000 pack. Consumers, or since I don’t want to speak for others, I, would be fine with this, as I would feel like I’m getting more bang for my buck. On top of that, come up with items that could be used. I mean, there are plenty of unused vanity slots in the game. Why not utilize them and make profit!?

03-13-2012, 10:22 PM
I mean, there are plenty of unused vanity slots in the game. Why not utilize them and make profit!?

Ok last post. For real. Far better approach to generate income than raising prices, IMO.

03-14-2012, 08:31 AM
I need to clarify that I shop at Food4Less. I am not intending insult by that reference. I regret that it came out that way. I consider it wise, if possible. I myself have never bought 2K, but I have purchases 800 several times. I have never had more than $50 free at a time.

To explain, someone said the 2K plat buyers are the "big spenders". Buying in bulk does not make you a big spender. The person who buys a case of toilet paper at Costco does not use their toilet paper faster tha the one who buys a few rolls at the grocery store. There is no relation between the quantity purchased and the speed of the usage.

That is why I said, you're not big spenders, you are bargain hunters. I meant no offense.

03-14-2012, 09:26 AM
I need to clarify that I shop at Food4Less. I am not intending insult by that reference. I regret that it came out that way. I consider it wise, if possible. I myself have never bought 2K, but I have purchases 800 several times. I have never had more than $50 free at a time.

To explain, someone said the 2K plat buyers are the "big spenders". Buying in bulk does not make you a big spender. The person who buys a case of toilet paper at Costco does not use their toilet paper faster tha the one who buys a few rolls at the grocery store. There is no relation between the quantity purchased and the speed of the usage.

That is why I said, you're not big spenders, you are bargain hunters. I meant no offense.

Comparing plat that is spend at free will from anything from vanity items, character slots, powerleveling alts... to someone buying toilet paper is a very weak analogy IMHO (not meant to sound offensive).

But since you want to compare toilet paper to plat spent in game, you might as well think of it like this... A person with diarrhea and a big family will actually buy a whole lot more toilet paper on a regular basis than a person who's single. A person who has a lot of alts (big family) and farms a lot with plat (Diarrhea), can't be compared to someone who has 1 main and just buys plat to level his 1 toon to whatever level he/she wants to.

As always with analogies, you can make it mean whatever you want.

03-14-2012, 09:38 AM
I need to clarify that I shop at Food4Less. I am not intending insult by that reference. I regret that it came out that way. I consider it wise, if possible. I myself have never bought 2K, but I have purchases 800 several times. I have never had more than $50 free at a time.

To explain, someone said the 2K plat buyers are the "big spenders". Buying in bulk does not make you a big spender. The person who buys a case of toilet paper at Costco does not use their toilet paper faster tha the one who buys a few rolls at the grocery store. There is no relation between the quantity purchased and the speed of the usage.

That is why I said, you're not big spenders, you are bargain hunters. I meant no offense.

speaking of toilet paper would disappear faster if more ppl in your home would use it and if we were in mexico you would get charged by little square. But anyway, i understand your statement snake and yes i might have said 2k are the big spenders i dont deny that. But when your preferred payment and purchase disappears and your forced to change, im sure your choice of analogies and phrases would change. Good example would be if your package you purchased "800" would just disappear and your forced to conform with existing "choices" I guess you would be a bargain hunter also.

Since this is not the case, your statement has no merit. I dont understand why we are not all considered bargain hunters. We buy in bulk to save, im sure you wouldn't go buying 12 packages of 165 to make 2k....how does that make since to you, buying 3 packages of 800 =149.97 2400 plat, when i would spend $200.00 on 4,000 plat. This isn't a small difference snake, this is where our issue is. as apollo stated above, placing larger purchases on the website would eliminate the middle man. and leave the smaller purchases on the apps so STS can benefit the most from consumer purchases, and the consumer feels good about there purchase.

03-14-2012, 10:19 AM
A person who has a lot of alts (big family) and farms a lot with plat (Diarrhea), can't be compared to someone who has 1 main and just buys plat to level his 1 toon to whatever level he/she wants to.

I have 18 alts on my account. I buy in 800 plat increments. But at the core I feel that Thrashers are a blight on the game, so perhaps I'm being judgemental. It's not my place to tell other people how to play or what to buy. I wish you luck in getting a discount larger than the 800 plat option restored to the game, but I don't believe it will happen.

03-14-2012, 11:37 AM
I wish you luck in getting a discount larger than the 800 plat option restored to the game, but I don't believe it will happen.

So you think this was a lie? ...


