View Full Version : Lightning strike into Chain lightning

09-11-2020, 08:08 AM
What do you think? :D

09-11-2020, 08:55 PM
I feel like it’s basically a (Unreliable) proc that cost one point.
Realistically it doesn’t proc often but when it does it turns the mages best single target skill into a significant burst.
If you’re hard up trying to decide what to boost, maybe skip it.
If you have a point to spend and are contemplating 1 or 2 points into speed, skip that and take chain lightning.
Just my humble

09-12-2020, 02:32 PM
I feel like it’s basically a (Unreliable) proc that cost one point.
Realistically it doesn’t proc often but when it does it turns the mages best single target skill into a significant burst.
If you’re hard up trying to decide what to boost, maybe skip it.
If you have a point to spend and are contemplating 1 or 2 points into speed, skip that and take chain lightning.
Just my humble

Ye but i mean a skill revamp. Not a proc but a literally a new skill. Lightning which always do a chain that will hit up to 4-6 mobs maybe? With a chance of exploding a target who hits by this skill and damage nearby enemies.

09-14-2020, 03:38 AM
Opening the skill upgrade you have THE CHANCE to do this.
Chance mean not always.

09-16-2020, 02:48 PM
this would be one nice aoe revamp to give mages that buff we all cry out for
chain of lighting
striking 5+ enemies at once with the intensity as the original