View Full Version : Friends List Idea

03-10-2012, 12:58 PM
I was just thinking about an adjustment to the friends list...

I was thinking there should be two friends lists.
1st list: Your close friends
2nd list: everyone else

Now... if you're saying "why would you have so many friends " etc. etc. Here is the reason: I have an aoa applicant and I am happy to accept friend requests from anybody! The problem is that when I want to talk to my close friends, it can become very challenging finding their name on that huge list. This could also apply to the devs. They could have their dev friend list/closer in game player friends and the other list could be their other friends. For people such as Sam (who I believe accepts every request) this might make it easier for them.

As for who would make your close friend list; that would be you! I imagine there would be a button that would ask you if you wanted to move that friend to your "close friend list" That way people wouldn't ask if they to be on your close friend list. When a person would friend request you,(and if you accept) that friend would be moved to general friend list. From there, only you could move it to the close friend list.

I'm aware this might add even more confusion but it might be helpful for some of us.

What do you think? It's just an idea that passed my mind :)