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03-09-2012, 11:38 AM
Ok so I don't play PL a whole lot anymore so I figured I might as well give away a portion of my equipment / gold.

Ok so here's how this works - there will be two contests.

The first contest will have only ONE winner....this contest is extremely simple but requires you to have a lot of vanity :)

All you do is make you favorite toon look as cool as you can make it with vanity/items.
I will judge who I think looks best and the winner will receive: 300k.

For contest 2....This contest is very broad - all you will do is think of a cool idea that you think will make PL more fun or make it better. Once again I will pick the TOP THREE winners.

Example of entry:

IGN: Baylakk

Contest 1
(post pic here)

Contest 2
I think what would make PL better is making elixirs so you can pause them and un-pause them when you want.

The prizes for contest 2 are

1ST PLACE: 1,000,000 gold
2ND PLACE: Fury fighter set (helm, shield, 1h sword, armor) and 150k
3RD PLACE: 250k

Have fun!

03-09-2012, 11:49 AM
Oh by the way - the contest ENDS ON MARCH 15 AT 1 P.M.!!

03-09-2012, 11:51 AM
IGN: Elyseon (main)

Contest 1: old but epic screenie http://i1129.photobucket.com/albums/m513/ThePhantomCow/5974edae.jpg

Contest 2: I think PL should expand the guild system.
Guild stash: all members can access to share things here, either officers (including master) only can withdraw items or a notification is sent to GM for approval for withdrawal.
More Ranks: Here’s a system I like:
Champion: a usually temporary position of honour
Hero: an important guild member, distinguished but not an officer
Standards: regular members, active
Noob/Recruit: a new member, still learning the game, and loyalty is unknown
Slave: position of punishment, maybe broke guild code of conduct, but booting is unwanted
Also it would fit this system well if your guild rank was displayed in your character page
Guild bonuses:
Maybe give a small xp, damage, and armour bonus for having guild members in the same map. It builds guild unity, and members get more acquainted
Guild Halls:
So big but so empty, there are many things that could be added here including the previously mentioned guild stash. Add accessories to be purchased for hall, cool light features, fire, a statue of the GM and Champion, a notice that would display guild stats(maybe including average level, total kills, average kills and kdr). Also it would be nice if you could have an option in the menu under social>guild to enter the guild hall, so u don’t have to stride across balefort every time.
Guild Attacks: Just thought of this, so no details. You rush someone’s guild hall and ransack it.
Only max level matters? Adding total pvp or pve kills, and average kdr would be nice. Of course you would need to list the number of members, so a kill farmer isn’t the only guild member and its stats look good

03-09-2012, 12:42 PM
contest 2
u should b able to put vanity and untradeable items in trade but check box is disabled so others can see ur cool vanity.u should also b able to lvl up friends list like the guild.like make ur really good friends like bros and just randoms regular and xp run host and bff and stuff.there should also be a mystery box as deal of the day for vanity were u pay plat and get a random vanity.i also think there should be a /friend command to talk to all friends.

03-09-2012, 04:22 PM
IGN: Freym ,Igatesl and Shacs
contest 1: no photo

contest 2:i have more than one idea idk if i can put more than one.
..Making daily or weekly ingame events, such as for example killing a boss which is in a special map, for different lvs .Other events such as finding a gm at a city
.Adding new chat ways, for example, world chat, so u can say something so people in all maps read it.Also much easier for merchants to sell their stuff
.Creating a new system in which u can exchange PvE kill points or maybe arena points to get some prizes such as recipes or a special chest in which can give you a piece of a random set
..Creating a PvP map to make guild wars, and making a leaderboard to see which guild has more points( they win points by winning guild wars)

edit reason: forgot to put my ign

03-09-2012, 04:48 PM
IGN: main- Lowlyspy, toon in coming pic- inigoxmontoya

Contest 1: pic coming soon.

Contest 2: I think the pre-revamp Forest Haven campaign should be brought back as a 5-10 and/or 10-15 elite campaign with low level gear of all colors to expand the variety of looks in PvP so all the bears don't look alike.

03-09-2012, 04:57 PM
Contest 1:
ign latelunchh

Want some BREW???

contest 2
I know it was metioned alot but there should be an invisible wall in ctf so u can't go in spawn area if u were spawn camped you know how it feels because you have no time to buff
Another thing that can make it better would be pets that can debuff like a mage or armor break like a bird or scream like a bear. These pets could only be used in pve and has to be bought by plat
Also you should be able to give gold and potions instead of going into the trade window
And there should be a pvp tutorial for beginning PL players
Another way it can make the game better is faces cost 100k instead of 10plat and 50k instead of 5plat
You should be able to put a cap on your game for example: Mtfang crypt runs you could set the lvl to 61-66 only
There should be a practice dummy in your guild halls so you can try new builds

Yokoman came up with the color idea I just followed him

03-09-2012, 05:23 PM
IGN ddarkvader 66 main Contest 2 I think they should make that you can buy plat with gold because people do not have real money they are just kids so they can buy elixer so they can lvl faster if you dont like the first one here is a better one you maybe will like everyday you can get some gold for a head start so you can buy the stuff you need. another one is every holiday and seasons sometimes friday they can make trivia games so you can win money. thanks hope you like it :smile:

03-09-2012, 06:16 PM
IGN: Overkillzzz
I would like to enter contest 1 and 2 (pics coming soon)

I think it would make pocket legends better if they had all elixers for money and plat because some kids arent aloud to buy plat because well, there just kids.