Mjolstin, Mar 06 15:23 (CST):

We have temporarily removed the 2000 platinum package from the webstore and android market. It will be back, we appreciate your patience.


Spacetime Studios

03-14-2012, 11:55 AM
So you think this was a lie? ...


Mjolstin, Mar 06 15:23 (CST):

We have temporarily removed the 2000 platinum package from the webstore and android market. It will be back, we appreciate your patience.


Spacetime Studios

If it comes back it will be at a higher price.

03-14-2012, 12:06 PM
So you think this was a lie?

No. Lies are intentional. It might be an error.

03-17-2012, 02:48 PM
So you think this was a lie? ...


Mjolstin, Mar 06 15:23 (CST):

We have temporarily removed the 2000 platinum package from the webstore and android market. It will be back, we appreciate your patience.


Spacetime Studios

Grrr... Made me angry im on i see no 2000 plats option in itunes store! Ever! Now i wanna get a droid phone :(

03-23-2012, 01:08 PM
Let me say this... I purchase 2000 platinum every single month! I am not pleased with this either. Several discussion in game, of people that also would buy 2000 platinum, say they will no longer puchase platinum. I do not thing this is fair at all.

89$ a month, just to play in a game, is extreme, although I pay it. I know, I will not be purchasing platinum anymore until it comes back.


03-23-2012, 01:11 PM
Sad to say, this "evaluation" is going to cause them to lose money.

03-23-2012, 01:24 PM
Sad to say, this "evaluation" is going to cause them to lose money.

I also think this will be true.

03-23-2012, 01:43 PM
Yes. I'm also on a buying "freeze"

03-23-2012, 03:38 PM
Yes. I'm also on a buying "freeze"

I am running low on platinum at the moment. So, I guess, I will be respawning at entrance! lmao

03-23-2012, 03:44 PM
I am running low on platinum at the moment. So, I guess, I will be respawning at entrance! lmao

Natalie's saving platinum... That's a first :D

03-24-2012, 02:28 AM
I'd had the impression that the math for finding the "sweet spot" on the price/demand curve - the place where you'll bring in the most total money - was well known. It's not my field but from this it seems as if my impression was perhaps wrong and that it's more of a gut feel + experiment/observe process. (If that's the case though, I wonder how the theory or law of supply and demand was "proven" a few years back as I heard in the news.)

03-24-2012, 11:23 AM
I'd had the impression that the math for finding the "sweet spot" on the price/demand curve - the place where you'll bring in the most total money - was well known. It's not my field but from this it seems as if my impression was perhaps wrong and that it's more of a gut feel + experiment/observe process. (If that's the case though, I wonder how the theory or law of supply and demand was "proven" a few years back as I heard in the news.)

I think this is more of a case of trying to "move" the sweet spot

03-28-2012, 09:12 PM
ok, so what is going on? is it coming back and what is this evaluation? i have bought a total of 59,440 plat dear spacetime studios if you dont give professional adults a opportunity to play this game at an elite level (meaning useing plat for farming and lvling and at good value) and with dl coming out ... how on earth do you expect ppl to play and feel they are getting some kind of value... says account was created 2011-03-08 - that means that i have been playing about a year and have spent about 2500 dollars on this game, that is about 2 hundred dollars amonth.

you really need to offer better deals 4000 plat for 150 bucks. what other games are out there getting that kind of money for play time? i dont want my loyalty to change because of issues that are not at our best interest. (best interest of the gamers, im not being selfish but sooooo many games out there that are free - please dont respond that pl is free cuz you can get to higest level wtih out plat, or best equip with out plat - i get it, i know that but im not taking that rout and from what i know all the pro pros are not taking that rout either.)

i would like to say i will wait to pass any judgment - thus far you guys at spacetime studious have been amazing with all sorts of issues i encounterd but this needs to not linger... i have some play time i need to catch up on,

other issues that need to be addressed:

*two slots for vanity items
*way better drop rates for plat bought boss runs
*some special reconition for ppl who have spent at least 50 dollars a month, 100 dollars a month and 200 dollars a month average
*merchant account that spawns charter directly in to a merchant room that can make being a merchant quicker and more effective

devs feel free to pm me - and maybe we can set up a phone call to see how we can best keep every one happy.

thanks guys

03-28-2012, 10:56 PM
I'd had the impression that the math for finding the "sweet spot" on the price/demand curve - the place where you'll bring in the most total money - was well known. It's not my field but from this it seems as if my impression was perhaps wrong and that it's more of a gut feel + experiment/observe process. (If that's the case though, I wonder how the theory or law of supply and demand was "proven" a few years back as I heard in the news.)

