View Full Version : Can’t craft some items

08-20-2020, 02:19 PM
I have the recipes for the desk in my inventory and when I go to craft only this years new arc items are in the craft section.
I wanted to craft the desk, but unless there’s something I’m not understanding, we can’t craft the desk (maybe others too) at all?

08-20-2020, 02:44 PM
I think that's intended, can only craft the ones from this year's event.

08-20-2020, 06:34 PM
Odd, ok. For future reference in case you want to change how it looks to the players;
I was able to craft it yesterday but chose not to so I could choose to possibly craft a new item or the old.
It didn’t have the expire tag that most other event items have.

Other craft items from last years event can still be crafted like arc nekro by using last years recipe, and auction has been selling old recipes this entire time.

Just fyi
Thank you Futumsh for being diligent

08-20-2020, 11:12 PM
Fut can you look into this though, pretty sure it was mentioned somewhere that furniture recipes would have no expiration

08-20-2020, 11:27 PM
This one from 2019's preview thread:

Yes. The Colossal Keep and the furniture items can be crafted after the event is over (provided you have the recipes and all necessary ingredients).
Farmer Greensap is the only one who sells the recipes and he will go away three days after the event ends (otherwise known as a three-day cool-down).
The special 'Arcanite Fields' pet recipes can only be used while the event is active or during its three-day cool-down period.

08-21-2020, 05:27 PM
Ty Bundlos for that

Wanna bump this b4 weekend see if there’s any more dev input