(I thought of more if u dont like the first one.)

Or on special occasions everything is half off including platinum (not items people r selling) It would make it better because some people dont like the price of everything and dont like buying full price. Ty I wish best of luck to everyone :encouragement:

(P.S. if i can't get the pic is it if i just say what it looks like?

03-09-2012, 07:07 PM
Contest 2: Pet Rock

03-09-2012, 07:35 PM
IGN: Merchantstar

Contest 1


Contest 2

I think there should be player ads you can put up for gold too, in the place where there's ads about getting Star Legends and plat and stuff. I think this would make it way easier for people to find the items they want and way easier for people to sell, and there should also be a friend search button for people with long friend lists.

03-09-2012, 08:55 PM
IGN: Leiekueboz

Contest 1:

Contest 2:
New in Pocket legends, there should be new faces, like angry birds, yogi bear, and will ferrelf. There should be new weapons, like an oar, a catapult, or a fire-ball hand. New armor, sheild and crafting items. Also, there should be a new place, like a GIMUNGO ant hill. New characters, like a dragon, shark, and a kangaroo.*

03-09-2012, 08:56 PM
Oh by the way - the contest ENDS ON MARCH 15 AT 1 P.M.!!

same day as DL comes out on beta! :)

03-09-2012, 08:59 PM
contest 1: pic coming soon when I go desprate!

Contest 2:
I think what would make PL better is That there should be a CTF leaderboard, And increase the drop rate chance

03-09-2012, 09:51 PM
Contest 2

You could taken quests and gotten items to place in your house, EG chairs, sofa, fridge. You could buy platinum items, gold items. You could also invite other people there, you can have a stash there also. You could invite people in, but only invited people could join. You could have a bulletin board where people could place messages.

03-09-2012, 10:59 PM
Contest 1:


Contest 2:

Simple as is... REMOVE GCD ^_^

03-10-2012, 01:17 AM
Ahh yes...the awful GCD.

Also if I think there is a tie for the Picture contest or if I like a few more of the ideas I'll give 125k to the others I pick. Which may not happen but it could :)

03-10-2012, 01:26 AM

Contest 1:

Contest 2: To improve PL, I think there should be more contests for droid costumes, better gold bot elixirs, an more chances to win vanity shields besides pvp cuz only the rich an old players wud get them

03-10-2012, 01:35 AM
Contest 1: unfortunatly cannot take screemshots :(
Contest 2:
What would make PL better in my opinion is NOTIFICATIONS WHEN SOMETHING IN CS SELLS. Or we could receive a text when something sells? I think that would be convienent.

03-10-2012, 02:03 AM
@ Overkillzzz

Sorry, if you can't get a picture you cannot enter contest 1 since you could describe yourself as anything you want :/

03-10-2012, 03:37 AM
Contest 1:
(Needs To Be Posted)

Contest 2:

Small Tweaks!

1. Have you ever wanted to enter guild hall? But have to take the long walk through balefort? There would Be a button on guild hall page and/or map to take you there!

2. Do you have best friends on PL? And then just other people on your Friends List? Now you would be able to make a top 25 list of your favorite friends! So they'll be at top and not have to scroll!

3. Ever wanted to join a friend? But not want to to open List! You could type: /join sryyoulose
And you'd be transported!

4. Ever wanted a quick remake of a game? The short cut would allow you to put it in your quick chat and be able to remake instantly! /Make Road to Forest Haven: 1
And it would make!

5. Ever wish you could know when a developer was on? Now you can type /Dev it'll tell you which type of towne how many and which ones are on!

Thank you for your time<3

03-10-2012, 04:07 AM
Contest 2, brace your selves for the best idea ever, not just for this contest but something that might and can actually takes place.

Recently PL became playable on Chrome but the controls are very flimsy and hard to use correctly with a combo however the graphics and ping is sufficiently better than the hand -held devices used to play PL. So what I think is that, STS should make an app to allow hand-held devices such as an iPhone or iPod Touch to be used as a gaming controller with Chrome being the high-definition monitor.