price and demand is a interesting thing... on things that ppl need - clothes, food, cars, that applies greatly. on the price and demand for entertainment is very different. the number one thing for demand and pricing correctly on non needed things will be dictated on how many ppl are lost from the increase of pricing, and the feeling of loss of value.

whatch this (i wont name names) i love pvp, so i joined a pvp guild, there where a few choices but i feel i chose the best one. lets say the top 5 ppl left our great game, because they felt the value was deminished by an increase in plat cost = less value. now the ppl that i "came up with" and ppl who have been my mentors and friends leave - two things will happen: one i will play less, two i will follow them to other games that they play that they feel have more value.

soooo... that means a loss of how many ppl? lets say the guild has 30 ppl in it, all the top ppl use plat daily! 5 leave - so now 5 ppl play less - 5 ppl join other games. that means now i am playing with half the ppl i used to and now i have lost interest.

other way to gain more money or income is by increasing the value! offer 4000 plat for 150 bucks... thro in some sweet vanity for ppl who average hi plat buys each month. now what that does is the top 5 ppl stay in game with the feeling of more value and continue to lvl quicker, so that we play more ctf and arena (my intrest in this game, and for most the ppl in our guild) the 5 who would played less now a few of them buy plat cuz the top players are and play more, the other 5 who would have left to play other games a few have bought the higher plat and now would never leave ... because they feel they are getting better value.

just my few - if you have 1000 ppl buying plat at a lower amount, your profits/income would be more stable. then to have 700 ppl buying plat at a higher cost.

“I would rather have one percent
of 100 people’s efforts then a hundred persent of 1 persons"
— Andrew Carnegie

quote means get you income from many different sources in stead of just a few - you will be more stable! two vanity slots for helmet, armor, shield, weapon. would allow vanity items to be more valuable! why would i buy another vanity helmet when i have the fallen prince bonus helm? why would i try to look cool when i am farming and have to use big luck? wouldnt it be great to beable to equip both and you could only see the fallen prince helm?!?!? guys that is more value... i would pay plat to buy that feature! or pay plat to beable to enter the cs room every time i spawn into bel. castel

create more value and create more money /income /profits.

love you guys at pl!

03-29-2012, 10:13 AM
any word on this yet

03-29-2012, 10:16 AM
devs there has only been one posting from you guys about this lets get a up date pls

03-29-2012, 10:51 AM
devs there has only been one posting from you guys about this lets get a up date pls

My bet is that they won't change it (if they change it) until after DL is released and after the leveling frenzy when the new lvl cap is released. I hope I'm wrong though.

03-29-2012, 10:58 AM
“I would rather have one percent
of 100 people’s efforts then a hundred persent of 1 persons"
— Andrew Carnegie

quote means get you income from many different sources in stead of just a few - you will be more stable!

This is true in most cases. However, it doesn't really apply in this situation. Here is why...

This change only affects those that bought the larger plat pack. So in essence you are doing two things:

1. You are alienating those that bought the largest pack.
2. You will likely lose those players from play buying, or they will buy significantly less.

In essence, this change is not going to increase the number of players that buy plat which would result in more stable income. Instead, it will likely decrease the number of players buying it. It is also possible the number will stay the same, but overall income will be affected because they will buy less. In the worst case they will stop playing the games altogether.

Like I mentioned before, this "test" they are doing could be very dangerous for STS. Your other comments about he trickle down affect of people quitting is also very true. IMO, this would be the most critical aspect of all of this.

03-29-2012, 11:27 AM
^^ completely agree. If sts thinks doing away with the 2k option is going to make me buy more of the 800 option, theyre wrong. :/ personally, ill still buy plat, but ill be a lot more frugal with it. Pretty much everyone I talk to feels the same way.

03-29-2012, 11:37 AM
My bet is that they won't change it (if they change it) until after DL is released and after the leveling frenzy when the new lvl cap is released. I hope I'm wrong though.
I hope your wrong, jezz this could be a major turn off...people that were dormant and haven't been on forums much will be in for a major awakening. I would be surprised to see more threads like this.

I have become more of a casual player and have accepted the fact that it will not return, as walk hard stated "ill be frugal" and buy vanities as they appear on deal of the day.
no reason to cap, for one vanity...or for new armor. we have all expressed our hatred, and i see this as have really bad repercussions.

03-29-2012, 12:04 PM
This is true in most cases. However, it doesn't really apply in this situation. Here is why...

