View Full Version : Load times - what a joke!!!

Magic Matt
03-16-2012, 09:58 AM
I could accept the first time it would take a while to load the game... 15 minutes was a bit much, but I persisted with it. I've not encountered such a long load time for a game since I had to load games off of a cassette tape back int he heady days of 8 bit home computing.

To find I have to wait that long every time I want to play the game though?!?

I take this as a genuine attempt to push away Chrome users as presumably you don't want to support it. There can't be any other reason for such a horrific load time. I know it's not my connection, as I can download around 1.75Gb in 15 minutes.

Martin Tander
03-16-2012, 10:16 AM
i guess u mean first patching not everytime u launch the app loading??

03-16-2012, 10:23 AM
Hey Magic Matt,

It would be really helpful if you could elaborate on what you are seeing. As Martin asks above, is this on first load or every time you play? For me, at home or in the office, the Chrome client for PL loads in under a minute (if not in seconds) and I'm on to log-in and playing. I'm guessing there's something with your set up that's causing a problem.

Any further info would be very helpful, thanks!

03-16-2012, 04:46 PM
Rule 10: If game loads more than 10mins it means ur connection is bad,Computer slow and stops load, Patch, Maybe u should download PL from google chrome apps store

Magic Matt
03-17-2012, 07:36 AM
What I see is the loading screen grinding away... 1%.... 2%.... 3%.... every time I play. It's painfully slow.

I started loading at 12:08pm local time, before coming on here to read posts while it loads. It's now 12:15pm local time and just hit 82%.
12:18pm - loaded!

Yes, this is every time I load.

Once I get as far as having the login, authentication is almost instant. I don't get a chance to see what the bits are it loads along the bottom - they're too quick, and take about 5 seconds total.
Getting the daily deal seems to hang for a minute or two. Today it looks like it's stuck, but I'll give it a few minutes and see if it solves itself.
12:22pm - Hmmm, seems it's not going to. Still on "Getting today's deal..." - it doesn't normally get stuck there. Music is getting pretty monotonous now.
12:25pm - Game gave up, I'm back at the authentication screen...
Today's deal was there in about 3 seconds I could blink this time (which is what normally happens).
In the game now... running fine.

Rule 10: If game loads more than 10mins it means ur connection is bad,Computer slow and stops load


Re-read my original post, my connection is fine. Even on the reduced weekend speed, it's still more than adequate.
Results of speed test:
Download Speed: 10731 kbps (1341.4 KB/sec ) Upload Speed: 1015 kbps (126.9 KB/sec )

I also tried downloading openoffice.org just to make sure - it downloaded in 1minute 52seconds, and the file size is 144Mb

Computer slow? It's a Core2Due 2.4GHz with 4Gb RAM. When the game (eventually) loads it runs fine. I can run quite a few 3D games on here no problem - Grand Theft Auto San Andreas tends to be the main one, that runs pretty nicely at moderate resolution (1280x768). I edit HD video on it (usually two streams, sometimes with a Title overlay) in Sony Vegas quite happily, with several audio tracks running (24 bit, 48kHz). Ok, it's not the fastest of machines, but it's in no way slow.

Patch, Maybe u should download PL from google chrome apps store

Patch? I'm running it in Chrome, so I assume that is all taken care of automatically?

Game says it's v. (82923.61760.83041) - presumably that's what it should be?

PL is what?

This is Chrome 17.0.963.79 m and I don't have much by way of extras installed.
- Facebook Disconnect
- Resolution Test
- Web Of Trust (WOT)

See now it's loaded I don't feel like playing it, because the fun has gone out of it having had to wait so long and put all this info here. It's now 12:38pm ... half an hour after I originally decided to play.

Magic Matt
03-17-2012, 03:39 PM
Posted a detailed reply to this around 8 hours ago... for whatever reason, it has to be approved by a moderator, and as yet has not appeared.

03-17-2012, 04:03 PM
The link in your post put your reply into moderation, since your forum account had only previously mad a few posts. We do this to stop spammers on the forums.

Have you tried playing PL on a different computer on a different connection? We have thousands of people play on the Chrome client and we are not seeing a large number of similar complaints, which leads me to think the problem is a configuration one with your PC or connection.

Have you written our support team at support@spacetimestudios.com? They may have some specific suggestions for you when they are in the office on Monday.

Martin Tander
03-17-2012, 04:04 PM

03-18-2012, 10:51 AM