Pro's-It feels like your Mac/PC/Linux is a gaming console and many other games on those systems already are compatible with special USB controllers. Since PL has many skills, it would not work unless STS made their own touch-screen game controller app. Instead of guessing which skill is which on the number keys, you will already know from muscle memory when you use your hand-held device.

P.S I don't care if this doesn't win the contest, I just really want it to be implemented or reviewed over by the devs as I feel it will improve the Chrome-playing community in STS. Please help me and others to get this idea to the devs if you like it.

03-10-2012, 06:18 AM
Contest 2:
1. Your friends list doesn't move when your removing someone from it until you have removed the friend.
2. Change your guild name for 10 plat or 125k gold! (Half price of a new guild)
3. Make more vanity pets!
4. When a dev is on, it says in the chat, "SYSTEM: (Dev name and what town, example) SAMHAYNE IS IN BALEFORT CASTLE!
5. If your checking cs, have a button that says "int, dex or str. (Pick one out of them)" It'll be much easier if you don't know what that item is called.

IGNs: Fuzzylazer, Magiicalx, Funkydott, Perfectionzz, Mystiicalx, Flickz
(Will mainly be on Fuzzylazer and Magiicalx, maybe lvling Mystiicalx)

Thank You! Good luck to others!

03-10-2012, 11:32 AM
Contest 2:
1. Your friends list doesn't move when your removing someone from it until you have removed the friend.
2. Change your guild name for 10 plat or 125k gold! (Half price of a new guild)
3. Make more vanity pets!
4. When a dev is on, it says in the chat, "SYSTEM: (Dev name and what town, example) SAMHAYNE IS IN BALEFORT CASTLE!

IGNs: Fuzzylazer, Magiicalx, Funkydott, Perfectionzz, Mystiicalx, Flickz
(Will mainly be on Fuzzylazer and Magiicalx, maybe lvling Mystiicalx)

Thank You! Good luck to others!

Yay my dev idea in a different form! I like your idea better ^_^ and would really love to see it implemented!

03-10-2012, 12:21 PM
Contest N°1 :

Put ur most colourdful sets and be ready for thee Carnival !! :D


Contest N°2 :

1st idea :

I though about a new mod of playing which would be cool :

Name : "Protect The Ball"

Goal : There is a ball at the middle of the map, the goal is to keep it the longer, helped by ur team.. when u die, the ball fall on the floor and u can go to take it... The 1st team to reach 5min of pessession wins the map

How would it appear in stats : U could make like a PTB (Protect The Ball) with total time of possession in minutes ... And a leaderboard with it

2nd idea :

Name : PvP 4Teams

Goal : New maps of pvp with 4 teams m: yellow green red blue. Ur goal is to be the first team to 20, U would be 3 per teams.

3rd idea :

New vanity antennas, with 3 antennas instead of the 2 ones lol Here is a modified picture (not real one xD)


here it is :) Bye Bye guys ! and Good Luck for contest :)!

03-10-2012, 02:22 PM

A way to make pocket legends better will have to be add bigger pvp maps that could hold teams of over 10, a staking system to pvp so you can ean rewards for your skills, and adding pets that assist you in battle, such as healing or damaging your opponent. One more fun way to make pocket legends more fun is to create a pvp game that rewards points for kills in which you can turn in later for rewards. I think these ideas would make pocket legends pvp better.

03-10-2012, 03:56 PM
IGN: Dilusioner

Contest 1:

Contest 2:

1. A spirit weapon system. So if you have a weapon that you really like, you have the option of infusing it with a spirit to make a spirit weapon. You must obtain a spirit stone to put a spirit into a weapon. The stone would be obtainable through a very challenging questline. There are also multiple elements of stones that you can use. The weapon will deal elemental damage depending on which element spirit stone you pick. The spirit weapon would result in a much better weapon in terms of crit% and damage in general, but it would be untradeable (it is personal to you only) and it would degrade over time. You would have to pay an upkeep cost to keep the spirit alive in the weapon.

2. An enchanting system. The suffixes and prefixes in the game could be enchanted by players by themselves. Enchant scrolls could be dropped in certain dungeons and could be used to turn common items into much better rare items. They would also be a valuable commodity to sell on the CS.

3. More item skins! Such as new looks for armors and weapons.

03-10-2012, 04:23 PM
@ Overkillzzz

Sorry, if you can't get a picture you cannot enter contest 1 since you could describe yourself as anything you want :/

so i can tell you what you wear and everything?

03-10-2012, 04:29 PM
Contest 1: coming soon

Contest 2: I think there should be gems to put on weapong and armor that will upgrade them. Like int gems, attack gems, heal gens, proc gems, aoe gems, etc.

Others ideas are pets fight, a time zone just for PL, better skills, easy plat, mail, guild forums, betterguikd halls.