This change only affects those that bought the larger plat pack. So in essence you are doing two things:

1. You are alienating those that bought the largest pack.
2. You will likely lose those players from play buying, or they will buy significantly less.

In essence, this change is not going to increase the number of players that buy plat which would result in more stable income. Instead, it will likely decrease the number of players buying it. It is also possible the number will stay the same, but overall income will be affected because they will buy less. In the worst case they will stop playing the games altogether.

Like I mentioned before, this "test" they are doing could be very dangerous for STS. Your other comments about he trickle down affect of people quitting is also very true. IMO, this would be the most critical aspect of all of this.

I will point it out again because the logical error continues to be repeated.

The people who spent $90 at a time are NOT NECESSARILY the largest group of buyers. They are also NOT NECESSARILY the ones who USE PLAT FASTEST. They are merely those who buy plat the cheapest.

There is NO DATA available to us supporting the claim you are repeating. Bargain hunters simply are not the ones who spend the most money. That conclusion can't be drawn.

Meanwhile, if STS did not already have an accountant watching this closely, they would be stupid beyond the pale. I don't believe they are that stupid. It has been well over a month. If what you are saying were true, it should have been changed back long ago.


Different angle:

Thrasher abusers, IMO, are making the game obnoxious to regular players. Just like the Victory Lap rushers before them, and the Mynas Gen leechers before them, the Thrasher Gen has made the game unpleasant at the highest level. They boot non-Thrashers. They make the game playable with zero skill. They get better drops, which makes other people jealous, they go too fast, they repeat the same maps, and generally create an environment of have and have-not. They farm the best items and sell them at outrageous prices. And in the end, it is THE OTHER PLAYERS who leave feeling that the game is MADE FOR RICH PEOPLE! It is not that much different from what happened in O&C when the items you could buy for plat were better than the ones that dropped, except, while these items drop, they mostly drop for the players who use Thrashers.

Thrashers cost 40 plat (cheaper for guild, but it screws up my math). That's 20 Thrashers for $50 at the current best price, or $2.50 per Thrasher, or 10 hours. The 2K plat pack got you 50 Thrashers for $90, or $1.80 per Thrasher, or 25 hours.

If you want to stop Thrasher abuse, standard logic says to raise the price. But why penalize those who do not abuse them? So instead, eliminate the 2K plat pack. Those who abused Thrashers could bring their price down by getting plat at the 2K price. So, eliminate the 2K option and maybe it will tone down the Thrasher abuse.

I don't know, because I have been avoiding the high levels. Has Thrasher abuse been decreased since this change? If so, I might go play the high levels again.

03-29-2012, 12:40 PM
I will point it out again because the logical error continues to be repeated.

The people who spent $90 at a time are NOT NECESSARILY the largest group of buyers. They are also NOT NECESSARILY the ones who USE PLAT FASTEST. They are merely those who buy plat the cheapest.

There is NO DATA available to us supporting the claim you are repeating. Bargain hunters simply are not the ones who spend the most money. That conclusion can't be drawn.

Don't know where you read that. I never said anything of the sort in that post.

Meanwhile, if STS did not already have an accountant watching this closely, they would be stupid beyond the pale. I don't believe they are that stupid. It has been well over a month. If what you are saying were true, it should have been changed back long ago.

Nah, that's not necessarily true either. When would you think the most money gets spent on plat? My guess would be the day new content comes out or soon after. That would be the true test. At least it seems like common sense to me...

I don't know, because I have been avoiding the high levels. Has Thrasher abuse been decreased since this change? If so, I might go play the high levels again.

All I can say is that I rarely see any all thrasher runs. In fact, its become uncommon that I see anyone using thrasher at all. Only a select few that I always see on thrasher. I can also tell you this. I'm sitting on about 800 plat, most of which would have been used already had they not taken away the 2000 plat pack. Instead, I will most likely wait until Humania comes, use up what I have, and probably not buy any for a while.

Meanwhile, if STS did not already have an accountant watching this closely, they would be stupid beyond the pale. I don't believe they are that stupid. It has been well over a month. If what you are saying were true, it should have been changed back long ago.

Finally, not sure about this comment. I don't see how an accountant is going to be able to forecast how 2000 plat buyers can/will/won't start buying smaller plat packs. I'll repeat my claim, this does not affect smaller buyers. Their prices did not change. The only change was for the bigger buyers. No amount of analysis is going to tell you how these people will react. That's why its a risk.

