View Full Version : Ranked Honor PvP feeding

09-02-2020, 12:44 PM
There are people who intentionally feed when they start to lose or just because they don't like you. I legit just had a game where our warrior (IIIsnikeIII) started feeding and told the enemy team to just farm our mage because he didn't like him. There should be a system to votekick these people so they don't grief games, it's annoying. Especially when you are high on LB, every point matters. I can't keep losing pts to people like this.

And it's not just him. I just finished another match with Docrivo and he straight up decided not to try anymore. It's not fair at all.

Quizno Sub
09-02-2020, 01:26 PM
or they leave right before they die and it messes up the game

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09-02-2020, 03:14 PM
I Genuinely Think Illlsnikellll and Docrivo are both cheating together. Basically trading wins so they both stay at the same rank which they never deserve and probably gain 1 or 2 point after every trade. Every Match we play one of them has to sit with a dumb excuse to throw the win for the other team. Both of them must get banned Asap.

09-03-2020, 12:05 PM
I've had some matches where the team either goes AFK or straight up throws a game on purpose. It's highly annoying.

09-03-2020, 07:41 PM
This type of behavior happens in probably any PvP game. Maybe they could hide igns or something.

09-03-2020, 08:06 PM
Doesn't happen in World of Warcraft cuz you have to queue with a party. If you gonna troll then people will kick you after 1 game. Doesn't happen in Smite because if you troll in ranked you're gonna get mass reported and banned.

Let people play ranked as a group, problem solved. I don't play a ton of different games but all the ones I do play let you queue ranked in a group.