03-10-2012, 04:38 PM
IGN: Piosidon
Contest 2: Level summary. Shows how much money, xp, and kills/deaths you received after completing a level. Also shows items looted or special things like leveling up and such

03-10-2012, 05:04 PM
IGN- Legiito
Contest 2:
PL should have this system to where the more kills you get u could gain plat. Im talking get 10 plat for 5k kills and if you complete all the quest in a map u get 10plat. Also with this plat should be tradable and there should be more vanity items so your charactor has more possibilites to swicth up his look. ;)

03-10-2012, 05:10 PM
Contest 1 IGN: Chilangopwn :)

03-10-2012, 05:43 PM
I'll put picture as soon as I learn how to

A whole new set of pinks on all campaign. Imagine!

03-10-2012, 06:59 PM
Ign: teamosarah

Contest 1: (Pending)

Contest 2: To be able to change color of endgame elite vanities so we dont all look exactly the same

03-10-2012, 07:03 PM
so i can tell you what you wear and everything?

?...To enter contest 1 you must have a picture sorry.

03-11-2012, 02:32 AM
Yay my dev idea in a different form! I like your idea better ^_^ and would really love to see it implemented!
Haha, thanks!

03-11-2012, 03:28 AM
Here's my pic!http://i1065.photobucket.com/albums/u387/wthmon/32037730.jpg

One way we could make PL more fun is to mabye have mini games! Smaller activites that people could play if they wanted to...mabye racing(not sure how that would go), "whack a bear"(instead of whack-a-mole), and archery(as in actual aiming and shooting at targets)!

03-11-2012, 03:08 PM
IGN: Jcyee





In order to make PL better, I think that the devs should create a remake button so that you the host doesn't have to keep going through the current process of remaking. Same with those following the host. They may have to travel through their friends list to find one person.

Also, I think PL should hold more events for holidays in other countries. After all, PL is a worldwide game and some people don't even recognize the events/holidays that PL puts into the game. Just because STS is based in the US doesn't mean every PL client celebrates US holidays.

03-11-2012, 05:58 PM
Contest 1:

Contest 2:
- Create a new class
- Make more quest in which to earn items, such as Cyber ​​Quest

03-11-2012, 06:17 PM
Contest 2:
Everytime a new player is abouts to enter a pvp game, have a message pop up that displays "Warning. Powerful players might kill you. Enter now or later when you have better gear" This can b turned off in the options menu and will help new players from gaining too much deaths.

Players will receive 2 plat for every 5 levels gained. Maximum 20 free plat earned this way will b give per account, not character. People will then be able to purchase a ring o respec a few times so free players can obtain max stats too. STS will also make money if players decide to buy plat when they experience the advantages of plat first hand.

People are allowed to return plat purchased items for 60% of the buy price. This way when you start disliking a vanity or accidentally bought something you dont want, you can get some sort of refund. 1 time use items are not included with return policy.

03-11-2012, 08:19 PM
same day as DL comes out on beta! :) for only android probably... :(

03-11-2012, 08:24 PM
?...To enter contest 1 you must have a picture sorry.

k im trying to get pic now.

03-11-2012, 08:24 PM
IGN: Piosidon
Contest 2: PL world clock!!! If you wanna host a party, just announce 5:00 PL time! Or if you're meeting with your friends, just tell them 9:30 PL time! Avoid having to look up different time zones! my idea -_-

03-11-2012, 08:38 PM
Contest 1

03-11-2012, 08:41 PM
IGN: Piosidon
Contest 2: PL world clock!!! If you wanna host a party, just announce 5:00 PL time! Or if you're meeting with your friends, just tell them 9:30 PL time! Avoid having to look up different time zones! my idea -_-
Sorry, didn't even look at other entries. I'll edit it now

03-11-2012, 08:59 PM
IGN: gmrenuity
contest 2:
-PL should make elixirs either in game money or platinum
-also make pets that generate money (but costs like 600 plat to get one)
-pets that attack only in pve (unfair in pvp)
-allow vanity armors that boost stats to b bought buy in game gold (not plat) that only work in pve
-vanity armors that boost stats already should only work in pve
-guild halls could b bought by money (not plat)
-guilds should get lvls (u get lvls by having more and more ppl not just counted by the max lvls only)
-the higher the guild lvl u get a title under ur pl char name that says "xxxxxxxxxx" it can b the guild motto or something
-the title gets a cooler background each time u lvl up (10-20 lvls)
-guild shields
-new pvp mode DOMINATION capture flags like in COD
-make a pvp mode where gambling is allowed
-example: player A vs player B...they bet 250k for whoever wins to 10...player A wins and wins the 250k
-spectators in pvp

03-11-2012, 09:19 PM
IGN: Elyseon (main)

Contest 1: old but epic screenie http://i1129.photobucket.com/albums/m513/ThePhantomCow/5974edae.jpg

