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View Full Version : Suggestion For Timekeeper

08-20-2020, 08:15 AM
So i have been running elite mauso aka timekeepers crypt for some time the thing i have noticed after running for around a month is that u dont get bored by running this map unlike dm or evg and the bosses are hard enough(not as hard as dm or evg xd)

So i have been thinking why cant sts add balanced tokens to boss drop?. I know the bosses are a lot easier than or evg but you could make them have more health in order to make it harder.This would encourage more people to run this super cool map and also help with finding aeren(havent found him in over 300+runs xd)

Let me know down below what you guys think about this. I am open for criticism :)

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08-20-2020, 08:21 AM
As far as i know , they're not adding balanced tokens to that map cause theres already mausoleum 1-6 , its actually more fun than running timekeeper since u can get different routes and maps every time

Also if they add tokens to timekeeper people would just ignore mobs and go straight for the mini bosses since they know the route and the location of the bosses , but maus 1-6 is different everytime , even tho if u run maus 5-6 ALOT , u get to memorize some maps ^^)

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