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08-20-2020, 04:18 PM
+ Add variable difficulty to gold farming zones so they aren't so boring.

08-20-2020, 04:20 PM
i’m having fun

08-20-2020, 04:21 PM
+ Add variable difficulty to gold farming zones so they aren't so boring.

So nice thanks

08-20-2020, 04:23 PM
now i’m not.

08-20-2020, 04:25 PM
LMAO. Rip :(((

08-20-2020, 04:26 PM
Apparently isle is now quicker than the gold farming zone. Is it really that trash now?

08-20-2020, 04:28 PM
I guess this is good for the market. Prices wont rise as much on items.

08-20-2020, 04:30 PM
Whoever suggested this need to get perma banned

08-20-2020, 04:31 PM
Please change it back, I was way more entertained before the variable difficulty... I took tomorrow off from work to farm this event and am starting to feel like that was a mistake lol

08-20-2020, 04:31 PM
Whoever suggested this need to get perma banned

Bots ruin stuff for everybody :-/

08-20-2020, 04:34 PM
That update is awful, now you need more than 5 shots per crate, even with my max cannonball clutch, you should add random drops, that'll make it more entertaining, cause now it became boring.

08-20-2020, 04:36 PM
They have made it worse.

08-20-2020, 04:36 PM
surely we can get a change back ;-; we spent so long getting 50k points it’s even more of a task than the points farming to get gold now. thought gold farming was a reward ;-;

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08-20-2020, 04:37 PM
Bots ruin stuff for everybody :-/
is it that hard to detect and banned botting?

08-20-2020, 04:38 PM
Pro tip: Always make sure to play the start of STS events .. it’s always the best at the start.

08-20-2020, 04:39 PM
Yeah I agree it is more boring now :(

08-20-2020, 04:42 PM
BTW Cinco ... what happened to the questions npc to stop bots? Can we have original difficulty with the questions?

08-20-2020, 04:44 PM
BTW Cinco ... what happened to the questions npc to stop bots? Can we have original difficulty with the questions?

That didn't work out unfortunately.

I prefer that the zone requires effort - with the old stats it was just begging to be botted.

08-20-2020, 04:46 PM
didn’t the update where we had to pick up our gold implanted to stop botting, now we have to deal with chests that have hp

08-20-2020, 04:47 PM
That didn't work out unfortunately.

I prefer that the zone requires effort - with the old stats it was just begging to be botted.

would we be able to have something like we can form a party with people but the gold would be the same as before, would mean that it’d “wouldn’t be boring” and still requires effort as a party

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08-20-2020, 04:54 PM
I am all for making it harder for Bots. Just wish we would have known earlier that this was going to be a different gold farming event. I have been prepping for this since shimmering shores started xD Energy drinks, time off from work etc. Now doesn't seem as worth it but still fun :)

08-20-2020, 04:59 PM
Let us could use our event dollars... Still have 7k+ left didnt knew.......

08-20-2020, 05:00 PM
Cinco wasn't the event vendor supposed to be available for 3 days after the event ends?

08-20-2020, 05:00 PM
Cinco wasn't the event vendor supposed to be available for 3 days after the event ends?

The vendor is in balefort still.

08-20-2020, 05:00 PM
Ok but what about those of us who spend the time and money and play the game fairly? Why do we keep getting punished for the acts of others? Ban the botters! Don't make the whole community suffer, I personally would not have wasted my time getting 50k points if you would have said before you were reworking the gold area.

08-20-2020, 05:01 PM
But gold farm is supposed to be a reward, the effort has been made on event.

08-20-2020, 05:04 PM
Awesome thank you!

08-20-2020, 05:07 PM
I like that it makes it harder for the bots to do it now.. What if you make it to where the people who are playing the event still get the same amount of Gold per hour that they would before the nerf? So if it takes 3 times longer to complete each map now, maybe up the gold amount X3 so the non-botters can still farm the same amount of gold for our effort?

What do you think @cinco?

08-20-2020, 05:24 PM
didn’t the update where we had to pick up our gold implanted to stop botting, now we have to deal with chests that have hp

They should have xp then & drop even more gold to keep up with the amount that was originally dropping per run X original run time.