Contest 2: I think PL should expand the guild system.
Guild stash: all members can access to share things here, either officers (including master) only can withdraw items or a notification is sent to GM for approval for withdrawal.
More Ranks: Here’s a system I like:
Champion: a usually temporary position of honour
Hero: an important guild member, distinguished but not an officer
Standards: regular members, active
Noob/Recruit: a new member, still learning the game, and loyalty is unknown
Slave: position of punishment, maybe broke guild code of conduct, but booting is unwanted
Also it would fit this system well if your guild rank was displayed in your character page
Guild bonuses:
Maybe give a small xp, damage, and armour bonus for having guild members in the same map. It builds guild unity, and members get more acquainted
Guild Halls:
So big but so empty, there are many things that could be added here including the previously mentioned guild stash. Add accessories to be purchased for hall, cool light features, fire, a statue of the GM and Champion, a notice that would display guild stats(maybe including average level, total kills, average kills and kdr). Also it would be nice if you could have an option in the menu under social>guild to enter the guild hall, so u don’t have to stride across balefort every time.
Guild Attacks: Just thought of this, so no details. You rush someone’s guild hall and ransack it.
Only max level matters? Adding total pvp or pve kills, and average kdr would be nice. Of course you would need to list the number of members, so a kill farmer isn’t the only guild member and its stats look good

Great plan but lemme give my two cents. The "guild items" are put into the "guild stash" by one person and borrowed by other players but it still gives the security of the person knowing their item won't get stolen. Also guild castle ransacks should be like a gamble where two castles are next to each other and like 15 on 15 fights go on. The winning guild wins however much both guild gambles.

03-11-2012, 09:21 PM
nice look all black with some white and dayuuuummmmm ur boss in pvp :):)

Contest 1

03-12-2012, 03:58 AM
I couldnt find my post So im reposting, sorry if it turns out to be doubles, but ign is eother wthlite or wthmon, heres my pic!


Yup, that was mah picture. So my idea on how to create PL better is to create "'mini games", smaller type games people could play mostly for fun, not very good rewards for playing but veryuch fun to play, like mabye "whack-a-bear", and other things people could enjoy, making more things to do for people when they get bored of the game!

03-12-2012, 05:02 AM
For Contest 1, does there have to be pics? I don't know how to post pics but mine is a penguin with: Blacksmith's beret of dexterity (light blue beret), frosty leathers, killer's sai (light blue sai, you get it from slim in fathom crypts), and, force wing of the void. :)
And what is GCD?
Thank You

03-12-2012, 07:09 AM
I don't know how to post pics
And what is GCD
Thank You

Kk :) here are the answers to ur questions ..

1: to post a picture u need to have it on ur computer or it need to be on inet.. First akin quick reply.. Thenlook at the little items at the top of the quick reply place.. There are things to make in bold, underline... The 3rd last item starting by the right . Click on ir and "upload files from computer" :)

2 : GCD is global cool down .. There is a little time before u can clock on another skill.. Maybe like 0.5sec lol :) it is GCD :) cya I go to work!

03-12-2012, 02:47 PM
1. I have 2 pics attached

2. That the daily deals should not only be for platinum but also for gold. Secondly I also thought that there should be a place after humania (or before) called Angelica. You see there is a demonic this or vampire that but what about angelic something like as a final wrap up to pl in where there is an awesome story where your are called to assist ALTERRIA in once and for all wiping all evil out in a place were a higher battle rages in an all out epic angels vs demons war! Weapons and items examples: angelic bracer of the holy, or well yea you get the point. It would be even cooler if you could pick between good and evil so that it's part pvp

03-12-2012, 09:06 PM
if u win is it ok to get the money from u late?...i can only play weekends

Oh by the way - the contest ENDS ON MARCH 15 AT 1 P.M.!!

03-12-2012, 09:12 PM
if u win is it ok to get the money after like a week...i can only play weekends

Wait what?

03-12-2012, 11:08 PM
ill edit srry was in rush

03-13-2012, 12:23 AM
IGN: Luvaria, Aziskahar, Luvaris, Airavul
Contest 1: In progress. :) (going to computer)

Decisions decisions lol

Contest 2:
Like many others, I have more than one idea ^_^
;) "Itempedia", where u can find any existing item in PL, including plat items, because very rare items aren't always in the cs (like Sai and lvl2 wand). This would be beside cs in balefort, and include stats and a preview like when u find an item in the cs too.
;) "Private Parties" since we can only have private parties in guild hall (but what if ur friends aren't in the same guild?) and games (but sadly only five ppl at a time), so we should have the ability to create games (with optional enemies for fun) with either an unlimited amount of people, or something like 30.
;) "Guild Party Host" He/She should be able to mod the party and remove players [from guild hall] without kicking from guild. This serves as a warning before being removed from the guild. The guild leader would have to authorize him/her due to possible problems with "Guild hall takeovers"
;) "Party Favours" Participants in a party should have a place where they draw for a prize. Everyone would get a prize, but the prize would be worth more or less depending on ur luck. The items would be donated from members or the host (in above idea).
;) "Sharing is caring" Don't u hate it when ur farming in a party (no PUGs) and the same person keeps getting the pinks? Well with this option, the pinks will be spread out (taking turns), though in a random order each time so that one Person is not last in the line.
;) "More Guild Ranks" Since u need 250k (or plat but that's a different matter) to create a guild, ppl may contribute towards it together, creating co-founders. But in our current guilds we can only have one master, so this would cause dispute among them. This is why we should have a "Co-master" rank that is equal to the master (master cannot boot like officers cannot boot fellow officers.

