View Full Version : some one today

03-15-2012, 07:40 PM
recently i have been lvling up my newby alts and some times i mightcome across some 60-66 ill thank them for help after the runs and stuff. but some times i run into some 65 mage bird or bear who knows 'everything'. like just today i ran into a 65 mage named "blackjo____" (not gonna finish name) in a plasma pyrimid run they continue on leavuing me and a 49 bear to face the mini boss. as hes almost dead the 65 comes back and goes on this little rant about how bears and birds suck they arnt good for anything. normally i would just ignore it but then after that we get into the boss room i do as every bear should taunt then poin the ppl to the wall like a 'good' bear and i say see we are good for somthing then he boots me with a few obsenitys i have noticed senerios like this happen to me alot these days. people at high lvls have no respect anymore..... there is no respect anymore..
I miss the good old days..
2X elix was 1.5k..
You had to buy the maps...
The difference between a good and bad player wasnt plat it was skill...

03-15-2012, 07:41 PM
recently i have been lvling up my newby alts and some times i mightcome across some 60-66 ill thank them for help after the runs and stuff. but some times i run into some 65 mage bird or bear who knows 'everything'. like just today i ran into a 65 mage named "blackjo____" (not gonna finish name) in a plasma pyrimid run they continue on leavuing me and a 49 bear to face the mini boss. as hes almost dead the 65 comes back and goes on this little rant about how bears and birds suck they arnt good for anything. normally i would just ignore it but then after that we get into the boss room i do as every bear should taunt then poin the ppl to the wall like a 'good' bear and i say see we are good for somthing then he boots me with a few obsenitys i have noticed senerios like this happen to me alot these days. people at high lvls have no respect anymore..... there is no respect anymore..
I miss the good old days..
2X elix was 1.5k..
You had to buy the maps...
The difference between a good and bad player wasnt plat it was skill...

I remember being stuck at level 13 and then buying the expansions...good old days...

03-15-2012, 07:45 PM
Times change, people come and go. Maps can become free after you all ready bought all of them (sadly me) and yada yada. What can ya do?

03-15-2012, 07:46 PM
Yea were all the faces were 5-30plat or 20 I forgot and I bought bakefort then soon after its free

03-15-2012, 08:01 PM
I liked it most when we can go anywhere we wanted. No lvl limits provided that we bought the maps.

03-15-2012, 08:09 PM
I think I know who you mean, been booted by him several times while leveling various characters. IDK why he farms in such random areas...
I think he purposefully does it to be a jerk.

And yeh, I told some noobs that was criticizing my omnipotent crown, I said he could just be happy he doesnt need to buy the maps anymore. And he said I was lying and that the maps are always free. I just laughed and left him in his ignorance.

03-15-2012, 08:15 PM
And yeh, I told some noobs that was criticizing my omnipotent crown, I said he could just be happy he doesnt need to buy the maps anymore. And he said I was lying and that the maps are always free. I just laughed and left him in his ignorance.

03-15-2012, 08:49 PM
Why are you joining this guy's games? I can understand joining once, maybe, but more than once?

And while you're at it, why not join a PUBLIC plasma pyramid game, so no one can boot you? Better yet, join one with people at your level, so the mobs are at your level.

03-15-2012, 11:36 PM
This is really something that has been happening in everything...not only in PL...not even only in games (the respect, meanness and all)...I guess the best things to do is suck it up and deal with it...there are many remedies to this in PL and one of them is to mute them or even go as far as report them, although some resorted to more drastic means such as walking away from the game...the thing is, this is reality, people can be mean as much as they can be nice. Stop saying the good old days housed nicer people, that's not entirely true, the reason people were nicer before is because everyone was on the same page...you don't have newbies, veterans...everyone was...in one page...now, these old players from the "old days" are veterans and newcomers arrive...that's when social diversity came into play...it's inevitable. That naturally created the upper class and the lower class. That mean level 65 you ran with didn't know you had a high level alt, if he knew you had...I don't think he would have booted you right away unless you called him a nub or something, or unless he's just that mean...LOL. But based on my experience, high level folks do have this superiority complex which is the root of their meanness, I've only met a few "genuinely" mean people that no matter what you do, would really try to piss you off. Try to do an experiment as I have, I'm a proud helper of a few players in the game, when they were all starting out, they were as nice as babies...now that are all grown up and all...unfortunately, some of them showed their true colors...Good luck!

03-16-2012, 06:14 AM
when im running with my friends and lbvling i personaly always let them stay unless they ex go off and clear a room there self, talk smack, or a friend or guildie wants t
o join

03-16-2012, 06:33 AM
I remember being stuck at lvl 16 trying to get balefort. Good old days...