08-20-2020, 05:27 PM
didn’t the update where we had to pick up our gold implanted to stop botting, now we have to deal with chests that have hp

Ok but what about those of us who spend the time and money and play the game fairly? Why do we keep getting punished for the acts of others? Ban the botters! Don't make the whole community suffer, I personally would not have wasted my time getting 50k points if you would have said before you were reworking the gold area.

But gold farm is supposed to be a reward, the effort has been made on event.


08-20-2020, 05:36 PM
Oh, boo hoo! It takes me 2 entire minutes to make 650k instead of 40 seconds!

08-20-2020, 07:51 PM
Literally all you have to do is add a rotation of questions to continue through the map instead of annoying chest bugging you when mobs spawned in them anyway. L on gold event

08-20-2020, 08:59 PM
This is stupid. As a rhino it’s not efficient at all because I only have one attack that is aoe up to 12m. I wasted countless hours to get gold tier to have an efficient zone. It will take me an hour to do one run of this, I suggest allow team runs without giving less gold (considering I could not do it without a team) or add gates or something to prevent players who bot, I was actually grinding this event along with many others, we should not have to pay for other players who break the rules. Punish the players who bot, not the players who actually grinded for this which is now useless to them.

08-20-2020, 09:25 PM
We need our time refunded and this update removed. Im sorry but it’s the sad truth this aint it.

08-21-2020, 12:26 AM
would we be able to have something like we can form a party with people but the gold would be the same as before, would mean that it’d “wouldn’t be boring” and still requires effort as a party

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I agree with this one

08-21-2020, 01:05 AM
1) The patch heavily discriminates against classes like fox, rhino and bear. They were terrible to farm with already. I can't imagine how bad it is now.

2) People without Decathrax will inevitably lose efficiency while running, because they lack the 5k Dmg, that was absolutely not neccessary before. With Oro you lose 1k dmg and 20% GL. With Barky, you lose tons of damage and survivability. Without Pet you die.
No Set and you die too.
This just makes the rich and prepared richer. I, for example, don't have a problem running the event at almost the same pace. I'm losing only 3-4M per hour when compared to the previous rate.

3) Bots will still run the event but with less efficiency. This patch is a bandaid to a bigger problem that is seemingly out of the devs control.

4) The patch should've been there from the very beginning to counteract inflation and influx of botted gold. Making it retroactively just indicates, that nobody thought of it before or didn't care enough.

5) To deter bots you need variability and control of human sensory ability. Usually devs use sight to control for humans, e.g. the random letters and numbers in squiggly lines, picking pictures. The questions at the gates from previous events were an attempt at that. A better version of that would be something like this: Make random zonerift type things spawn anywhere on the map RANDOMLY. When they spawn they make a distinguishable loud sound and have one of those huge spotlights. Anyone with sight and hearing ability can rush to them immediately. They expire within 10s or whatever is appropriate. They take you to the actual gold loot zone.

6) Retire or fix the PC client. I'm not terribly well read on botting, but if I remember correctly, there are several hurdles to botting on mobile devices.

08-21-2020, 01:27 AM
4) The patch should've been there from the very beginning to counteract inflation and influx of botted gold. Making it retroactively just indicates, that nobody thought of it before or didn't care enough.

5) To deter bots you need variability and control of human sensory ability. Usually devs use sight to control for humans, e.g. the random letters and numbers in squiggly lines, picking pictures. The questions at the gates from previous events were an attempt at that. A better version of that would be something like this: Make random zonerift type things spawn anywhere on the map RANDOMLY. When they spawn they make a distinguishable loud sound and have one of those huge spotlights. Anyone with sight and hearing ability can rush to them immediately. They expire within 10s or whatever is appropriate. They take you to the actual gold loot zone.

6) Retire or fix the PC client. I'm not terribly well read on botting, but if I remember correctly, there are several hurdles to botting on mobile devices.

I agree with what you said in 4). I feel like no one at STG realised the kinds of inflation these events cause; or just didn't care enough to not implement it.

