View Full Version : Space Expansion

03-09-2012, 12:13 PM
First, I have to start off saying that this idea is probably too big for implementation and its just a direction that I wish to see this game go towards...

The idea is to have a secondary play that allows us to control spacecraft instead of characters..
We could take on bounties or mining contracts from NPCs and guilds alike...
Space play would revolve around guilds and will give them its meaning yet allow room for freelance and mercenary solo play aswell.
I imagine a guild owning a base-ship that officers have the ability to "program" what missions to give and where the ships will go...
It will house fighters/shuttles/scouts etc that are owned by players.

For example, guild requested mining based mission from its members. Setts the parameters of what materials or quality of is wanted.
A player then will undock as a scout for example in search of asteroids.(The game play should be map based with some things like asteroids change as the time passes)
When a good worthwhile asteroid is successfully found (avoiding or fighting players or NPCs while doing so)
the scout must return to the base ship to upload the location. The base ship will then *slowly* move towards given coordinates as programmed by guilds officers.
An action that could take hours.

While the base is moving, it is much more easier to scan down by other players. Guilds can wage wars on one another by attacking base ships of their enemies.
Ship to ship battle will weaken the base. But the goal would be to have a team board the ship to accomplish tasks such as downloading location data of scanned asteroids, alien ruins, planet and space bases... etc... Or maybe a go at their research data. If thats not enough, a raid at their cargo bay should satisfy space pirates :) Systems sabotage will hinder the base inactive for a good amount of time...

Mined resources, archaeological digs, NPC wrecks and loot, all such things can be used for ship or character research. Things to upgrade player or personal craft. The items would be taxed by the guild and will be used to upgrade base ship...

The idea allows for guild exclusive missions and privateer alike. Tell me you dont like the idea of being able to board an enemy craft for an objective or simply to rob them of resources? Maybe bring justice to a famed outlaw with a fat bounty on his/her head? Uncover alien artifacts at a newly uncovered ruins for research or simply sell for profit?


(again, its huge and likely unrealistic... but hey... it would make the game much much more that what it is!)

03-09-2012, 12:29 PM
What got me thinking this is when I first came across a shuttle floating next to the teleport platforms (one of which was a shipyard)
Then massively dissapointed as it did not do what I was hoping it did :D

One problem with the game in my opinion is it feels small and constricted... Adding this will give it volume and room. Most importantly a good expanding direction for programmers.
(to add a last idea... -space bars as respawn ftw!)

Any thoughts??

03-09-2012, 01:13 PM
Forgot to mention one more thing... Base Ship upgrades... Basically, the guild master will be able to upgrade the ship frame to start.
-A hull that will have modular "slots" that can be outfitted with rooms such as crew quarters, bridge, armory, storage, hangars, engines, sensors, life support, med bay etc...
Better hull frame allows more or better slots for rooms and equipment such as engines and weapons...
Here some "room" modules that I think can be used and what they could possibly do as examples:
Crew quarters could offer expanded ship defense when boarded. Offering better level NPC crew to defend with.
Armory could allow better crew weapons and equipment and maybe better security turrets...
Bridge could give ship combat bonuses both in space and within the ship...
Life support will give the crew penalty if taken out...
Sensors could give a bonus when active, and penalty when taken out.. Ofcourse giving boost to scan range of the ship..
Med bay will keep your crew alive and will heal some percent of downed soldiers as new ones do cost the guild credits..
Players can ofcourse defend vs players, but not a requirement and more of a bonus... Each room has different look depending on the module in use.
So high level "Crew Quarters" module will likely look more advanced and luxurious than a basic one that comes stock...

All this again overly complicated.. Im just having fun with ideas here...

03-09-2012, 01:52 PM
Cool idea but this would take a HUGE amount of time to put into the game

Iron Hand
03-09-2012, 02:16 PM
I love the ideas and imagination here.. the only problem is implentation to a mobile platform... I am afraid would take to much processing power and memory to play on mobile device at this time.. however i do see games like this coming to mobile as the hardware advances in android and tablet devices continue.. example is the android phone i am using now has a dual core processor and 768 mb memory... Wont be long before phones and tablets are able to run these big platform games.. after reading arctile about dl in massive i am excited about the future of mobile gaming in the years to come as hardware continues to advanec by leaps and bounds with new ideas implemented along the way such as holo-keyboards and projection screens :)

03-09-2012, 02:53 PM
I was reading an interview with devs and they stated that the game engine supports such expansions like space crafts/missions/combat, but they neither agreed on making them nor refused..

So i think we might see smth like this in a year or later

03-09-2012, 03:57 PM
The Original Blackstar trailer featured controlling space crafts and flying around space blasting asteroids I believe.
Ofcouse this was a concept trailer and the game was then ment to be developed for pc and high powered platforms.

03-09-2012, 07:01 PM
would be cool to have something like Galaxy on Fire, but multiplayer with endless missions and gain some extra credits!.

04-13-2012, 08:10 PM
I love the idea! Perhpas if there is a big update that takes maybe 5 hours this miracle is happening :)