To be continued...

03-13-2012, 12:29 AM
Contest 1:

--No Entry--

Contest 2: Guild Improvements


1. Guild Level-up Mechanic is the ability to level-up a guild to acquire specific Guild Skills.
2. Guild Skills are passive/active buffs and NPC's that will become available once the guild level requirement is met.
3. Guild Tax is a member's contribution of his/her XP per monster kill to the Guild XP.
4. Guild Bank is an NPC in the Guild Hall that functions similar to CS (will expound).


The idea is to foster guild spirit by creating a goal that can be best achieved by a collective

*Please note that the figures and skills that will be suggested are only examples and are there to support the skeleton of the idea

On Guild Level-up Mechanic...

Tier-3 guilds have the ability to level-up their guild up to 30. It is similar to a toon's level-up system, below are the XP required to level up:

Level 0: 10,000 Level 11: 200,000 Level 21: 600,000
Level 1: 15,000 Level 12: 220,000 Level 22: 700,000
Level 2: 20,000 Level 13: 230,000 Level 23: 800,000
Level 3: 30,000 Level 14: 240,000 Level 24: 900,000
Level 4: 40,000 Level 15: 260,000 Level 25: 1,000,000
Level 5: 50,000 Level 16: 280,000 Level 26: 1,200,000
Level 6: 60,000 Level 17: 300,000 Level 27: 1,400,000
Level 7: 70,000 Level 18: 330,000 Level 28: 1,600,000
Level 8: 80,000 Level 19: 350,000 Level 29: 1,800,000
Level 9: 90,000 Level 20: 400,000 Level 30: 2,000,000
Level 10: 100,000

On Guild Skills...

Every 5 guild levels, there will be corresponding guild skills that will be learned, below are the guild skills:

Level 5: Summon/Teleport members! Skill (Actie, must be in the same instance), PVE Only
If there are multiple members in a dungeon or towne in an instance, they can summon each other instantaneously next to each
other. This is to allow co guildies to catch up in an already running game, or, save him/her from tight spots. Cool down of 5 minutes.

Level 10: Overcharge NPC! Skill (NPC)
Once this skill is learned, a new NPC will appear beside the discounted potions NPC in the Guild Hall. By talking to this new NPC, you can liquidate
your loots on a slightly higher rate compared to if you liquidate from the menu screen.

Level 15: Dynamic Duo! Skill (Passive), PVE Only, Possibly CTF?
If two members are within 8m radius from one another in a dungeon, they will have the fastest run speed. Once the skill is passively activated, the
effect will be broken when the other member dies, leaves the game, or goes out of the 8m. Once broken, the skill will not be re-activated until a new
game is made. You will know which member is linked with another member via a light blinking line connecting the two.

**Scaled Guild Level Bonus: Level 17: Guild Bank NPC (Will expound)
A mysterious journeyman is looking for worthy guilds that have promoted significant camaraderie to reach this far. He will be found near the Guild Stash to aid the serious group of players in their journey to awesomeness (LOL!).

Level 20: Officer's Morale Booster! Skill (Active), PVE Only
Any guild member within 12m radius from the Officer will have +20 h/s and +20 m/s. Once activated, the skills lasts until the officer leaves the
dungeon or the dungeon is cleared. If the Officer dies, the skill will still be in effect. There is a 5 minute cool down before an Officer can use the skill again. The buff doesn't affect fellow Officers.

Level 25: Guild Master's War Cry! Skill (Active), PVE Only
Any guild member within 12m radius from the Guild Master in any dungeon (PVE), will automatically receive 10% increase in their INT,DEX, and
STR. (Will not activate if member is using any elixir, this skill stacks with existing buffs). Once activated, the skill lasts until the GM leaves the
dungeon or the dungeon is cleared. If the GM dies, the skill will still be in effect. Whenever the GM's HP goes down to below 50%, the increase in buff rises from 10% to 15%, will revert back to 10% when HP goes back up to more than 50%. There is a 5 minute cool down before a GM can use this skill again. The buff doesn't affect the GM.

Level 30: Perpetual Solidarity! Skill (Passive), PVE Only
If the guild has more than 50% of their members online, all members will receive a passive buff: +50 armor

On the Guild Tax...