Also, you would still be able to bot maps with only minor losses in efficiency if #5 is implemented, unfortunately. There's also the problem that botting on mobile is just as easy as it is on PC too.

Bot counter-measures have to involve some kind of human interaction, whether it's inputting a 2digit alpha-numeric code or whatever. Even then, you can still work around those obstacles with a bit more effort.

Bots will never be stopped entirely, but they can be weeded out in large numbers if the right counter-measues are put in place.

Just my 2 cents, but otherwise I agree with everything you said. Just know it's not as black and white as "this system will stop bots," because that is simply not the case anymore.

08-21-2020, 01:52 AM
Thanks for your insight. I guess when bots can respond to audio-visual cues it would be useless. I thought recognizing the zone rift and rushing to the zone rift would be sufficient human action. Time to read more about bots lol

08-21-2020, 02:04 AM
I heard a couple of people bashing on the change so I came to explain why it is not the end of the world. I still think there are some improvements that should be put in place because as it is, the gold zone is still susceptible to botting. The questions are definitely are much needed implementation.
Anyways about the event: a run will yield you 500-700k. Ofc this is way less this than before but if u think about it, what we have now is decent and worlds better than isle of night. It was still worth grinding to gold tier to get this.
I would say it’s a miracle we even got a gold farming zone because of their history with ruining the economy. I suspect inflation will still occur since the runs give decent gold still.
If anything, trying to counter inflation had to be the most annoying part of this event (panic buying and getting rid of gold before value of gold and item prices can be ruined) rather than buffed chests.

08-21-2020, 02:22 AM
First I wanna say that in the future it would be better to focus countering bots on main event. We love the gold event. The gold is good but really boring to solo alone. And even if u made it good for teams at this points bots would benefit even more.

Second if we’re going to have gold event or any event more difficult by increase a monster health or hit point I recommend creating aoe items with fast attack and range only usable for certain class like rhino, fox etc I’m not sure how bear holding up to chest with this much hit points. Or just increasing the here aoe damage skills and lower there cool down just for event if possible

Third after playing this event I’m wondering what if the bots have 5x damage boost would it even slow them down? I do Definitely know with out a 3-5x damage bots farmer are screwed gg. Cause there going to waste more money on gold bonus gear and auto loot then it’s worth

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08-21-2020, 02:32 AM
Anyone else having troubles with gold loot!??? I was having drops like from 4-7k I'm gold tier with max blarney and greedy ring, I'm using greedy barky, and platinum Crusaders shield, but now I'm having drops from 200g to 2k and just so little amount of 3k or above. It doesn't even look like I'm gold tier :(

08-21-2020, 02:32 AM
Bots ruin stuff for everybody :-/

But bots can be countered easily. With random stuff even like that question door U made accept there have to be way more question. And as much as I hate to say it if we’re going to want to cripple bots then auto loot must go( it’s Ignoring chasing drops) That way u can increase the range and more randomizes the location of gold that pop out of a chest. And if some reason they have a color recognizing bot program U can even change the color of the items. There millions of colors to chose from lol. Countering bots always come at a cost in any game and that cost is paid for by the honest players. It would be nice if we had a sticky and everyone can post idea on countering bots and maybe have a community vote to test some ideas out. Like trial runs to see if people cool with that. And to see if it works.

I really don’t think we should waste anytime on bots at all to be honest for event. U have different currencies in the game. Bots can have all the gold they want make it hard for them to earn new currencies and let us be able to buy and trade with that. These cheaters been at this for along time and already got ton of gold anyway. So does a few honest player but u can make some items can only be bought and traded to others only using new token or what ever u wanna name it. These items can be designed for honest player.

Pve players have to compete against pvp player(this item, class to op) now bots (cheaters). If there was no bots or pvp this just think of all the fun stuff that can be added.

Anyway the gold farming is still really good gold after the patch I just really wish we could do it with friends and still make good profit
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08-21-2020, 09:42 AM
+ Add variable difficulty to gold farming zones so they aren't so boring.

Is the "Black Star Crown" that has been requested was rejected?

Evil Weirdo
08-21-2020, 02:35 PM
Can you add 48 hours to our gold farming elixirs since you buffed the chests?

