View Full Version : Want to be improved.

03-10-2012, 12:56 AM
This is the result of putting the various ideas in my guild -Naver Cafe Team

1. More vanity items able to get in field map and tradable.

2. 'Group function' in friends list.

3. Ask again with 'pop up' when we click 'Kick from guild' and 'Leave guild'

4. Change the location of guild hall. - now, too far.
and want to move potion vendor nearby elixer vendor in guild hall.

5. Add stash of guild in guild hall.

6. Add funtion 'box of gift - able to give some presents to friends shch as Items, golds, potions.

7. Add some 'special hard maps' which is able to join 10 players at a time.

8. Add new skills at next update.

9. Provide more detail informations the room when someone invite me. (the number of players, remainiing monsters, and host name in the room)

10. The price of expansion auction slot is too expensive.

11. Add 'funtion of alarm' when my item sold out in auction.

12. Provide more quickchat - now 4 quick chat, need more quickchat 8~10.

13. Add to option when host try to remake the room.
The option is 'remake the same condition room button' and members who joined together during the last 1minutes, have priority to join the room in 3~5 seconds when host remake the room.

03-10-2012, 10:20 AM
Yay! I agree with almost all of these!

03-10-2012, 10:46 AM
Yay! I agree with almost all of these!

looks like u have a PL twin! Apple chars..

Most of them are excellent ideas