Each member will have the option to contribute portion of their XP to the Guild's XP in order to level-up the guild. Each member can adjust the level of their contribution from 0% up to 100% of their XP. For example, if a player chooses to contribute 50% of his XP, then if he kills a monster that gives 1xp, 0.5 goes to his personal XP meter, and 0.5 goes to the guild's xp meter. Likewise, if a player chooses 0%, if he kills the same monster, he gets 1xp and nothing goes to the guild xp. A capped character automatically contributes 100% of the xp he is supposed to get to the guild xp.

The rate of contribution (0%-100%) will appear below the names of each guild member in the Guild List. The Guild XP meter (and numerical) will appear below the Guild Master's name.

On Guild Bank...

A guild bank is an NPC that functions similar to CS (Since this is my thread, I'll call this NPC, Bogart, the mysterious journeyman! LOL). So Bogart is the NPC guild bank. All members can list their items there. Unlike Artie, Bogart doesn't require guild members to purchase Guild Bank slots, it's ulimited, which means you can post all your trash pinks to Bogart. In addition, there will be no listing fees if you list it under Bogart, and the duration can be as short as 3 hours up to 1month. It's basically a bazaar. However, there is a little story behind it, Bogart is Artie's friend, they attended the same school of merchanting, Artie wanted to help the entire populace of Alterra while Bogart, being the more picky of the two, only specializes on guilds who have showed enough dedication. And so, the two merchant gurus constantly talk to each other to share their experiences, which also means Bogart knows the prices in CS at all times. Since Bogart is aware of the prices, he purposely lowered his conditions compared to Artie in exchange for one thing...that a guild member cannot dictate the price of his posts under him. Bogart will compute it and automatically adjust it based on the the current CS prices of that particular item. To be more specific, Bogart, being the guild bank, will always list the items 50% lower than the lowest in CS for the last 48hours. Apparently, underneath his shadowy persona lies a good Samaritan who wants to help those who wants to be helped based in their actions. The proceeds of the sale can be redeemed by the guild member who posted it later on after Bogart sold them to the young aspiring buck in the guild. (Anyway, I know this is not the best suggestion out there, but overall, my opinion is that there should be a guild bank where the mechanic works for itself, less player interaction, to avoid politics, guild drama, begging, and to promote in-game entrepreneurship as well ^_^)

03-13-2012, 12:48 AM
Contest 2:
To make pl Better. Try making special events pay one time for unlimited runs... Didnt like the xmas one. Pay 50 plat for the map or somethin

03-13-2012, 01:05 AM
Just thought another good reason for contest 2. I swear I did not take it off of someone. It went *PoP* into my head! Added it in with my first post of contest 2.

03-13-2012, 04:31 AM
Contest 1:
Bear is fishing in Winter...!!!7131

03-13-2012, 04:43 AM
IGN: xorejtz
1. http://i1259.photobucket.com/albums/ii546/geojtz/be949533.jpg
2. I think there should be new emotes, such as lmao and you fart and laugh at the same time! :D

03-13-2012, 05:51 AM
IGN: xorejtz
1. http://i1259.photobucket.com/albums/ii546/geojtz/be949533.jpg
2. I think there should be new emotes, such as lmao and you fart and laugh at the same time! :D
LoL! Luv that pic! <3

03-14-2012, 12:55 AM
Contest 2: Having a Stadium for pets... Pet arena. You can level n train your pet to help in pvp only.. Similar to pokemon.1 pet vs 1pet

03-14-2012, 12:44 PM
Okai so I couldnt post a pic of my toon and I really dont know what catagory to put him into, althought I would like the second one. Heres a description of my toon (PIXELSTORM)
1. FF helm
2. FF sheild
3. Any kind of a Holiday Slash
4. A centurions armour (vanity)
5. One of those really kewl buttons above ur head (something like Xperia play button) idk (vanity aswell)

If you wana see him in game add him but im pretty sure ur already friended.
Sry for no pic :(

(Cant be sure ill accept ur request but ill look for it (I have 60 pending atm))

03-14-2012, 01:03 PM
Contest 1 :). IGN Ovocotto

03-14-2012, 01:44 PM
Contest 1 :)

This pharaonic gear reminds someone's... lol..

