View Full Version : Group Revive, Possible for Every Class!

03-13-2012, 12:44 PM
Hey guys, Thegreenduck here,

I just had a lil conversation on chatbox with Cowboyjim.
He asked for our opinion about the upcomming "Revenge" method.
For 5 Platinum you could Revive yourself and youll be invulnerable for 15 seconds.
Then Cowboyjim told me that a group of 3 bears and 2 birds that got wiped by Emma.
Probs they were unprepared, I dono, but i suggest a new method to revive the whole group at once.
Maby it could be a new tab next to "Revenge" in the popup when you die,
Could be something called "Lifebringer" or whatever.
Ofc it should cost platinum cause just like "Revenge" its to OP (Overpowered) to use for free
And it also would be a nice idea to choose how many players you want to revive, for instance Reviving
1 Player cost 1 platinum, 2 Players cost 2 platinum and 3 or more players 3 platinum (still to op for 3 plat, my opinion)
That way groups without mages have the oppertunity to make certain fights without a nerdrage,
And also comes in very handy when it comes to walking miles to get back to the group,
That way there will be no exp loss (cause groups normally dont wait and go on) and again NOOO more marathon walks!

My opinion, possible in some ways to OP, but still in more ways very usefull

If there are any questions ill answer then gladly,
Thx for reading and have a nice day!

Thegreenduck, lvl 1 twink (aka Shajan)

05-24-2012, 08:58 PM
Good Idea, also remember me in PL?

05-27-2012, 04:30 AM
I don't think this would get implemented unfortunately. I don't think STS wants to give people a way to spend plat on others as that causes a whole world of headaches because it'll turn into a bunch of pointed fingers and 'he said/she said.'.

In theory, it's a great idea, I really like it, but from a liability standpoint, it's not worth it on STS's end :/

05-27-2012, 04:58 PM
I don't like the idea because it then takes away how valuable a mage is to the team. If that happens Mages can only use buffs to help.

05-27-2012, 11:24 PM
I dont think this would be an addition to the game mainly because bears and archers dont use magic. So if the revive was added to bear and archer there should be a wait before the fallen ally cant get back up