Evil Weirdo
08-21-2020, 03:18 PM
Make an npc spawn randomly in different areas in the starting room and all you have to do is tap on him and tap enter and that will solve the botting problem.

08-21-2020, 05:40 PM
Bots ruin stuff for everybody :-/

Every event in 2020 has required a fix, additional rewards or lack of content. Still wondering how STS Manages to drop new/re-used content and not perfect it for release date. You should extend the gold maps, who makes a reward harder to get, people played everyday for 2 weeks just to get a set They can’t make any profit on because it’s not trade-able. Seems like you’re not in control of the choices that we want that will fix the game/events so go on and tell the rest of the company what Pocket legends needs.

08-21-2020, 10:33 PM
Make an npc spawn randomly in different areas in the starting room and all you have to do is tap on him and tap enter and that will solve the botting problem.

You can make a bot that taps everywhere in the room lol.

But bots can be countered easily.

No. They can't be.

You can't stop bots. You can make it harder for there to be bots - but that isn't going to stop them.

08-21-2020, 10:45 PM
Can we start a new event called beta testing and any one that does it get a non tradable item and then there can be step to reward witch requires players to go to forum link to give there feedback(tell there experiences, what they like or didn’t and how they think it can be approved. Could even have a questionnaire. If people can spend a hr doing a free plat (2-5 plats) survey they would love this. One of the question can be to vote on reverting all vanity back to non tradable. Then cheating won’t even matter anymore. Then we just by items with plats like back in the day. (This will not go over well with honest player) but minus well hit the cheats we’re it’ll hurt the most

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08-21-2020, 11:14 PM
You can make a bot that taps everywhere in the room lol.

No. They can't be.

You can't stop bots. You can make it harder for there to be bots - but that isn't going to stop them.

First make main event hard to bot.

During gold event reward get to a gate must answer a question, a easy question correct. 90 different possible question 40 different possible answers to chose from.. Collect a item after the zone is finish to leave to get reward zone has a time limit to complete. Event only last for 1 hr. Miss question wrong your player can’t rejoin for 10 min. By the time a player set up a bot the event will be over. Give Hugh (2days of gold farming taking into account your bonus gold loot )gg bots. When event time run out game reboots even if u in the middle of a game. Players only get 3 tickets to try. And the time it should take to finish should be about 25-30min or something maybe 40 min I’m not sure

Or make it really hard to survive and require a active group ( hard like when we had to fight them blue guys back in the day) only can revive 3 times must be alive to claim reward and no safe spots and some monsters with killing potential ignore taunts and damage and attack random and must be kitted and have fetal hazard pool spawns or hazards. Don’t let the event run more then a hr to prevent people from setting up bots and making it hard to do on Muti account.

Just put in message board new event reward will be externally difficult come prepared with a team active team mates and your best gear chance of hugh reward. No reward will be giving if u lose. (or maybe non tradable) want be enough time to set up a bot. And with no safe spots it’ll be pretty hard to bot this

Actually don’t use questions show them the correct symbol or shape and they have to match it because some people speak different languages. Some people will play muti account that’s not same as botting just make dangerous hardware and stuff that will kill you if ur not focusing. Can even bring back them early level thing we had to click on to open like Coffins (add like 30 and people have to open the ones with the right colors and if u open the wrong one you gotta get carried away by bats and have to fight a juice up vampire(time waster remeber (we’re on the clock). Can add statue thing which we click on to kill the invincible enemy click on the wrong one a cage falls around u and u must now fight a juice up monster. And can add flame pits thing in sewer but increase there damage, even add the woot pools but increase the duration your held and burns mana And or damage. Add the music music box that slow u down in nuri. remove auto use potions. Add in turtle boss that have shield and barrels. Add boss that kill u if your don’t collect orb or hide being pulled or get out of range. Add back bossies that drop weight or other item that can be fatal if u stand in blast zone. With the amount of focus and the possibilities of being k.o it’s even hard to play muti accounts and don’t forget the time limit. See pocket legends already have super bot counter they just gotta use that stuff together and add a time limit

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