03-29-2012, 12:59 PM
In fact, its become uncommon that I see anyone using thrasher at all. Only a select few that I always see on thrasher. I can also tell you this. I'm sitting on about 800 plat, most of which would have been used already had they not taken away the 2000 plat pack. Instead, I will most likely wait until Humania comes, use up what I have, and probably not buy any for a while.

That's great news. The Thrasher-heads were totally harshing my buzz.

As to your purchasing habits, that's cool, but I wonder if you're not proving my point. Now that you have to pay $2.50 for a Thrasher instead of $1.80 you are being more sensible. But perhaps you were not abusing Thrashers in the first place? So I can't really draw that conclusion.

Meanwhile, the rich players (and from the above I can tell you are not one) will not let a 2 cents a minute increase stop them from farming on Thrashers. They want those bows that Emma drops so they can have the largest fortune in the game. I recall that [famous merchant name withheld, but see his most recent thread!1!] says he has purchased over 10K plat. It's not for me to judge other people, but I will not spend a thousand dollars on a video game. If I had so much real money that I could, then the price would not matter to me. So I gather a thousand dollars is not a lot of money to him.

03-29-2012, 01:17 PM
That's great news. The Thrasher-heads were totally harshing my buzz.

As to your purchasing habits, that's cool, but I wonder if you're not proving my point. Now that you have to pay $2.50 for a Thrasher instead of $1.80 you are being more sensible. But perhaps you were not abusing Thrashers in the first place? So I can't really draw that conclusion.

Meanwhile, the rich players (and from the above I can tell you are not one) will not let a 2 cents a minute increase stop them from farming on Thrashers. They want those bows that Emma drops so they can have the largest fortune in the game. I recall that [famous merchant name withheld, but see his most recent thread!1!] says he has purchased over 10K plat. It's not for me to judge other people, but I will not spend a thousand dollars on a video game. If I had so much real money that I could, then the price would not matter to me. So I gather a thousand dollars is not a lot of money to him.

I'm not sure what constitutes a thrasher abuser. I never booted for not using thrasher, but I did use them regularly when leveling.

If STS's point here is to make people more sensible about their spending, that's their prerogative, but it wouldn't make sense. I am not rich by any stretch, but even if I was, I probably wouldn't dump it into the game. It doesn't matter what it is... if I pay for something (and I already consider it a little expensive, but worth it), then there is a 60% increase in the cost, I'll probably stop buying it.

03-29-2012, 01:27 PM
That's cool. You have to do what's right for you. I've already spent a couple hundred dollars on these games. I'm not going to spend more until there is new content. We each have our different reasons.

03-29-2012, 07:08 PM
This is true in most cases. However, it doesn't really apply in this situation. Here is why...

This change only affects those that bought the larger plat pack. So in essence you are doing two things:

1. You are alienating those that bought the largest pack.
2. You will likely lose those players from play buying, or they will buy significantly less.

In essence, this change is not going to increase the number of players that buy plat which would result in more stable income. Instead, it will likely decrease the number of players buying it. It is also possible the number will stay the same, but overall income will be affected because they will buy less. In the worst case they will stop playing the games altogether.

Like I mentioned before, this "test" they are doing could be very dangerous for STS. Your other comments about he trickle down affect of people quitting is also very true. IMO, this would bThat e the most critical aspect of all of this.

That is my point... They will get less incime from less ppl, the income would be more stable buy providing more value. Thus more ppl buying plat, and income from more ppl would be more stable.

03-29-2012, 08:09 PM
That is my point... They will get less incime from less ppl, the income would be more stable buy providing more value. Thus more ppl buying plat, and income from more ppl would be more stable.

Hmmm. Not sure how you got that from what i said. i don't think more would buy plat. At best, it would be the same. At worst, everyone that bought the big pack would no longer buy plat.

04-01-2012, 08:48 PM
why are we not getting feed back from a dev on this... it is taking too long, thus building frustration. i am in no position to demand an answer, how ever i think it is a fair request to give us you final answer or announce a date you will make one.

based on that i will make my final decison on my assoication with pl and other spacetime games. please take that respectfully, and know if you provide us with a strong precieved value we will all stay - that increase potential to buy more plat. you (spacetime) make more money.

thanks guys anxiously awaiting you answer.


and pls c my other requests about adding more value to what we need (imo)

04-02-2012, 06:16 AM
Long posts make me go @_@(wooooooooooo)

04-10-2012, 11:00 AM
The 2000 Platinum purchase option is back. Details at http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?54674-2000-Platinum-Option-Returned-to-Android-Chrome-and-Webstore