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View Full Version : Cinco I just wanna day thanks

08-23-2020, 01:29 AM
I can’t forget when pocket legend was abandoned for new projects and pretty much said there would be no new updates but u still would pop up and give us event or just log in to the game to say hi. I realize I’m a pretty bad about giving fed back when stuff not working as attended and praise when they do. But I do appreciate the things you do for community (pocket legend community) I do try to be as fair as possible with my feedback testing thing and asking a lot of other players to see as many views as possible. Keep up the great work and if it not to much to ask please work on letting people get under your skin. If u find your self at that point maybe you can just refer them to the complaint department. And if there isn’t one well I’m available for the job and I’ll do it for free...

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08-23-2020, 01:36 AM
Oh and if you pop up more often we’ll appreciate it you know ask us stuff or talk to us. Ever one get so hype when You (dev)come around it’s good for the game (player and dev interaction) even if it’s for 10 min a week. It’s goes such along way even being back giving out gifts but non tradable only. I miss them days. I’ll like to know some of the other devs but I don’t know who they are cause they don’t come around no more. Any way guys keep up the great work!! And please fix the preview for when we down load the game it can be so much better now make it good like Arcane legend and can we fix the Tutorial it doesn’t Represent pocket legend as it is today. It’s out dated. Doesn’t even teach about pet effect and event. If I was to start I new account today I’ll be lost at least mention the event board

Dev and player Interactions ever player dreams
Or and can we bring back draw ideas for the game like that that time when you took white dragon pet and made into the game. You can make it a event reward. Oh boy if you do I’m gonna win that event good luck creating what I draw cause it be like a spawn/Thor/mega man/Castlevania/Naruto or bleach style drawing super detailed lol

Ps. Can dev please change there char so they look bigger and cooler so we can recognize them far away and also get us hype up for possible new looks like back in the days thanks

It’s okay to keep the old stuff that ever one like even though there new stuff. Just keep adding more and more good stuff but keep the old just think it some like the gold farming to balance it

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