03-14-2012, 02:19 PM
Contest 2: :):):):)
MISSION OF THE WEEK (title of the idea :) )
Every week there's a mission. The devs say what the prices are, things like platinum, vanities, gold, elixers and more. The idea's below, are just some extra things, their not really necesarry, just for the fun :). So: perhaps people can chose between 3 really different prices. If you completed your mission, you have to find the guy named 'Mr Price', he is in a random town (for everybody its another town, and every week
Its another town). They'll give some tips too, you can find them near the mission (every week :) )So, here are some examples of missions (with tips :) )
- Capture 100 flags. ( be str so your hard to kill, you can easy reach the flag like that)
- Get 1000 PvE kills without an elixer. (use a passworded game so people with elixers dont steal your kills)
- Get 250 arena kills. (play in a FFA game)
- Score 25 flag goals. (be str, so your hard to kill and you can score the points easy)
- Kill a mount fang boss with the obedience set (play with a team, you dont really have to make the kill but you have to do some damage).
- Get 10 pink drops, in any level. (in AO2 bosses give many pinks)
- complete 10 guests (take guests of forest haven or anyway a campaign where you can kill the bosses/normal enemies easy, you dont have to take a guest of campaign you get xp from)

I hope you like it ;)

03-14-2012, 05:02 PM
This pharaonic gear reminds someone's... lol..


03-14-2012, 11:58 PM
Contest over now?

03-15-2012, 12:47 AM
Its not 1 pm march 15 as of now

03-15-2012, 12:58 AM
Its not 1 pm march 15 as of now
Oh! Maybe it's just my time... My place says it is March 15, 5:00 pm.

03-15-2012, 05:02 AM
K so for constest two I think it would be awesome if they added a game mode to pvp where you gotta protect a certain player for a certain amount of time. Another thing that would be extremely cool is that players can watch their pets pvp each other or have a pet tourney and give their pets atributes and skills. I hope I win something outta this....

03-15-2012, 06:52 AM
Contest 1 :D

03-15-2012, 07:19 AM
Lol for me we have about 5 more hours

03-15-2012, 12:12 PM
WTF!!!!!!! My CPU crash!! Can I email you pic?? Pls!

03-15-2012, 12:20 PM
they added a game mode to pvp where you gotta protect a certain player for a certain amount of time.

That's nearly what i said...... -.- lol

03-15-2012, 12:52 PM
IGN: Daantjeh, Merchprodigy

Contest 1:
Santa ;)

Contest 2:
I think there should be a pvp mode like some bounty hunter
Many other mmorpg games have this for example runescape and wow (didnt play this games btw ;) )
So what it is:
Its just another mode like arena and ctf
BUT you lose your items when dead! And the one who killed get the items!
- and maybe something like a warning each time you join because some noobs maybe join by accident and lose all their stuff :(
- your not able to attack one player with more players at once!
- its not possible to spawn (so new maps? )
- not able to leave in a middle of a fight
- there need to be 10 seconds between each fight!
- you can leave when you died or killed your enemy.
- you get only the items you opponent is wearing
- you dont get rings and vanity!
So its possible to wear best equip u can but then you risk alot!
This is a way to get faster money if you are good in pvping!

Sorry that this is a little bit messy and my english is not very good :/
I hope you like this idea :)

03-15-2012, 01:01 PM


I will now judge and post the winners in a bit.

03-15-2012, 01:06 PM


I will now judge and post the winners in a bit.

Nice!!! Plz read all the entries :)

03-15-2012, 01:33 PM
That's nearly what i said...... -.- lol
Sry I dont read other post so if I copied you its not on purpose

03-15-2012, 02:20 PM
k sorry i found a pic so here it is although it is late :(73177317

03-15-2012, 02:36 PM
Ok guys judging is done and I'm making a new thread to post the winners

03-15-2012, 04:48 PM
Post here ty

03-15-2012, 04:51 PM
Oh boy ^.^
Good luck to all...or should i say Big Luck to all xD

03-16-2012, 09:34 AM
IGN: Zalamangkero
CLASS: Enchantress

Contest 2:


i want to change the login system
where there is channel [0] and channel [1]
where every player can drop their armors and weapon when they are killed by
monster or or other player.... -exciting!!!! no need to hunt...

channel [0] - u can [PK] or attack every player only on lvling maps only
like for example crypt,1st floor,2nd floor,3rd floor.
for short the HUNTERS CHANNEL!!!!
later there would be the PK KING!!! most kills in PK

channel [1] - u cant [PK] or attack players even on lvling maps..


i want to change where there is

-[7] players per PARTY.
-mobs will respawn at there spot in the maps so u dont need to
remake again and again which sometimes killin time.


i want to have a guild war where all players on the guild can participate
together work as a team together which there is a room which everyweek
played in an hour at the last second who ever the guild captured the flag
til the last second win. offcourse not easy all the other guild attacking
on you and getting the flag while your teammates protcting you ^_^..

off course there is a price u will get the tax every people on PL will pay
tax for ur guild automatic tax will deduct to every player spawning every map
of the PL. which all gold will be only on one GUILD HALL the winners guild!!!!

06-19-2012, 03:21 PM
I just wanna say:THANK YOU because i been so annoyed with using my 3x combo elixer that that elixer vendor gives, and that when i go to help my friends, i forget its still on me and i end up using it then later going :NOOOOOOO MY ELIXER!!!