View Full Version : lv 31 dex mage build

03-10-2012, 06:20 PM
plz read the whole thing u should b able to learn a lot about 31 dex mages

My lvl 31 dex mage twink was iltwink. He was very good and had a 5-1 kd(i only fought my lvl bcuz 35 is op I DID NOT KILL 26s UNLESS THEY SAID GO). I have quit the game and will not give money or items away.
-94 dex
-rest int
-dreamer onyx helm lvl 25 or any other 25 int helm pink
-shivering talon
-shivering armor
-shivering wing
-golden band of technique lvl 20
-6 bov
-6 bom
-3 drain
-4 fire
-6 light
-3 heal
-1 shield
-1 frost
-ik ppl will wonder y 6 light. the reason is it has a faster regen time than fire or ice and more damage. that gives u an advantage in mana shield and it also has a little debuff if u read its description in game
-no max drain because if it misses and u have max drain high chance of loss
-3 drain does pretty decent damage buffed and if it misses ur other skills can back u up
-this is NOT a nuke build...only SOMETIMES will the nuke kill...this build is a build that will let u stay alive long against other 30-31 mages and any lvl bird and bear
-the basic nuke (WILL NOT ONE HIT KO ALWAYS)
-drain, light, ice, fire
-repeat till ur health is around half then shield
-fighting in shield mode
-a lot of ppl fail in this
-do NOT spam fire and ice that much
-SPAM light and heal (do not worry about regen because it should b around 11)
-use drain when u can
all these techniques should work against any class
-do not fight voodoo mages and 37 and up birds if u want a decent kdr
-kite bears (ofc) and then follow the "how to fight" part of this guide
-dex mage vs int mage lvl 30-31 u should b able to win this if u follow the "how to fight" part
-can b used for kiting just not great at it
-use fire first against birds and bears
-shield will go up earlier than usual when fighting birds
-dont let bears get close or ur X_X
-had a 5-1 kdr (no noob farming)

no hate replies plz plz PLZZZZZ:):):):):):):):):)...

03-10-2012, 10:01 PM
Eh if your going to use this build... No need for high fire. Idk... I guess it worked I have yet to fight a 6 light dex build.

03-10-2012, 10:05 PM
u need because combo more damage and ppl got pretty high armor

03-10-2012, 10:15 PM
u need because combo more damage and ppl got pretty high armor

Personally I'd go:
1 Ice
1 fire
5 Drain

Idk that's just me higher heal for and drain for more survivability as a 30 ;D

03-10-2012, 11:50 PM
so no shield??? u need against 30 int mages...try the build it should help a lot

03-11-2012, 08:33 PM
Not really... The only way Id believe your 5-1 kdr is because you pick on 26s. I rather go with 6 in both buffs drain fire. 2 heal and 1 in light shield ice. Since now your a voodoo then fight my mage and we'll see.

03-11-2012, 08:39 PM
xD i dont pick on 26s... im not a noob killer, and 1 light makes u fail when u r in mana shield xD fire and ice take up a lot of mana and has slow regenration

03-11-2012, 08:49 PM
Light=8m range Fire=12m range. I fire then kite your lightning.Mana is not a problem when you never touch me with light.

03-11-2012, 09:09 PM
i still have frost bite -.- ... (ik youll heal but then u get slowed down) if u kite ill just stand in one place and wait and then freeze u... and destroy u

03-11-2012, 09:19 PM
i still have frost bite -.- ... (ik youll heal but then u get slowed down) if u kite ill just stand in one place and wait and then freeze u... and destroy u

Well fight me then... I'll kite you so bad youll be... Idk let me think of something... Idk nothing coming.

03-11-2012, 09:26 PM
xD i quit sorta and no 31 atm sigh ppl hatin on this build... did u even try it